The Rare Werewolf

Chapter 9


As we pulled up to the gate leading to the pack house, we got stopped my wolves at the front gate. “Who are you” he asked “Alpha King and Luna Queen” I said, and he looked into my car “I’m so sorry alpha and Luna please give me on moment” he said, and I nodded my head. I watched as he motioned for a wolve in the stand to open the gate. Once the gate was opened the three wolves two outside the gate and one inside bowed as we passed them. When we got to the pack house I got out and greeted the pack alpha as an omega opened the door for Ro to step out. I hear Ro thank the omega and I looked back at her causing the pack alpha and his family to look her way. “Allow me to introduce everyone. This is my mate, Rory. And this is alpha Philip, his mate Luna Regian, and their children Stephanie and Louis” I said. “It’s a pleasure to meet you Luna Queen Rory” Philip said Ro smiled “please call me Ro” she said in her angelic voice. “Can I?” Luna Regain asked motioning for a hug and Ro welcomed it and they embraced one another. “I must say you are gorgeous” Regian said to Ro, and she smiled “I am not as gorgeous and Stephanie” Ro said and smiled looking down and Stephanie. “So how old are you Stephanie” Ro asked lowering herself more to Stephanie’s height, so they were eye to eye. Stephanie smiled and said, “I’m 13 and you can call me Steph” she said Ro looked over to Louis “and what about you?” She asked. Louis smiled as well “I’m 15, and you can call me Lou” he said “no on calls you that louis” Steph called out. “Lou it is then, is that your nickname?” Ro asked and Louis nodded “but Steph is right no one calls me that because I’m next in line to be alpha” he said. “How about we go in and see what the pack is up to Lou” I said/asked he looked up at me and smiled “ok” he said and led us inside. When we entered Philip walked to the top of the stairs case and got everyone’s attention “until tomorrow morning we will be hosting the Alpha King and his mate the Luna Queen” he said, and everyone cheered, and we ascended the staircase “Good morning, everyone I and my mate are looking forward to working with you and getting to know you for the upcoming future and war. As Alpha Philip has said we will be here until tomorrow morning but if it’s ok with alpha Philip my mate and I would love to stay two days with you.” I said and looked at Philip he came next to me and said, “what do you guys think?” He asked his pack, and they went crazy “then it’s settled two days we will host the king and queen” Alpha Philip said. Everyone dispersed as Alpha Philip looked at me “how about we go down to my office to talk about training and the ladies can get to know each other more” he said. Before Ro could speak, I did “all due respect alpha but Ro is going to be a part of the training. She is one of the best fighters I have ever seen” I said holding her hand. Philip and Regian were shocked by what I said then he looked at Ro “I’m so sorry please forgive me for my ignorance King and Queen” he said, and Ro just smiled. “You don’t really talk, do you?” He asked his mate elbowed him “I’m sorry for him” she said a bowed her head slightly. “She will talk when she finds it necessary or to children, she has a soft spot for them same with omegas” I said answering his question.


We headed into Alpha Philip’s office to talk about the training that starts in a few minutes. Max sat in the only open seat in front of Philip’s desk, so I stood behind Max, and we got started. About halfway through Philip said something that caught my attention “I was thinking that Ro could help with our runners (basically they go ahead of the main group to scout the sounding area) with getting them faster. While we work with the trackers to heighten their senses and increase their ability to track. We also need to work with our warriors to get them stronger.” He said that’s when I lost it but managed to stay calm, but I know they felt my anger and Max got up and tried to his best to calm me down. “You know Alpha Philip I have been trying to respect you in your own pack house. However, the whole what two in a half hours that we have been here, you have been disrespecting me assuming I was week and couldn’t fight.” I said fighting against Max. The look of pure shock is all I saw from Philip while his mate Regian was smiling “I’m sorry but I was only looking out for your safety Ro” Philip said, and I glared daggers at him “from now on I want you to call me Rory until you make me change my opinion about you. As of right now all I see is a man that thinks all women need to be protected and can’t defend themselves.” I said to him and Regian stepped up “Philip before you say anything what she is saying is true. Before we were mated, I was the best tracker in my pack, and now I don’t fight along my pack anymore. You never let me show you I can protect myself and this pack just as much as you can.” she said Philip sat there not knowing what to say, “I think it’s time we head out to the training grounds don’t you Philip, ladies” Max said and I nodded as did Regian. As we walked out of the office Philip spoke “I’m so very sorry to all of you. To you Alpha King for causing your mate Luna Queen to get angry, I’m sorry to you Luna Queen for disrespecting you in the ways I did, and to you my mate for underestimating you all these years” he said. I walked off and headed to the training grounds, “just give her time, you really upset her. I haven’t seen her this mad for the half year we have been together” I heard Max tell Phillip. Once I got to the training grounds all the guys stopped and looked at me, “is she the one Alpha Philip introduced earlier? If so, I hope she’s mate less” I heard one of the guys say and I just laughed. “What’s so funny sweety” another one said that’s when I heard it, I heard him Max roared causing the other wolves to submit as he waked up to me and wrapped his arms around me. “Men this is the King and Queen they are here to help with training today and tomorrow. They leave tomorrow night so take the advantage with them here and train hard under them” Philip said. “I will work with the trackers and my mate will work with the warriors. For I am faster than her and those of you who are trackers are not fast enough. My mate is one of the strongest warriors I have ever seen in all my years. Trackers, please follow me to the open field just west of here, but you will need to keep up.” Max said then left leaving the rest to me, I looked around at the wolves “can the head warrior please come see I have some questions” I asked. I watched a tall and built man walk to me when he got to me, I smiled “hello what is your name” I asked him, he smiled back and said “my name is Dimitri” I nodded. “What can your men do as of right now” I asked “well speed and agility is about it” he said I nodded “well we have a lot of work ahead of us, let’s get started shall we” I said “have them do your normal routine so I can see what needs to be changed” I said, and Dimitri nodded telling the boys to start. I watched as they went through an obstacle course meant to help speed and agility *so this is why they aren’t as strong* I thought to myself. “Luna what do you have in mind” Regian asked “ok everyone stop” I yelled getting their attention. “What is it?” Dimitri asked as he ran to my side “do you guys have weights, and heavy sandbags” I asked, and he nodded “but we don’t use them” he said. “Well now you do, can you go get them” I said/asked and with that he left a few minutes later he came back with weights, bars, and sandbags. “All right everyone we will start simple everyone pick up a weight of your choice and do 40 reps, then we will continue from there” I said


When I got to the clearing, I had to wait for the others to get there. “You’re finally here” I said as they came into view “will the head tracker come talk to me for a minute please” I asked I waited for a few seconds until I saw a tall and somewhat build man walk up to me “what’s your name?” I asked “I’m Carlos” he said “so you guys need to be faster huh” I said more to myself. “All right so I want you guys to start running for as long as you can at the fastest you can go around this field and don’t stop until I tell you to” I said. “One thing all of you will learn quick, I’m not as nice as my mate and I won’t go easy on you ever” I said and watched as they groaned but got to running. I can see why Carlos is the head tracker he’s faster than the rest, he’s keeping a constant pace, and he’s looping around already. I had them running like that all day unless they needed a break. When 6:00 came around I had them stop and head inside for showers and dinner. When I walked into the pack house the only thing, I could think about was Ro, when I found her, she was talking to Luna Regian and her children Steph and Lou. I walked up to them “hey can I talk to you in private” I asked Ro and smiled “sure but were” she asked “we decided to have you guys stay in the guest house, so you have more privacy” Luna Regian said. I said thank you and we headed that way, “so what did you want to talk about” Ro asked as we stepped in. She turned around and smiled at me, I couldn’t help it any more I walked closer and pulled her into a kiss one thing led to another and well we didn’t get much sleep.

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