The Puck Secret (Fairfield U Book 1)

The Puck Secret: Chapter 33

I’m not sure what happened between the hot as fuck sex we had up in my hotel room, to getting to the bar with the rest of the team, but Maddie is acting weird as fuck. I understand she might not be ready to tell everyone about us, especially given how her brother feels about me, but surely that’s not enough to account for her total change in attitude? Any other time I would think maybe I had imagined the connection between us, but I know I haven’t, I felt the spark there. I also felt how tight and wet her pussy was when I made her come three times.

We have been in this neon, sports type bar for about two hours, most of the team and the few people who traveled for the game taking over the entire place, and the Mayor’s daughter has barely given me a second glance. You’d think we didn’t even know one another, let alone that she was screaming for me to fuck her harder not that long ago. She is on the other side of the bar with her best friend and Josh, yet that hasn’t stopped her eyes from flicking over here on multiple occasions.

To make matters worse, Brianna and a couple of her friends also made the trip, and have not left my side since the moment we walked in. They are all being obnoxious and loud, and looking at her now I don’t know why I ever went there. Sure, she’s pretty, but that’s it, there is nothing else to her, and now I’ve had a taste of true substance, I can’t ever go back.

That doesn’t mean she isn’t still trying and when her arms curl around my neck for the third time, I feel like screaming. “Nova, sure knows how to throw a party, do you remember that night in your basement?” Her tone is loud and seductive, forcing me to try and remember a night I have no memory of.

There is only one night I remember in that room, and when my eyes move across the room to find the only girl to ever keep my interest, meeting her furious stare, I can’t help but smirk. Maddie watches me closely, her stare dropping to the girl’s hands I haven’t removed yet, then she whispers something to her friend, before excusing herself from the table and heading in this direction.

I instantly brush off the puck whore’s touch, as I reply, “No, I don’t remember that.” My tone is probably a little harsh, but I only have eyes for one girl these days, and it isn’t her.

Brianna stomps her foot a little, oblivious to my attention being captured by another as she goes on. “Of course you remember the basement, it was that 4th of July party last Summer.” She keeps talking, adding in more details, but I tune her out as Maddie approaches, flicking her stare around the table of people I am sitting with.

“Trust me, Brianna, there is only one night I remember in that basement, and you weren’t there.” I hold Maddie’s stare, before flicking it to Reign who hides his knowing smile in his beer, not daring to look at the girl in question.

“You don’t have to be rude, Nova,” Brianna snaps, embarrassment clear in her tone as a few of her so-called friends laugh. Like I haven’t fucked all of them, and also forgotten every single one of those nights too.

I open my mouth to respond, my eyes still on the Mayor’s daughter, but before I can say anything, she cuts in. “And you don’t have to be a puck whore, but here we are.” Her tone is completely sweet, matched with that signature fake smile of hers, making a few of the guys around me curse and laugh beneath their breath.

Now it’s my turn to hide my smile, picking up my bottle of beer and draining the rest of it, and before Brianna can open her mouth to respond, Josh appears behind his sister. “Everything okay, Mads?” His voice is full of authority, his eyes accusing every one of us of some sort of crime against his sister as he stares us all down.

The fake smile drops into a more natural one as Brianna gets up from the table and storms away, her little friends following after her almost instantly as Maddie turns back to her brother. “All good here,” she replies with that smile she saves for him and him alone.

That smile cuts through me as I see how easy it is for them, how close their bond is. And even after everything we have been through, I still feel like I am on the outside begging to get in.

Josh nods, smiling at some of the guys around me as he says, “We’re starting a game of poker if any of you want to join.” He nods his head back to the table where Hallie is still seated, and a few of the guys jump to their feet in agreement, and when he turns and nods his head, Maddie lingers until they have gone.

Only Archer and I remain as Maddie cuts me with her stare. “You know there are easier ways to get an STD,” she snaps, the jealousy in her voice so clear that it makes me giddy.

“I haven’t touched anyone else in months,” I reply as calmly as possible, and I feel Archer’s head snap in my direction at my words, as I rise to my feet and lean in closer to her. “But if you wanna claim me, Princess, then go right ahead.” I bring our lips until they are almost touching, making her snap away from me so quickly she nearly stumbles. “Yeah, that’s what I thought,” I laugh, leaning against the table as I shake my empty bottle at Arch to see if he wants another drink.

“You’re disgusting,” Maddie grits through her teeth, turning on her heel and storming away back to her brother and the others, her insult only making me laugh.

“You’re so fucked,” Archer says with a laugh of his own, watching me watch her, and I can’t help but smile again.

“Isn’t she beautiful when she’s mad,” I say, finally breaking my stare and turning to my best friend, who only now looks in her direction.

“She sure looks good walking away from you,” he teases, smacking me in the shoulder and pulling me towards the bar to grab another drink. “Who’d have thought, my best friend has got his first crush,” he jokes, ordering two more beers as I let my eyes flick back to her.

“I don’t have a crush on Madeline Peters,” I reply, rolling my eyes, not because it isn’t true, but because crush isn’t a strong enough word for what I feel when I look at her.

“Well, that’s good,” Levi, Josh’s best friend and our teammate, cuts in. “I mean, besides the fact Josh would kill you for trying to mack on his little sister,” he jokes, like I haven’t seen him staring at her in the same way. His greedy little eyes are on her now, trailing over skin that not even three hours ago was pressed against my own. Fury burns beneath my skin as I flex my fists to stop myself from using them on his face. “She’s spoken for,” he adds, cutting right through my wrath.

“Spoken for?” Archer asks, looking at me with worry as I remain shocked into silence, as my mind moves back to the only guy he could be talking about. Clearly he doesn’t mean me.

“Yeah, my dad called before the game, we just got invited to her engagement party in a few weeks, looks like she and Thorne will be tying the knot, I’m sure you guys have seen them together round campus.” He is saying the words so casually, like he isn’t shocked by them, and I don’t know why I am. I mean, it’s not like I haven’t seen her around with that football douche, but surely he must be mistaken.

Engaged. No, she can’t be, I don’t believe him, she would have told me. Ignoring him completely, I grab my fresh bottle of beer off the bar and move towards where she is now locked in a game of poker with Josh and some other guys from the team. I watch her every move, not taking my eyes off her, even when her brother keeps giving me questioning looks. No, my sole focus is her, game after game, and win after win. She thrashes every single one of them, which only makes me smile with pride. No, there is no way in hell she is getting engaged, not after everything that has happened between us.

When she throws down another winning hand, Josh and the others groan. “Alright, sis, you can stop now, I get it, this is payback for the last time we played.” he complains, tossing his own useless hand on the table.

“Yeah, baby Peters, you’re killing him,” one of the other guys adds with a chuckle, but Maddie just shrugs.

Her eyes are light and free as she reaches over and drags the money she won from him towards her. “One thing you should know about me, Josh, I always pay my debts.”


Simple meaningless words.

Words that slice right through me so completely, that I almost choke on the beer sliding down my throat, because it isn’t the first time I’ve heard them, or should I say read them. Eyes still on the satanic siren in front of me, I reach into my pocket and fish out my phone. It takes me a few minutes of scrolling but then I find it. The picture of tits and the menacing words that were sent with them.

I always pay my debts.

That’s what she said to me, her, Grim, the girl who shared all her secrets with me, it’s her. It has to be, and as I think that so many things about her messages finally make more sense. The complaining about her family, the pulling away from me, the ending it after I brought up the library. She’s the one. The one standing in front of me with her head thrown back as she laughs at her brother’s response. A brother I despise, just like her, except I don’t hate her anymore.

No, instead I… nope not going there.

A rage like I have never known flies through me, and I can barely breathe as I stumble around the table right towards her. She doesn’t notice me until I am right upon her, and when I grab her and start dragging her from the room her face is completely startled.

“Nova, what the hell are you doing?” Her eyes are wide and panicked as she turns back to the people I just dragged her from, her brother included, all of them watching us with confusion, but I don’t give a fuck about any of them right now.

In fact, I ignore her completely, unable to listen to her pleas when endless thoughts and feelings go to war against one another inside of me. I don’t stop until we reach the alleyway behind the bar, pushing through the staff entrance and letting the door close behind us. I drag her a little deeper still, not stopping until I can push her against a bare brick wall.

When I finally release her she pulls her arm away from me and curses, “What the fuck, Nova?”

I can’t speak, I can’t even breathe, as her betrayal threatens to swallow me whole. I pull the phone in my hand back up and scroll until I find Grim’s number. Her number.

No, it can’t be, but as her eyes go wide when she no doubt realizes what I am doing, I feel my spine stiffen. “Nova, wait,” she begs, but then the sound of her ringtone piercing through the night air, pierces my heart as well.

“Answer the phone,” I say as calmly as I can manage, ignoring the tears starting to gather in her eyes.

“Nova, please, I can explain,” she whispers, her hands trembling as she pulls the phone from her bag to stare at it.

“Answer the fucking phone, Madeline,” I snap, and she jumps, her stare colliding with mine as she finally accepts the call and our phones connect.

Still needing confirmation, I snatch the phone from her hand, and sure enough I see my number under the nickname she chose for me. No, it can’t be. This isn’t happening, but as I see the knowing look in her eyes, I know everything we had was a lie.

It really is her.

“All this time,” I ask in disbelief. “All this time it was you.”

“Nova, I…” she starts, but I cut her off, slamming my lips to hers and tasting the poisonous lies straight from her tongue.

I don’t want to hear anymore lies, so I kiss her. I kiss her with everything I have, and then I kiss her some more. My mouth claiming her, owning her, erasing every word of deceit until there is nothing between us but this. Then I pull back and push up the dress she changed into, my hands ripping the lace thong straight from her body, the fabric coming apart easily in my rage.

“Nova,” she tries again, my name on her lips now sounding like nothing but deception. I can’t bear it, can’t hear her sweet tone whisper my name into the night.

“Don’t say a fucking word to me right now, Madeline,” I command, too lost in her games of shadows to even think straight, as I fumble to undo my belt and jeans.

When I free my cock it’s already hard and leaking, not caught up to her disloyalty yet, and I press her harder against the wall, ignoring her gasp of pain as I run my dick up and down her slit, coating it in her juices. Then I use one hand to lift one of her thighs, and the other to collar her throat, gripping them both hard as I line my cock up with her entrance, and slam inside without warning. Another gasp slips past her lying lips, but the lust and anger is my only focus, fucking her with hard, deep thrusts, forcing her ass to scrape against the brick with every stroke.

“No names,” I spit in disgust. “That’s what you said right? No fucking names.” I shake my head in disbelief, how fucking stupid was I that I let this happen. I let her take my hatred for her and turn it into something else, something real, or something I thought was real.

Her hands curl around my shoulders, holding onto me for support as I take everything out on her body, her wet heat wrapping around me like heaven, except now I know better. She is the daughter of the devil after all. God, I bet they had a good fucking laugh about this, first my mom, and now me.

My hand tightens around her throat, bringing us closer, and she uses her arms to drag my mouth back down to hers, pulling me in for another kiss, but it’s too much. She’s everywhere, and has been all this time.

“Nova,” she moans, her eyes clashing with mine, imploring me to listen to her, inviting me to get lost in the ocean that is her stare, but I won’t do it, not again.

Instead, I pull out of her, spin her around, and shove her down with a hand in the middle of her shoulder blades, as I toss her against some stacked crates next to the wall. Her ass is filled with red marks from the brick wall, some black flecks of dirt also staining her creamy skin, but it’s the fingerprint bruises on her hips that captures my attention. Marks I left there, marks that I thought meant she was mine, that I was hers.

So fucking stupid.

I line my cock back up with her entrance and enter with a hard thrust once more, ignoring the moan she allows to slip out and instead focusing on the tightening of her cunt. My hands digging into the angry, red scrapes and forcing them to bleed. Just like I knew she would, she writhes, but not in pain, no, she fucking loves this, loves that I know what her body needs. I bet her fiancé hasn’t got a fucking clue how his girl likes to be fucked.

“You love being fucked like my little whore don’t you, Princess?” I tease, the pads of my fingers dancing in her blood as I slam my hips against her roughly. “Look at you, letting me bend you over in this filthy alley because you’re so desperate for my cock,” I add in a mix of disgust and carnal need.

“Oh god,” she moans, pushing back against me, taking everything I have got and always begging for more, but god won’t help her now.

I keep one hand on her hip and allow the other to press between her ass and thumb against her back hole, teasing it roughly and making her moan even louder, while admiring the red tint to her asscheeks. I like seeing her blood there, hearing her throaty gasps as she begs for more. I want her to feel it all, I want her to feel and remember all of the pain she caused me.

Buckling beneath me I know she is desperate to come, and I almost want to keep it from her, stop her from getting any sort of pleasure thanks to me, but I need this. I need her cunt soaked and desperate for me, swollen and begging for more. It’s why I use the hand pressed against her back hole, to reach up and grab her hair, lifting her from the crates completely.

“Touch yourself,” I demand. “I want your cunt strangling my cock until my cum is dripping out of it.”

“Oh fuck,” she moans, arching her back further into me and reaching down to play with her clit. Her hand roughly swirls between her thighs, and from the way she instantly spasms around me, I can tell she is close.

“That’s it, Princess, show me how much you like being my whore.” Another flutter of her cunt at my words and I can feel my own orgasm drawing closer.

“Nova,” she cries, writhing her hips against my cock and her hand, desperate for her release. “I’m gonna come,” she adds, rocking harder and faster.

My own pace picks up and I spin us, pressing her cheek against the wall and snapping my hips in deep, long strokes until she is falling apart around me. “Yes, yes, right there, right there, please,” she pleads, choking me with her pussy as she falls over the edge.

“Fuck, Princess,” I curse, quick to follow, as my own orgasm shoots from my cock and I empty my release inside of her with a final few thrusts of my cock. Pulling us away from the wall and leaning us back onto the crate while she catches her breath. I don’t miss a beat as I lean down and bring my lips to her ear. “Does your fiancé know how much you like being filled with my cum?”

Her entire body freezes, her limbs stiffening as I pull back and let my cock fall from her cunt, stepping away from her and tucking myself back in so I can fasten my jeans. I watch as she pushes herself upright on shaky legs and slowly turns around to stare at me. Running my hands through my hair, I hold her stare as she frantically pulls at the hem of her dress to cover herself, ignoring my cum dripping down her leg.

“Nova, I can explain,” she starts, taking a step towards me, but I take a step back, holding the distance I have created between us. If I’m not mistaken a flash of hurt enters her eyes, but she stops moving. “Please, if you would just let me tell you everything.”

I hold my hand up to cut her off. “You’re Grim,” I say matter of factly. “You’re the one who has been sending me messages and talking to me the last couple of months?” I ask, although it’s not really a question. She opens her mouth to respond and before she can try spin a tale of her own, I add, “Yes, or fucking no, Madeline.”

My harsh tone startles her into closing her mouth and nodding slowly, more tears gathering in those traitorous eyes as she drops them down to the floor. “Was this all just one big joke to you?” I start again. “Make the guy you hate fucking fall for you, and then have a good laugh about it with your future husband.” Her gaze snaps back to mine at my words, like she is searching my gaze to see if they are real.

“Nova, this thing with Brad and I, I can explain, I swear.” She erases the space between us, reaching up to pull me close, her touch making my skin burn as I harshly push her away.

“Your words don’t mean anything to me, Madeline, not anymore. I thought we had something, fuck,” I laugh. “I thought we had something twice, you, fucking Grim, god I’m so stupid. To think I thought the puck bunnies were selfish whores,” I shake my head with another humorless laugh.

“That’s not fair,” she winces, folding up arms to fight away the bitter cold now lying between us.

This time when I look at her, all I see is the Mayor’s daughter. There is no Maddie, no Grim, just his fucking daughter, and all their fucking lies. I know she sees it, the moment my eyes turn from hurt to disgust, I see it in the way she braces her shoulders as I open my mouth. “I guess the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree, huh?”

She recoils as if I physically hit her, one of those tears finally making its way to her cheek before she dashes it away. “Fuck you, Nova,” she spits back bitterly.

“I already did, Princess, and I’ve had better.” The lie leaves my tongue just as the door we came through bangs open and ricochets off the wall, her brother’s furious eyes darting around the alley until they land on us.

I see the second he spots his sister’s crying face, her best friend just behind him, her own face laced with concern as he curses, “What the fuck is going on?” I almost laugh at how protective he is over her, maybe if I had someone protecting me I wouldn’t be in this mess.

Maddie doesn’t answer him, she doesn’t even spare him a glance, her eyes still locked on mine as I stare at her one final time. When Josh reaches us, he looks between us both, no doubt noticing his sister’s disheveled state before turning his focus to me. “Nova, what the fuck did you do?”

Of course he thinks this was my doing, that I hurt his precious sister, he doesn’t care that it’s my heart aching inside my chest. I want to scream that it was her, that it was their fucking family, but instead I just sigh with nothing but regret. “I did nothing, but it’s okay, I’m done here.”

I don’t wait for either of them to respond, pushing past my teammate and heading back inside where I find Archer waiting for me. He takes one look at my face and nods, following me as I cut through the bar and head back out to the street out front. I don’t know where I’m going, or what I’m doing, but I do know one thing…

I need more alcohol.

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