The Raven & The Wolf

Chapter Chapter Thirty-Six

Chapter Thirty-Six

During the night, I kept dreaming of conversations between Gedric and myself. I even kept dreaming of us kissing. The rain is pouring so hard in my dreams, that it's all I can seem to hear. I try to push the images away, each scene bringing me intense pain. I can't stop them and I just want to wake up.

When I open my eyes, it’s still raining and Gedric’s face is a mere inch from mine. A memory jumps to my mind, making me stiffen. I distinctly remember Gedric kissing me in the rain, when we were no further apart than we are now. It was an intense kiss, and I feel it was made in his relief of finding me. I remember fainting in his arms after saving Stanya.

I remember our little conversations on the way here. I was out of it, and most of it was Gedric telling me his feelings for me. He was so relieved to have had found me in Shira, that he didn’t want to risk losing me again before he confessed his feelings. I was out of it, and a little bit giddy over his words, unsure what he was truly telling me since everything wasn’t making sense to me due to my fever. I was seeing weird hallucinations as well.

When I open my mouth I feel my raven twitching on my neck. “Don’t,” Articus tells me quickly. “Don’t give the Fates this. I want your death, but not the way I received my Servitude. Don’t acknowledge it, and start pretending you don’t remember because both of your lives depend on it.”

My stomach drops when I recall his story. He’s not wrong, and I hate him for that. I close my mouth, and I feel the raven relax. It was warning me as well. For being a symbol of the Fates, it seems particularly protective of me. At this point, I’ll take it.

I close my eyes, listening to the rain and trying to calm the pain I feel in my heart. I had always suspected that Gedric’s behavior, was because he cared for me on a higher level than friendship. I know on some level, that I refused to acknowledge that I did too, which is why I allowed his behavior when any other man would be disemboweled. I hate that I never truly considered that this would be one of the crosses I had to bare as a result of being me. No time for pity parties, Nat.

Slowly, I get out of the bed and sneak out of the room, careful not to disturb him. I walk over to Stanya’s room and open her door, slightly using my magic to open the lock; at this point I don’t care if I have an overload. She’s passed out on her bed with Halthin next to her. That stops me in my tracks. I guess yesterday went better than expected. Quietly I back out of the room and close the door.

Unsure where to go, I go back to my room and go sit by the enormous window. I’ve never felt so alone in my life. I lean back and watch as the rain pours down, creating fresh mud in the street. Now their bridge system makes more sense. I truly wish I hadn’t remembered. Gedric’s words are echoing in my mind creating a bittersweet sadness in my heart. I hate this. Even Articus warned me against it. Is that a red flag, I’m not sure, but considering his circumstances, I don’t want to be the one to find out. I’d rather die alone than let Gedric be used as the Fates pawn.

I catch sight of Drew walking this way. Slowly I get up, aware he’s either searching for his son, or me. Quietly, I leave my room and go to the top of the stairs, remembering that he might be here to see Silva.

“Morning Dad,” Silva happily chirps from behind the desk. She’s reading a small romance novel and is sitting at the desk with her feet up.

“What room is Natasha in?” He asks, sounding tired.

“Nine, why?”

“Because there is a sweathouse that has water in a drawn circle, and we cannot get it to go away.”

She laughs, “I thought she wasn’t allowed to use her magic.”

“She’s not, but from what I’ve been told, that’s never stopped her before. That’s how she’s gotten into her current condition. She sent Ari and several of his men out of Shira while still recovering from a previous overload.”

I hear a hard cough, while Silva tries to stop laughing. “She’s that strong?”

“That’s when she was weak love. She’s stronger than that. It’s her magic that is currently shielding us.”

“I better start being nice to her. I thought she was just some random Elder that was here to recover from working too hard.”

“No she’s here because it’s the only way she can survive another overload. No magic can touch her, or she’ll enter another overload. While she’s recovering I’m charged with her care. Now why aren’t you being nice to her?”

“You know I like to be rough on the girls Gedric dates.”

“They’re not dating, just friends. Gedric did try to make a move on her, but her last overload caused so much trauma she’s suffered a bit of a memory loss. She doesn’t remember his confession to her at all.”

She chuckles, “Poor Gedric. He’s not used to any kind of rejection.”

“Be kind, and don’t tell her, okay? She can’t remember and I don’t want to risk mentally hurting her. She’s an Elder, and the strongest Sheik living or dead. I don’t want to risk angering her.”

“Living or dead?”

“Yes. She’s also the guardian of the Raven, Owl, and Deer Fate Markings. There is only one type of person who can handle those markings without being affected by them. A powerful one. I also noticed she’s collected all the filled star markings of the Sheika Clans. That means she’s the ranking Elder out of all the clans.”

“If she’s so powerful, why isn’t she a Master?”

“Because her magic is too strong. The second she enters the third stage her overload is triggered. Her power is limitless and will trigger the moment she pulls enough magic to be considered to be too much for the amount of the spell.”

“So if we anger her, she could kill us?”

“Faster than Ari ever dreamed possible.”

I roll my eyes and then grimace. I don’t want people to think of me as something to be scared of. I have no intention of using my magic to hurt anyone…besides Ari. If I have to I will, but that’s always a last resort. I don’t want that to be a reason for them to be kind to me. This day is going to be a disappointing one.

I stand up and walk down the stairs, pretending that I didn’t just overhear them. I smile at them. “Morning Drew. Morning Silva.”

They both stiffen, aware that they’ve been talking about me. “How much did you overhear?” Drew demands.

“Enough to know you’re scared of me. I wish you wouldn’t be.” I give him a small smile. “Really, I’m not the type to wipe out a city just because they pissed me off.”

“We never thought you were,” Silva says quickly. That remark earns her a hard look from her father and I. “Sorry, that was said out of habit.”

I ignore her. “Are you wanting to look at my shoulder?” I ask Drew.

He gives me a devastating look. “Where is your sling?”

I grimace. I knew I forgot something. “In my room. I saw you coming up and I forgot to grab it.”

He nods, “Lets go to your room for your exam. Do you know where Gedric is, by the way?”

“He’s in my room.” I answer, waiting for him to catch up.

He and Silva stop what they were doing and look at me. “What was that?”

I roll my eyes. “It’s not like that. He wanted to talk about what happened yesterday. Since the rain was so bad, I let him spend the night. Sleeping. That is all.”

“Are you sure there is nothing going on with you and my son?” Drew asks, finally taking a step towards me.

“Very sure. Why would you ask that?” I cock my head, feigning ignorance and appearing innocently curious.

Drew shakes his head while Silva’s jaw drops. “You two seem well together, that’s all.”

“He is a good friend, but that’s where it ends. As far as I’m aware, his only interest is in being my friend.” I motion towards the stairs. “He might still be asleep, if you want to just work down here.”

Drew shakes his head. “No. I’d rather check on him as well. I don’t suppose you’ll tell me what the news is, will you?”

I shake my head. “He’s the one that should probably disclose it. It’s not something small, and it is life changing for the most part.”

“How big is this news?”

I hesitate. “Let’s wait for him to talk about it. How was dinner last night, anyway?” I ask this while we head up the stairs to my room.

“Pleasant actually. Gedric’s mother, Angela, was very happy he was there. Next time, she wishes you would join us.”

“Isn’t Friaha for family only?”

“She considers you family for saving our son’s life. Our entire community is greatly appreciative that you were able to change the mind of the Council. My father was loved by many in our village, and was well respected. It hurt them to see him with those growths coming out of him as he labored for breath. Blood was leaking from his mouth and was coming from the growths every time he moved. All of us, including my father, regularly prayed for his death. I just wish we were able to contact one of your healers so he could be here today.”

“With his illness, no magic could have saved him.” I inform him with a somber note in my voice. “However, we could have slowed it and eased his pain greatly to make it so he’d live another decade. Maybe we can figure out a way to have some of our healers routinely visit the Forest Folk to help with your ailments.”

“That would be amazing!” Drew nearly shouts to show his enthusiasm. “Please, if there is anything I can do to help arrange that, don’t hesitate to ask.”

“I’ll bring it up when I call over to the Council of Elders later today.”

“Thank you so much Natasha.”

“That’s something that should have been arranged earlier, and I apologize that it was overlooked. If it hadn’t, we could have spared your family some pain.” I pause outside my door and knock before entering.

When I open the door, Gedric is sitting up, giving me a confused look. “Why did you knock?”

“Because your father is here, and I wanted to give you a chance to wake up.” I step to the side to allow Drew to walk in. Drew gives his son a suggestive look before going to a chair to wait for me to sit down.

Obediently, I follow him and sit down in the chair he has offered to me. Drew reaches up my shirt and helps me move my arm out of the arm sleeve of my shirt, while maintaining a respectful distance from my chest. He pulls my shirt down and loops my arm through the neck of the shirt, allowing me to keep my top on in front of his son.

“Now,” Drew says casually, “why are you here Gedric?”

“I wanted to speak with Natasha,” Gedric answers, his eyes locked onto mine. His eyes are probing, searching for something that I’m not sure of.

“Nat did tell me you had some news that you had learned yesterday. Do you want to tell me?”

“Oh, yeah, I’m the Champion.” Gedric then waves him off while his dad stops his exam. “Nat, your memory started trying to come back yesterday. Do you remember anything?”

“No, she hasn’t,” Drew interrupts. “What did you just say to me?”

Gedric’s face is screaming his frustration when he turns his attention to his dad. “I’m the Champion, Dad. Natasha found out while she was exploring the earth’s magic filter. After hearing a bear roar in my head, I’m inclined to believe her.”

“No, you are not. You’re not getting involved with this whole battle with Ari, Gedric. I refuse for you to be. It’s not allowed.”

“I don’t really have a choice Dad.” Gedric says quickly. “I can’t exactly deny this. I’ll be okay. Natasha is going to train me so I can hold my own. She’s still allowed to help me.”

“Then allow her to fight him. She’s powerful enough, you are not. You’re weak and young.”

“Natasha is younger than I am.”

“I don’t care. That Sheik can kill whomever she likes. My son will not be a part of that. It is forbidden. I will not have you banished once more.” Drew starts walking out of the room at that point.

“Dad!” Gedric calls after him while I sit there very uncomfortably. Gedric gives me a desperate look.

“Go after him,” I tell him quickly.

“Dad,” Gedric yells, following his dad out of the room, and leaving me alone to sit here in silence.

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