The Puck Secret (Fairfield U Book 1)

The Puck Secret: Chapter 22

Our eyes are locked as I watch Archer say something to Nova and he nods, then the next thing I know he is stalking towards me like a predator going after his prey. I am out of my league with him. I know it, and he knows it, and now he is going to tear me apart to prove a point. I’m not sure if it’s for some misplaced hate, or fucked up lust, but either way I am ready.

When he reaches me I brace myself, but all he does is slide into the space behind me and pull my body flush against his. My back hitting his chest as we begin swaying together, grinding to the music as smoke rises up around us. I press into him as one of his hands comes around to rest on my stomach, holding me there, as the other grips tightly around my hip. My neck is slick with sweat and I swear I feel his tongue glide along my skin and I shudder.

The movement pushes me into him further, and then I feel something long and hard against my ass that almost makes me stumble. Nova’s grip keeps me in place as we continue to move, but I can’t help but rub against him to try to feel what I just felt again. There is no way that can be what I think it is. All we are doing is dancing.

Yet when I grind back into him again he growls in my ear, “Keep rubbing on my dick like that and we are both gonna have a problem, Princess.” His teeth latch onto my ear, and a gasped moan slips out that is thankfully lost to the sound of the music, but of course he still hears it.

The hand on my hip slides down, until it skates along the back of one of my thighs and starts to move under the fabric of my dress. My eyes flash widely around to see if anyone is watching us, but no one is paying us any attention, and the smoke is hiding most of our bodies in the dark corner we are dancing in. Hallie has also conveniently disappeared.

I brace myself as his hand reaches the curve of my cheek, and he halts before spreading it wide and coming up empty. “Princess,” he spits the term like it truly offends him as he leans in even closer. “Did you come to my birthday party without wearing any panties?”

A thrill runs through me as I tip my head back against his shoulder and we lock eyes, his pupils wide in anticipation of my answer. I shrug as casually as I can manage, feeling a lot bolder than usual thanks to the alcohol running through my veins as I say, “I didn’t have time to buy you a present.”

He keeps his eyes on mine, as that exploring hand slides between my cheeks and dips down towards my pussy, finding it damp and needy before he has even touched it. “Maddie,” he curses, so silent I barely hear it, as his other hand on my stomach grips me even more possessively. “Fuck, Princess, you’re so wet for me already,” he growls, and I whimper as his fingers push forward and swirl around my clit oh so slowly.

The lack of friction is maddening, and I grind my hips more, so desperate to come for him already that I might get on my knees and beg. Which I’m sure he would enjoy, but he doesn’t make me. He takes my cue and starts moving his fingers harder and faster, flicking against my sensitive nub in the exact spot I need him as he pushes me towards the edge.

Two of his fingers rub vigorously at my clit as he places his thumb up against my back hole, and I shudder against him. No one has ever touched me there, yet right now, I would let him do anything to me. I am his to possess as he pleases, and he knows it.

“You like this, don’t you, Princess?” he whispers against my neck, dragging his tongue across the pulse point at the juncture of my throat. “You like being treated like my little slut, where anyone could look over and watch us, could see what I am doing to you.” I wish his words weren’t true, but the throbbing slickness between my thighs is all either of us needs to know the real answer.

I don’t respond, too ashamed to admit how I don’t just like this, I love it, I need it. It’s freeing, a feeling I rarely have anymore and right here with him, I am completely addicted. He presses his fingers against me harder, punishing my body with his touch, forcing me closer and closer to its peak, and when one of his fingers sinks inside of me I moan, loud and reckless, not caring if anyone hears.

The sound has him spinning me around until I am pressed against the wall, and then he is slipping back inside me with another finger, stretching me open. His palm is now grinding against my clit and I swirl my hips against it, rocking my body until I fall apart against him. My pussy clenches around him as he continues to pump his hand with rough thrusts, until I am boneless and breathless. Our eyes are burning into one another, a thousand words dying on my tongue as his stare rips me apart. No one has ever looked at me the way he is looking and me, and it’s almost too much. Too much and yet somehow it will never be enough.

Before I can say anything, he tips his head to the side as if he could sense eyes on us, and he finds Archer waiting for his attention. All he does is nod his head and Nova smiles looking back at me, before he pulls his fingers from my pussy and brings them to his mouth. He sinks them past his lips and sucks them clean with a groan, his eyes never leaving mine, and I am completely mesmerized.

Once he has finished he pushes back from me and makes sure my dress is right before he says, “It’s time to go, Princess.” He doesn’t wait for me to respond, just starts pulling me through the crowd of people that I just orgasmed in the middle of, and all I can do is follow.

“Where are we going?” I pant, still spiraling from my release as I stumble to keep up with him, but he doesn’t stop until we reach the door that leads down to the den in the basement.

Confusion fills my stare, but all he does is turn towards me and smile. “It’s a birthday party, Princess, and it’s time to play some games.”

He opens the door and gestures for me to enter, and when I step inside and begin descending the stairs I realize how dark it is. It’s also quiet, and when I reach the bottom I only find a few of the other guys from the team sitting around a small table. There is some booze in the middle of it, a couple of joints, and a few lines of cocaine which makes my eyes instantly snap to Nova as he comes up behind me.

He is watching me carefully as he crowds into my back, and I take some comfort in his presence as I eye the other people in the room. Of course there is Nova’s best friend Archer, who is sitting beside Hallie on the sofa, then there is Alexander Reign, Jacob Harper, a girl I presume to be his girlfriend, and to my surprise, Daemon Forbes. I drag my gaze across all five of them, stopping slightly on Hallie, until she subtly nods to reassure me that she is okay, and I can see by Archer’s friendly arm around her that she is being looked after.

Reign and Harper are both sitting on another sofa, whereas Daemon is slinked back into a chair, smoking a joint as he stares at where Hallie and Archer are touching. I’m not sure what the hell is going on, or what is about to happen, but I don’t stop Nova as he pushes me further into the room, his cock still hard against my ass. He directs us into an empty armchair, which he lets me slide into first before he takes up a spot on the side.

When no one says anything, I clear my throat and ask, “So what are we playing?”

Archer exchanges a look with Nova before he announces, “The game is truth or dare.” The tension in my shoulders relaxes a little, but then Nova’s fingers, the same fingers he just had inside of me, start to dance along my collarbone.

Hallie looks at me as if to ask what the fuck, but honestly, I have no idea what is going on here either, so I just shrug, leaning forward to grab a beer off the table as the game begins. The guys kick off with Jacob first choosing dare, and being forced to send a dick pic to one of his professors. Then, Hallie pulls off her bra from under her costume when Alexander dares her to lose a piece of clothing, much to his dismay when he realizes how easily it backfired.

By the time we make it around to us, my nerves are pulsing beneath my skin as Archer asks Nova with a smile, “Truth or dare, birthday boy.”

I feel his stare flick down to me, before his words lick at my skin as he responds, “Dare, of course.”

Alexander and Archer share a look and a whisper over Hallie, and I see her eyes widen before Archer pulls back and replies, “I dare you to take a drink from baby Peters’ body.”

My own eyes flare in surprise, and his innuendo isn’t lost on me as the tension in my body returns at the thought of them all watching us together. It’s not like we weren’t doing something similar upstairs, but there was a level of darkness that blanketed us. Down here there isn’t. I wish I could say the tension was actually anxiety but it’s not, it’s anticipation. When I look up at Nova he is watching me, and I know the moment he sees it, the want in me, the need I have for him to take control in something as simple as this.

I expect him to lean in and kiss me, drop to his knees maybe and stick his head between my thighs again. Lord knows I want him to, but instead he leans forward and grabs a bottle of whiskey and a straw from the table beside us. When he moves back to me he pushes me in silent demand until I slump further into the chair. I obey him instantly, letting my head drop to the back of the chair and slightly part my lips in preparation, the same thought running through both of our heads no doubt.

As he realizes I understand his intentions he whispers, “You’re really gonna let me drink it from your mouth?” He almost looks surprised, and I can’t help but smirk as I quip back, “I’ve had worse things in it.”

A curse slips from his lips before his hand cups my cheek in an almost affectionate manner. Then he slides it down to my neck and pushes my chin back with his thumb as his fingers tighten around my throat. “Open your mouth you little brat,” he demands, and I ensure to do it nice and slow, letting my tongue slide out onto my lips so there is plenty of room for him to pour the drink into.

The whiskey spills across my lips, some slipping down my throat onto his hand, as I force some of it to remain in my mouth for him to take. “Don’t swallow,” he warns, pulling the bottle away from me and leaning forward to dip the straw past my lips.

I’m fully aware of every set of eyes in the room as he sips through the straw and transfers some of the whiskey from my mouth to his own. “Now you can swallow.” Again, I comply immediately, and his hand remains around my neck as I let the liquid travel down my throat.

“Jesus that was fucking hot,” Alexander mumbles under his breath, and the blush that spreads up my neck threatens to burn me alive, as we both slowly pull apart from one another.

There is nothing I want more than to fuck him right here, right now, with all of our friends watching, and it’s that thought that makes me spiral. I need to get out of here, I can’t do this, I can’t be consumed by Nova, we are too blinded. This hatred had been building for years, sizzling between us like an inferno ready to explode, and now we’ve both stepped into the fire we have no choice but to perish.

My eyes flash to Hallie, and she nods as if giving the okay for me to bolt, and then I am on my feet and moving without another word, pushing myself towards the bottom of the stairs so I can escape, but of course I don’t get far. Nova is on me within a second, bending down to grip my thighs and tossing me over his shoulder in one smooth scoop.

The guys cheer as we storm across the room, and he kicks open a door that leads to a utility room, and doesn’t put me down until he slams the door closed behind us. When I slide down his body I feel every ridge of every one of his muscles, including the long hard one between his legs, until we are both panting and staring at one another.

“I don’t remember saying you could run from me, Princess?” His hand reaches between my thighs and he rips up my dress and palms my bare cunt. “This pussy doesn’t feel like it wants to run away from me.”

I hiss as he circles my clit, spitting my words at him in disgusted lust, “God I fucking hate you.” And I do, I hate how perfect his rough fingers feel against my smooth skin. How every touch from him makes me feel alive, and how I know that no one else has ever made me feel like this before.

All he does is grin. “Then you are really gonna hate my dick.” He drags me away from the door, spinning me around and pushing me forward, until we are both facing a mirror. He pushes the hair from my shoulder aside and drags his tongue along my skin, until I am near trembling with anticipation, and only then does he pull back and start to unfasten his jeans.

I know when he grabs himself because he curses beneath his own touch, probably as desperate as I am to feel more as he lines himself up behind me. Our eyes meet again in the mirror as he commands me with a husky tone, “Hold on to the sink, Princess, this is going to be rough.” He doesn’t even wait to see if I am ready, just slams into me hard, the force rocking me forward into the marble of the sink. His fingers dig into the skin of my hips to keep me in place as my pussy clamps down around him.

His cock is big, and the stretch of him inside of me burns in a way I can’t describe. It’s new and powerful, and so deep in me that I can barely find where I end and he begins. It’s a fine line between pleasure and pain, and I have to hold my breath to keep myself from crying out.

“God, you feel fucking perfect,” he growls, his hold on me tightening to an almost brutal point, that I know I will wear his mark on my skin tomorrow. He pulls out of me in an agonizingly slow pace, before thrusting back into me roughly. “So fucking wet and tight for me.”

“Nova, please,” I beg, so desperate for more, of what I’m not sure, but I know he can give it to me, and it’s as if my pleading is the undoing of his restraint. He snaps, pulling back and slamming his hips into me again, only this time he doesn’t stop. It isn’t slow, or gentle, it’s fast, rough, messy, brutal, as the sounds of our skin slapping together echo around us in a sexual symphony. His grip on me is desperate as he drives into me with no other thought in his mind except fucking me.

His hand reaches up and grips my hair, pulling me back towards him as our stares collide in the mirror once more. His eyes are darker than I’ve ever seen them, and his jaw is tight as he pounds into me at a relentless pace. His breath is hot against the back of my neck as he watches me take every inch of him with ease. I can see the hate and the lust at war on his face, and he has never looked more perfect.

His movements aren’t casual or playful, they’re demanding, possessive, adamant in the way he tries to own me, and I know in this instant that he will be my downfall. There will be no coming back from the claim that Nova Darkmore has just staked on me, and with his cock pumping inside of me, I don’t even want to try.

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