The Puck Secret (Fairfield U Book 1)

The Puck Secret: Chapter 7

I’m exhausted after last night’s game, and my workout and practice this morning, but I still let Archer and the others drag me out anyway. The party is already in full swing at one of the other hockey houses, but I can’t seem to pull my attention away from my phone. My mystery girl is proving to be more interesting than I thought, even after she ghosted me for half the day. I probably should have left it there, but I couldn’t resist sending one more message, and was surprised she even responded.

I am enjoying teasing her, but when another message comes through and I look down at my phone, I choke on my drink and end up spitting it all over Archer.

He jumps away from me. “What the fuck man!” he curses, wiping off his shirt, but my eyes remain focused on the image and words in front of me.

Grim: One thing you should know about me, Charmer… I always pay my debts!

*Image attached*

A pair of lace covered tits stare back at me, and I have to bite back the groan that rises in my throat. They’re fucking perfect, round and perky, and tanned against the white fabric encasing them. I want them to be in front of me, so I can dip down and smash my face into them like pillows I would gladly let suffocate me. I mean, all tits are pretty great, but these ones are fucking fantastic.

My complete ignoring of Archer brings him back over to my side like a damn puppy dog, and he curses again, “Fuck, who do those beauties belong to?”

Our other teammate Reign also joins us, flicking his stare down to my phone. “None of the puck bunnies I know,” he says casually. “Trust me I’ve checked.” Alexander Reign is the definition of a ladies man. He could charm his way into any girl’s bed, and well, he pretty much has. It also doesn’t hurt that his dad is some tech billionaire and his mom is a fucking British supermodel which has given him an endless supply of money and half an accent. To make matters worse, I’ve seen him in the shower. That fucker is blessed in every part of his life.

Yet still, I grunt, snatching the phone from both of their views, a primal protectiveness stirring within me. “None of your goddamn business.” I don’t want to smile about the fact that neither of them recognize the mystery girl, but it definitely makes me feel something.

“Ooo a little touchy there, Darkmore, don’t tell me the captain of puck pussy has finally found himself a girl.” My best friend teases with a smile, loving that for once he is getting a reaction out of me.

“Yeah Arch, your mom sends her regards,” I snap back, and he flips me off, laughing until our other teammate Daemon Forbes enters.

Archer and Daemon are kind of like Josh and I, it’s a well known fact they hate each other, but no one knows the reason why. I asked Archer once and he told me to mind my own business, so I did. They don’t let it interfere with the team so it’s a non-issue. Hell, we are standing in Josh and Daemon’s house right now enjoying this party, but still there is always this lingering tension between them, and I can never figure out why.

Thankfully Reign steps in and relieves the tension. “Well, I hope you get to stick your dick between them man, they’re fucking beautiful.” I’m torn between punching him in the throat and agreeing with him, because he’s right, they are phenomenal tits, but I opt for just acting casual.

“Whatever man, just keep your eyes off my fucking phone,” I demand, and the fucker smirks, flicking his eyes towards Archer as if to say get a load of this guy.

I swear living with the two of them will drive me fucking crazy one day, the only sane roommate I have is Jake, and the fucker isn’t even here tonight, he’s with his girlfriend. Thankfully, one of Reign’s favorite bunnies enters the house, and he plucks up two fresh beers off of the counter, and disappears in her direction. Archer also strikes up a conversation with one of our teammates Landon, so I am left to focus back on my phone.

Fuck. How do I even respond to a picture like that? I mean, sending her a shirtless selfie was probably a dick move, but I know what I’m working with, and when she tried to tease me earlier I wanted to shut her up. Now I’m the one who is speechless. I inspect the picture closely, looking for anything that might clue me in to who she is, but her head is completely cut off, and the flash is too bright to detect much else.

Looking around at the girls here I wonder if I have ever seen her at a party like this, or maybe even hooked up with her. Nah, impossible, I would definitely remember tits like that. I know we agreed on no names, but right now I want nothing more than to find her and bury myself in them.

I take one last look at those glorious mounds before firing off a reply, and reluctantly slipping my phone into my back pocket before I start looking like a creeper. Archer collars me, asking for a game of pool which I gladly accept, and we head down to the den to have some fun. I’m a couple of games in and a few beers deep, after a few of the guys from the team have joined us, when I get my second surprise of the night.

Madeline Peters strolls down the stairs with a bottle of beer in her hand and her eyes assessing everything. I don’t know what’s more shocking, her presence here, or the fact she is dressed in a tight-fitted little dress, throwing back a beer while laughing at something her friend whispers in her ear. I can’t remember her friend’s name, Hayley or Holly, or something like that. We shared a class together her freshman year, but she pretty much kept to herself. It’s rare to see either of them at a party. Mostly because Josh never invites her, so I can’t help but wonder what the hell she is doing here.

It’s bad enough I have to share my team with her brother, I don’t want to share my fucking party space with her. Not that any of the other guys here give a fuck, half of them are already eyeing her, and I can’t help but roll my own as they fall for her facade of bullshit. You only have to look a little deeper to find the bitch within, and know it’s not worth fucking her, no matter how hot she is.

My curiosity gets the better of me though, as I line up and take my next shot. “Yo, what is Peter’s little sister doing here, I thought he doesn’t let her come to these things?” Archer follows my line of sight, but it’s one of Josh’s best friends, Levi, that answers my question.

“She’s twenty now,” he shrugs. “I guess he can’t really tell her what to do anymore.” He shrugs again like it’s no big deal, but still I see him eye her with interest that I’m sure Josh wouldn’t appreciate. I don’t bother pointing out that, regardless of her age he can’t tell her what to do anyway, but I just keep my mouth shut as I sink the ball I was aiming for.

Speak of the devil though and they shall appear. As Archer lines up to take his turn, I watch as Josh appears, pulling his sister in for a hug and totally ignoring the friend at her side. I find that strange, because I’m pretty sure I heard somewhere that those two have been friends forever, it’s pretty rude of him to just ignore her like that. Whatever, it’s none of my business I guess, but whatever Josh is saying to Madeline has her frowning. I hide a laugh in my drink as I think about some part of their perfect lives falling apart. Karma really is taking its time catching up with them.

Josh gestures something else, and she rolls her eyes stepping away from him. He moves to grab her, but then her friend cuts him a look and he freezes, locked in her stare. The girl eventually wins out because he turns and leaves back the way he came, while her and Maddie head right in this direction.

When Maddie’s eyes lock with mine her scowl deepens even more. “What the fuck are you staring at, Darkmore?” Her tone is cruel, just like always when she talks to me, and I can’t help but feel that excitement curl inside of me as she addresses me with such anger, and the second curse word I have heard from her today.

I hear Archer choke back a laugh, but I ignore him, giving her my most charming smile. “Just wondering why you’re dressed like such a slut, Princess, you almost look like one of the bunnies.”

A few curses sound out around me, probably at my audacity given not just who her brother is, but her father as well, but she knows I don’t give a fuck about either. I do see her best friend’s eyes flare in surprise as her gaze flicks between the two of us, but Maddie doesn’t even flinch. Instead she continues to erase the distance between us until she is leaning against the table opposite me, hands spread out on either side of her.

“I guess from you I’ll take that as a compliment, Captain,” she purrs, tipping back some of the beer into her waiting mouth before she adds, “We all know bunnies are your favorite animal right?” Her smirk is wicked as she watches me, and I feel the weight of everyone else’s stare as they wait for my response.

I lick my lips, still completely thrown off at how she looks tonight, as she takes another drink and I watch her throat bob, before I clear my own and reply, “Oh yeah, and what’s yours?”

Her smirk widens as she moves around the table with an elegance only she could manage, before she reaches me and grabs the cue straight from my hand. Bending over, she lines it up to take a shot, potting a ball perfectly, before she rises back to her full height and looks me up and down in distaste. “Well, it certainly isn’t dogs.”

She doesn’t bother waiting for a response, just slams the pool cue onto the table and heads back towards her best friend, who is still frozen to her original spot, mouth hanging open. When Maddie reaches her, it pulls her from her stupor and she flicks her gaze back to her and says something I can’t hear, but Maddie nods, flicking her stare back to mine and cocking an eyebrow. Still, I say nothing, and the two of them retreat into the corner where a group of girls are dancing, taking up a spot next to a speaker.

“God she is so fucking hot,” Reign complains, as if it physically pains him to look at her, as he takes up the now empty spot in front of me.

“Yeah like the fucking devil,” I mutter under my breath, as Levi reminds him that she is off limits to us all, but given the way his eyes still track her, he should maybe take his own advice.

I line up my next shot after she successfully potted my last one, and pot the final two balls one after the other, leaving me on the black. When I pot that too, Archer curses, tosses his cue on top of the table, and moving to grab another beer. I reach for mine, taking another swig, and let my eyes involuntarily move back over to the spawn of satan in the corner.

There are plenty of bunnies here tonight, but my focus is still caught between the fantastic tits on my phone, and Josh fucking Peters’ little sister, who moves like the music was made for her. Fuck. Why are the bitchy ones always so hot? I shouldn’t be thinking that, and if I am then I’ve definitely had too much to drink. I finish the beer in my hand, shuffle into my jacket, and then move through the party to head back upstairs.

The rest of the house is just as packed as the den, and I immediately start navigating my way outside for some fresh air. I head to the corner of the deck where it’s quietest, most people choosing to congregate at the back of the house where there is a hot tub. Fucking Peters and his daddy’s money. Not that I don’t have my own walking ATM living in my house in the form of Alexander Reign, but even a self proclaimed nepo baby like him has some class. The entire Peters family doesn’t seem to share an inch of it between them.

In an attempt to distract myself, I pull my phone out to see if the mystery girl has responded to my text, but there is nothing. Sighing, I put my phone away, refusing to look at the tits again, at least until I am home and in bed alone and can truly appreciate them. Then I lean on the rail and look up to the sky. I’m not sure how long I stand there, but it’s long enough to witness Princess Peters storming out of the house with some preppy jock right on her tail. I can’t remember his name, but I have seen him around the FU campus before, I’m pretty sure he plays for the football team.

“Madeline, stop walking away from me,” he demands, and I lean over the rail to get a better view of the no doubt incoming drama.

“Oh fuck off, Brad, what are you even doing here?” She stops walking and turns towards him, utter disgust lacing her eyes, as she demands an answer from him. Amusement flares inside of me knowing it isn’t just me that she acts like a giant cunt towards.

“Me?” he scoffs. “You’re the one dressed like a slut and dancing like you are giving it away for free.” She flinches at his words, and she looks nothing like the confident girl who was just calling me out in the den in front of everyone.

In fact, this is the first time I have ever seen her look like she isn’t in control of something. She always has that air of ease to her, like this is her world and everyone else is just living in it, it’s one of the main things that pisses me off about her, but looking at her now it isn’t there. In its place is a small persona of someone I don’t even recognise.

“You’ve got some nerve to call me a slut.” Her tone is quiet and lethal, but I feel the words as if they were meant for me.

If I’m not mistaken she looks as if she is about to cry, but she turns too quickly for me to notice, giving him her back again. He reaches out though and snatches up her wrist, hauling her towards him. She pulls it away quickly, but it’s too late. I am already moving towards them as she shouts back at him, “I told you not to fucking touch me!”

The dick ignores her, reaching for her again, and the anger inside of me rears its ugly head. Maddie’s eyes flare in surprise as I approach, but still I don’t miss the small step she takes towards me and away from him.

I use the space to grab him by the back of the shirt and slam him against a nearby tree as I spit, “I’m pretty sure the lady said not to touch her.”

The prick looks me up and down, before flicking his gaze to her and then back to me. “Yeah, and what the fuck are you gonna do about it, Darkmore?” Ah so the meathead knows who I am. Good, that will make this simpler.

I take a slow measured step towards him, crushing my arm against his neck, narrowing my dark stare as I reply, “Touch her again and find out.”

The warning is clear in my tone, and I flex my fists in preparation for his next move. Truthfully, I’d love nothing more than teaching a prick like this a lesson. I’m used to taking plenty of hits on the ice, fighting with him would be a walk in the fucking park.

Thankfully he seems to take me seriously, looking to Maddie again before scoffing under his breath, “It’s not even fucking worth it.” I let him push me off as he takes a step back shaking his head, watching us before he points at Maddie. “Remember the deal, darling.” Then he turns away and heads back inside leaving the two of us alone.

As soon as he disappears I turn towards Maddie and watch as the tension in her body releases, her shoulders dropping completely. She must feel my stare on her because her gaze meets mine, and for once I see a hint of vulnerability in it, before she quickly takes a deep breath. “You didn’t have to jump in like that, I had it handled.”

Of course she doesn’t just say thank you, and I scoff at her assessment of the situation. “Yeah, it really looked like you had it handled, Princess.”

She ignores my statement completely. “What are you even doing out here anyway? Are you following me or something?”

God, could this girl be anymore self centered? She is actually infuriating. First, she can’t even say thank you for me helping her out, and now she thinks I am some kind of creeper. “In your fucking dreams,” I sneer, looking at her with nothing but disgust. “I am not following you.”

She grunts a laugh, turning to walk away from me, but in the opposite direction of the party as she yells over her shoulder, “I dream about a lot of things, Nova Darkmore, but you are not one of them.”

I stare at her retreating form for a few seconds, and then I jog after her until I can catch up with her. “Where the hell are you going?”

Her head snaps towards mine and she looks at me pointedly. “I thought you said you weren’t following me.” I mean, I guess I am now, but I don’t say anything, just stare at her until she adds, “I’m going home, what does it look like?” She holds her arms out to gesture to the street and the walking, as she starts to storm away even faster so I am left trailing behind her. I rush to keep up as she continues. “I don’t want to be anywhere near sad Brad and his bullshit,” she starts babbling, but then stops so suddenly that I almost smack right into the back of her. “Oh fuck, Hallie!”

She whirls around and finds me less than an inch from her and scowls at me. “You’re still following me!”

I take a step back, putting some space between us as I look down at her. “I know we don’t exactly like each other,” I start, and she glares at me because that’s putting it lightly. Still I ignore her and continue, “but I’m not about to let you walk home alone in the dark, Maddie. What kind of prick do you think I am?”

She has the nerve to arch her brow as if to say do you really want me to answer that, and I can’t help but smirk as I answer her unspoken thoughts. “Yeah, don’t answer that, let’s just go.”

I put my hand out to guide her in the direction she was already heading, but she takes a step back. “I can’t, I have to go back, I left Hallie and she will be worried.”

We’ve already walked a little bit away from the house in her outburst, and I’m already freezing my balls off and don’t fancy going back. So, I take out my phone to call Arch. “It’s fine, I will get one of the guys to walk her home so you don’t have to go back and see sad Brad.” She doesn’t smile at the nickname she used a minute ago like I thought she would, and instead I see worry form in her eyes.

“No, they can’t, what if they touch her,” she sounds panicked, and I look at her in confusion.

“Touch her? Fucking hell, Mads, what kind of guys do you think I’m friends with?” The nickname slips off my tongue as if we are old friends, and I internally scold myself, but thankfully she doesn’t seem to pick up on it.

“No, not like that,” she quickly rushes out. “Eurgh, she just doesn’t like being touched okay, just tell him not to invade her space.”

Nodding as I let the phone ring to let her know I understand, I wait until Archer picks up. The music is loud in the background, but I quickly explain the situation and just like I knew he would, he agrees before disconnecting the call. Not even thirty-seconds pass before a text comes through.

“Archer has her.” I turn the phone so Maddie can read the message, but still her teeth sink into her bottom lip as if she doesn’t believe me. “Gray is the best guy I have ever known, he would never do anything to hurt a girl,” I add softly.

Her eyes bore into mine like she is searching for a lie, until she eventually nods and I hold my hand out again to gesture in the direction she was already going. A couple of seconds pass before she finally gives in and turns to continue on her way. I’m not sure how I expected this night to turn out, but it definitely didn’t involve being friendly with a member of the fucking Peters family.

What the hell is happening to me?

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