The Raven & The Wolf

Chapter Chapter Thirty-Three

Chapter Thirty-Three

Stanya has me sit on the edge of the water, so she can clean from above my waist without ruining Drew’s skillfully placed stitches. She’s telling me what happened while she cleans. Apparently Gedric had found me after I escaped from the inn, and pulled me into a hiding place for safety. After I had heard Stanya screaming for help, I used my magic to teleport Ari and his men away from Shira, then fainted in Gedric’s arms.

Gedric carried me to the barn Macy was kept in, and ran to find Stanya for help after hiding me. Out of desperation, Stanya allowed Gedric to try to drain me while separating my magic and blood. That’s when I woke up. After Stanya and I had talked, I fainted again. She filtered my blood back into my body while Gedric continued to spin my magic; since they lacked the proper equipment to hold the magic. Once my blood was back inside me, Stanya took over conforming my magic into an object, while Gedric stitched me up.

I rode the entire way to Frostula in Gedric’s arms, while Halthin tried to control Macy. Macy was acting out of her mind and wouldn’t stray far from me, and kept trying to get me onto her back. I’d wake in and out of consciousness and talk to Gedric. It would always be a silly conversation, and I was pretty loopy.

When they got me here to Frostula, I was nearing another overload. Andrew spent hours with my unconscious body, going over every detail he could. That’s when he figured out I had never been truly fully drained since I hit my most powerful sheik title. That is why I had been prone to overloads when I was freshly drained. I still had corrupted magic inside me.

After Drew had corrected my overload, with her and Gedric helping, he checked over my shoulder. It was hours until anyone had seen me again, besides Gedric; who had helped Drew repair my shoulder. They also checked my knee, and it had healed correctly and fully.

After that, Gedric watched over me while she and Halthin talked to the Elders. They all agreed to make sure I recovered in a location that was more equipped to handle my changing overload. In the meantime, they will have a meeting prepared after I have regained consciousness; which I guess is technically now.

Gedric had me moved to his family’s house, so his father would be close by incase my overload started to come back; and if my shoulder wasn’t healing correctly after being surgically repaired. They’re both interested to see how I’ll handle being so physically restricted. In other words, they are not expecting me to behave like a good patient should. Gedric is getting to know me too well.

“So, essentially, I had a conversation you won’t tell me about, and I spent a good chunk of the time being blissfully unaware of what my body was going through?” I ask her after she finished. We’re both dangling our legs in the cool water while she tries to tame my wild hair.

She chuckles, “Basically.”

“So pretty much normal for me, minus the memory gap.” I say, while Stanya finishes brushing my hair out.

She gently works at a knot for a minute before speaking. “I’d ask how long has it been since you brushed your hair, but I think I know that answer.”

“You’re so so funny,” I tell her with bitter sarcasm in my tone.

Her response is cut off by a knock on the door. “Come,” she says without thinking; paying more attention to the stubborn knot.

“Oh, sorry,” I hear Gedric say. I look over my shoulder to see what he’s so weird about this time. He puts his hand out and tries to look at me. “I-I’ll wait for you downstairs.”

I blush deeply when I realize that I’m still pretty much naked. “Well that was awkward.” I say with a blush while Stanya bites her lip.

She’s failing to contain her laugh. “Yeah, but still funny.”

I playfully shove her, “Jerk.”

“Then don’t scare me like that,” she tells me while still working on my hair.

“You’re lucky that I love you,” I tell her as I roll my eyes.

“Same here,” she tells me before crying out, “Aha! Finally! That one almost had to get cut out.” She gets up and brings me a towel. “Dry off your legs. I’ll do your hair.”

“Can you pull it up please?” I ask while I turn slightly to get out of the water.

“I can do that.” She tells me before coming back with my change of clothes. She helps me up and helps me get dressed. After sitting in a chair she braids my hair in twists before pulling it up into more braids that lead into a ponytail.

After I’m dressed I slip on a pair of sandals. “So Gedric is going to want to practice earth magic tonight, if you want to join.” I offer. “Maybe Halthin can come along, and I can help him with his basics too.”

Stanya looks me over while she holds the door open for me. “I think I’ll take Halthin to lunch first. I will take you up on your offer for tonight.”

I step along side her, “Spending some quality time with Halthin is a good idea. It’ll definitely help.”

“Quality time is good to get to know someone,” she agrees while we descend the stairs. “Maybe it’ll get his head out of his ass.”

Gedric looks over when he hears us laughing. He’s leaning over the desk, talking to the attendant. Apparently, they’re having an interesting conversation since she’s giggling. A smile grows on his face while he straightens, making the girl give him a curious expression.

“You look better,” I tell him, giving him a smile. He’s wearing a ‘v’ cut white shirt and brown khakis. His hair is neatly brushed and he’s clean shaven. “You look more rested too.”

He smirks, “And you look conscious.”

“Oh ha ha,” I say while I take my final step.

“And you look like you’re ready to get your butt kicked for that comment.” Stanya tells him. “Nat wants to resume your training tonight, and she’s invited Halthin and myself along.”

Gedric looks me over, “Stanya is going to try using earth magic?”

I laugh; I’ve told him stories of why Stanya hates it. “It should be pretty entertaining to say the least, but she has a point. She needs to learn at least elemental sorting, if she is to help you in the future.”

He thinks about it. “With your overloads, it’d be welcomed.”

“It’s more than welcomed. It’s mandatory.” She nudges me towards Gedric. “Have fun you two.”

“Is that before, or after, you nearly make me flash the poor man,” I ask her with a sarcastic edge.

“I guess it’s after.” She says, trotting off, and hooking Halthin’s arm as he walks up the stairs.

I fold my arms and shake my head after her. “That woman is going to be the death of me.” I give him a small smile. “Sorry about earlier. Stanya tends to not think when she’s focusing hard on something.”

He waves me off, “It’s nothing. I believe you’re more embarrassed about it than me.”

I scoff, “Are you implying I have something to be embarrassed about?”

“No-no,” he stutters. “I-just-I meant-I-“

I laugh and close his jaw for him, “Easy there big fella. It was a joke.”

He reddens immediately and starts walking away. “Come on Nat.”

“You and Stanya are so sensitive these days,” I mutter under my breath. My coming back from the brink of death really seems to have kicked their humor down a few notches for sure. Then again, I’m expecting to die, I’m not the one who has to lose someone.

He doesn’t seem to hear my comment. He leads me to the lady behind the desk. “Silva, this is Natasha. She’s the one staying inside the house. Nat, this is Silva, my sister.”

She looks me over with a critical eye. “This is the Elder that is too strong to be healed through magic?”

“Unfortunately, guilty.” I flash her a smile and motion to my useless arm. “This thing makes me look so intimidating, doesn’t it?”

She pulls her lips in, as if avoiding to smile. “The black does suit you. How are you finding my brother’s room?”

I hear a hardness in her tone. What am I missing? “Small compared to what I just saw, but comfortable overall.” I say, keeping my tone light. “I was surprised to find myself there, but I hear your brother was the one that insisted.”

She raises her eyebrow, “Is that true Gedric?”

Gedric squirms under her intense glare. “Well, she basically died and was unconscious, and dad’s right there.”

Silva starts laughing. “You’ll have to forgive me, Elder Natasha. My brother shares his room with no one.”

I smile, “He’s protective when I’m hurt, which is often these days. And I’ll only forgive you, if you call me Natasha, or Nat. I’m too young to be thought of as old.”

She looks me over, “I was going to ask, how old are you?”

“Twenty,” I say, feeling slightly awkward. When my age is brought up, everything else manages to find a way too.

Her face pales as she looks me over, “You’re so young. How are you like this?”

I start laughing while Gedric glares are her. “Just lucky I guess.”

“Now are you done being nosey, or do you still want to butt into her personal life?” Gedric asks, still glowering at his sister.

She snaps him a salute. “She’s all yours sir. See you at dinner sir.”

“Dinner?” He asks, giving me his arm.

After I take it she smiles, “It’s Friaha. You know, where once a month we gather with family and give thanks for the bounty that the Fates have provided.”

He groans. “I forgot that was a thing here.”

“It’s celebrated in our culture, not just here. You’ve been gone for a long time, and mother would be furious if you missed it.”

“You should go,” I tell him, looking at the growing displeasure in Silva’s face. “I know it’s important for family to be together on this day. Especially when one has been away for so long.”

He gives me a hard look, but I beat him to the punch. “I know you won’t leave me alone, but I can hang with Stanya. We can work on Halthin’s basics. The sooner he has that down, the quicker he can return to using his magic.”

“Great, we’ll see you then.” She blows Gedric a kiss before turning around to leave us alone in the room.

“Nat,” Gedric warns, “you don’t know what you just did.”

“What did I do?” I ask, following him out.

“You essentially just gave my mother a reason to further investigate you.”

That confuses me. “Investigate me for what? I just said you should spend time with your family.”

“I haven’t spent a single Friaha dinner with my family since my grandfather had fallen ill. In other words, it’s been years. She’s going to look into the woman behind my decision to show up.”

A deep blush settles in my neck while my stomach does another odd little flip. “Well, if you didn’t want to go, why didn’t you say something?”

“I didn’t think about it,” he chuckles.

I give a hard sigh. “Well, either way, it’ll be good for you to spend time with your family.”

He chuckles. “Wait until you meet my mother. You’ll change your mind.”

That catches my attention. “What makes you say that?”

“You’ll see.”

I roll my eyes. “Fine. I doubt your mother can pack more of a punch than Ari.” I say, motioning to my injured arm.

That earns me a dark look. “Not funny Nat.”

“What is with you?” I demand, annoyed by how easy it is to frustrate him these days.

“That nearly cost you your life.” Gedric tells me. “It’s not some cute little war injury. Or something for you to experience. This is a constant reminder that you’re closer to your deathbed than when we first met.”

“And?” I ask him. “Ari is the one that did this to me, yes. However, I put fear into that man for the first time in my life. I’m ready to die if my life costs his.”

“But I’m not!” He yells, making me stop dead in my tracks. “You don’t get it, do you? Stanya, Halthin, and I all love you too much to let you go right now. We never thought this could cost you your life Nat. You’re Natasha. The youngest, and strongest, Elder in our entire history. You leaving us is not an option any of us are ready to accept.”

“Gedric, that’s not my call,” I answer gently, looking up at him.

“When are you going to start actually living your life Natasha? You’ve been living it like you already have one foot in the ground. Just start living!”

Anger starts rising in my chest while my cheeks flush. I drop my hand and take a heated step away from him. “That’s not a luxury I’ve ever had.” I turn and walk away from him at that point.

“Natasha!” Gedric calls after me while I step into a crowd trying desperately not to stare.

“Just forget it!” I shout, waving my goodbye to him.

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