The Quadruplets Are Mine?

Chapter 1468

Chapter 1468 A Bet On The Jade

"9,700, huh?" Abel hesitated and asked, "What do you say if I win a bet about the jade?"

Are they betting on the jade?

Everyone else was shocked upon hearing Abel's words, but at the same time, they also nodded because it was a reasonable way to find out the answer.

"Well, well, this is quite the occasion. Mr. Ryker is betting with our president." Dylan exclaimed in excitement.


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"I don't mean to brag, but my grandfather was known as the Jade King across Setwell back in the day." Brandon chimed in.

Meanwhile, Abel placed the glass on the table, making a loud clunk that echoed across the room. "What happened next?' Emmeline curiously asked, appearing interested in the story. of someone with a successful legacy.

"My grandfather was able to amass a huge fortune worth tens of millions by gambling on jade in Setwell before he moved to Magic City. Brandon added, "Therefore, my ancestors are actually from Setwell." "Abel." Emmeline turned her attention to Abel and asked, "So, how did you win the bet and get your hands on this piece of jade?"

Abel furrowed his eyebrows slightly and pondered in silence as if he was recalling something from the past.

In the meantime, Brandon went on to tell his story about his grandfather. "When my grandpa left Setwell, two of his disciples stayed behind. One of them had the last name Chester, while the other was known by the surname Ryker. Which one of them did you the bet against?"


As soon as Brandon finished his sentence, the room was filled with silence, with everyone's eyes falling upon Abel. Soon, Abel's forehead began to be covered in droplets of cold sweat, but the moment he finished the alcohol in his glass, he mentioned one word. "Ryker."

"No wonder..." Brandon added, "Master Ryker disappeared without a trace after that. So, that was the reason behind it.

"I won the bet against him. Yes, you're right." Abel chuckled. "Life is full of surprises. Aren't I right?"

"Yup, our life is full of uncertainties." Brandon sighed. "My grandfather had been searching for Master Ryker all his life, but to no avail. Now, the truth has come to light, and you're the



Chapter 1468 A Bet On The Jade

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reason behind his disappearance. Moreover, I can't help but mention that he gave off an aura that's pretty similar to yours."

"What's his name then?" Emmeline blinked curiously. "Tell us his name, Master."

"His name is Oliver Ryker. Brandon continued to say, "And you remind me of him."

"Oliver Ryker?" Emmeline frowned. "Why does it feel like it sounds so familiar to me?"

"That's because it feels like Oliver and Abel are the same person, Brandon explained. "When I first saw Abel, I had the same sense of familiarity too, but unfortunately, my grandpa already passed away." He elaborated on his story further. "Otherwise, he would at least know who his favorite disciple lost to."

"But the Jade King still lives as a legend." Abel downplayed his success. "Back then, the Jade King won three consecutive gambles and made a fortune worth millions, but me? I just got lucky in the end." "That must have been epic to watch!" Vernon exclaimed with excitement.

"I actually went there to watch the show at first." Abel proceeded to recount his side of the story. "But when I saw how the Jade King, whose last name was Ryker, made millions by winning gambles, I became envious and decided to bet on the last rock."

"According to my grandfather..." Brandon chimed in once more. "The Jade King had a net. worth of over tens of millions at that time, but he had no cash in hand, surprisingly."

"So, where did all his money go then?" Emmeline was curious to know the answer. "How could someone with a net worth of over tens of millions have no money at all?"

"He put all his money into running a school," Brandon explained. "Also, he invested a lot in the healthcare and medical industry."

"In the healthcare and medical industry?" Emmeline asked, "I thought his area of expertise was about jade."

"That's something you're probably not aware of. Brandon answered, "My grandfather actually inherited two great skills. One of them was the mastery of the Art of Jade, while the other was his capability in esoteric medicine. In fact, his talent in esoteric medicine was what helped him survive in Saint Duisea.

"Mr. Wyatt's father established and ran three branches of Wyatt Traditional Healing Center, as well as their affiliated medical schools, in Magic City," Dylan joined the conversation.

"So, are you also an expert in esoteric medicine?" Emmeline turned to Brandon and asked.

"I am the chief acupuncturist at the hospital." Brandon smiled and answered, "But instead of




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Chapter 1468 A Bet On The Jade

dedicating my time to my profession, I've always kept myself occupied with business. management." He then turned to Abel and said, "Anyway, why don't we continue listening to Mr. Ryker's interesting story about the time he won the gamble back then?"

Abel then started to recall the incident as if the vivid details began to flash before his eyes. At that time, he happened to stumble upon an ordinary-looking rock that no one would bother to look at, but for some reason, he had a hunch that told him otherwise. Thus, he bet all his 9.700, which was all the money he had from the loan he got, that the rock was authentic jade.

On the other hand, the Jade King, whose last name was Ryker, was a man in his thirties. With a muscular build and a tough-looking aura that he was giving off, he radiated an overwhelmingly dominating energy. Nevertheless, he had a wide and thick fur scarf wrapped. around his neck, covering half of his face and only revealing his long eyebrows and mysterious eyes.

Beside the Jade King stood a young man who appeared to be around 16 or 17 years old. Noticing the slight resemblance that the young man shared with him in appearance, the latter decided to play a game with him by placing 20,000 on the bet. Meanwhile, everyone else just stood with their hands in their pockets, thinking the young man was going to lose all his money and dignity for his foolishness. "Open it!" The dealer shouted.

As soon as the rock was cut in half, the sight shocked everyone who had their eyes on it because what was lying before them was none other than the rare and precious glassy jadeite.

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