The Puck Secret (Fairfield U Book 1)

The Puck Secret: Chapter 10

Sundays are my least favorite day of the week, because every Sunday both Josh and I are required to attend family dinner at the Mayoral mansion. And I know what you are thinking, family dinner probably sounds sweet, right? All of us getting together and spending time with one another over a nice hot meal. Yeah that would be nice, except this isn’t that. In fact, the meal prepared by the chefs and served by servants is about the only thing I look forward to, because at least the food is good.

The rest is hell.

My parents barely talk to one another when there is no audience to fool, and my grandma just sits getting drunk on what she calls cheap wine. Most of the time is spent focused on Josh, as he desperately tries to keep everyone charmed with his stories from the week, and as usual my dad hangs off his every word. He has barely said two words to me since I entered, and it’s been the same song and dance between us for the past few weeks, ever since I walked out of his office after his ultimatum about Brad.

I’m not sure what he expected, but with the way he keeps looking at me, I am sure he is waiting for an apology. He will be waiting a long time if he thinks he is going to get one, and as Josh continues to tell them about the trick shot he pulled off in his last game, I pull out my phone under the table and read back over the messages from this morning.

If you would have told me a few weeks ago, that the best part of my day now would be messages from a handsome stranger whose face I have never seen, I would have laughed, but here we are. I pretty much start off every day with a text to my Charmer, and fall asleep to his words at night. I’m not sure when it went from casual to addictive, but it’s like I am high on the feeling each one of his messages gives me.

I still haven’t responded to the last message he sent after I showed off Harold, and I smirk at how bold I was in sending that picture. Flirting with him is fun, but that’s all it can ever be. I haven’t forgotten about the deal looming over my head, and there is no point dragging someone I could potentially like into that situation, and I do like him, more than I should. I know I shouldn’t, and I know it’s stupid, but with every message I fall further down this crazy hole with him, and right now it’s the only thing getting me through the day.

The distraction of my phone catches my mom’s attention as she purrs, “And what about you, Madeline?” Her question cuts Josh off mid-sentence, and he glances at me from across the table as I take a deep breath.

“What about me, Mom?” I smile sweetly, as I return her question, and she eyes me coolly.

“Your father tells me that you and Bradley Thorne are to be engaged.” She drops the bomb in the middle of the table as if she doesn’t expect it to detonate, but it goes off with a perfected calculation, claiming its intended casualties.

“What the fuck?” Josh curses, looking between me and my mom before adding, “She’s not marrying that tool, he’s a jackass who isn’t good enough for anyone, let alone her.”

My brother’s words flow through me, spreading warmth through my chest. At least someone in this family gives a shit about me, even if it’s pointless by now. I can’t stop my eyes from flicking over to my father who is already watching me expectantly, waiting for me to correct the situation.

I clear my throat and attempt to clear the air. “Actually, Josh, Brad and I have been really good lately, an engagement to him wouldn’t be the end of the world, he comes from a good family.” The words taste like ash on my tongue, and how I manage to say them with a smile is a miracle. I sound like a different person, like my mother, and of course my brother sees right through me.

He looks at me like I have grown an extra head, because he knows how I feel about Brad, and there is nothing but confusion on his face right now. I can feel my dad’s threat from the other week hanging around my neck like a noose, so I ensure my mask stays intact and I pretend that Brad is Prince fucking Charming. That I actually don’t detest him, and that an engagement to him wouldn’t be the end of the fucking world.

“Your sister is right, the Thorne’s are a good family, she needs to lock him down before it’s too late and he finds someone better.” My mother’s words are as tactless as always, and I have to catch myself before I roll my eyes.

“She is barely even twenty,” Josh spits out in disgust, and I watch as the truth starts settling in his mind, as he stares between our parents before shifting his gaze back to mine.

My smile is weak, but when he slumps back in his chair in defeat, I know he realizes there is something deeper going on here. I know I will have to come clean to him at some point, but this ridiculous forced dinner isn’t the time or place.

Of course my mom doesn’t notice him backing down and just responds to his statement. “I was already engaged to your father at that age,” she purrs, and I fight the urge to say yeah and look where that got you. “Madeline needs to get a move on and lock the Thorne boy down.”

This time instead of refuting her, it’s my grandma that chuckles as she tops off yet another glass of wine. “Are you that impatient with your husband? Because if so, it’s no wonder he fucked his secretary.”

“That’s enough!” My father’s voice booms down from the head of the table, and I put down my fork and use my napkin to dab the side of my mouth. “Madeline and I have discussed this matter in private and it has been decided, we will announce the engagement at Christmas.”

His words settle over the table and push us all into silence for the rest of the meal. I can feel Josh’s stare on me repeatedly, but I make a point of not looking at him until we have eaten dessert and the plates are being cleared. My mother excuses herself first, grabbing a bottle of liquor on the way out as my father sighs. He is the next to leave, quoting business phone calls as he storms away to his office. Grandma is already sleeping in her chair, so I slip out without a word, Josh right on my heels.

If I thought I would get away without his interrogation I was wrong, because as soon as we make it outside, he is grabbing my arm and pushing me towards the garage where our cars are. When we reach it, he spins me around and demands, “Explain.”

I sigh, “It’s fine, Josh, I swear.”

“Fine?” he repeats with a huff, “Nothing is fine about you agreeing to marry Bradley fucking Thorne, the guy is a fucking creep, Madeline.”

I can’t even disagree with him on that one, not with memories of him fucking the waitress and grabbing my arm still so fresh in my mind. Josh is staring at me like he can see right through me, and he is one of the only people I can trust in this world. I can’t lie to him anymore. “If I don’t marry him, dad is going to cut me off.”

Shock flares in his eyes, and he stumbles back a step as the reality of the situation drops between us. He knows as well as I do what that would mean. I’m not the only one in this family being pressed on to receive our father’s approval. Josh gets a little more freedom thanks to his skill at hockey, but he is under just as much pressure as I am. He knows if I don’t do this, that I wouldn’t be able to afford FU. I wouldn’t have anywhere to live, my car would be gone. I’d be forced to drop out of college and find a job to support myself, and given that our dad has an in with most businesses in town, I expect that would be a hard thing to find.

He sighs, stepping forward and pulling me in for a bone crushing hug, that I can’t help but sink into. “It will be fine, Mads, we will think of something, I promise.”

His words don’t bring me any comfort, yet still when he pulls away I force a small smile to my lips and nod. “I have to go, Hallie is waiting for me,” I lie, just because I know I need to get away from here before I fall apart. “Call you later?” I add, so he doesn’t feel like I am just blowing him off, and he nods.

I fight back my tears and move around my car to get inside, smiling more and offering him a little wave of my hand as I pull out of the long driveway. When he finally disappears from my rearview mirror I let myself break. The drive back to my house is silent, as tears fall down my cheeks and I feel myself spiraling out of control, as countless thoughts assault my mind.

What if I just drove out of town and left?

What if I crashed the car and hurt myself?

What if I used the car to run Brad over?

All viable options, and when I pull up back in front of my own house I wonder if I should let any of them win, especially the one that involves Brad getting acquainted with my fender. Shaking the image from my head, I grab my purse and climb out of the car and head inside, nodding my head to Julian who has just pulled up behind me. He’s ex-military. Maybe I can hire him to take out Brad for me, that would be fun.

When I get inside I notice the house is quiet, and I am a little disappointed that Hallie isn’t here. But when I pull out my phone I find a message from her that I missed during dinner, that said she is heading to the library to study. She loves the library, so I reply with a couple of heart emojis so I don’t distract her into coming home because of my family drama, and then I head upstairs and throw myself onto my bed.

I’m not sure how long I lay there, but it’s long enough to make me feel like my life is falling apart, and instead of reaching for my journal and writing about my day like my therapist tells me to, I reach for my phone instead.

Maddie: Do you think your dick is good enough to erase a dinner from hell?

To my delight his reply is almost instant, and as soon as I read it I feel the pressure on my chest releasing.

The Lonely Charm: I’ll conduct a survey and get back to you. Bad day?

Maddie: You have no idea.

The Lonely Charm: Wanna tell me about it?

Maddie: Not really

The Lonely Charm: Fair enough, how about a distraction instead?

Maddie: Sure why not

The Lonely Charm: Are you alone?

The question throws me a little, and that pesky part of my brain that always reminds me that this guy could be a stalker perks up completely, but still I respond.

Maddie: Yes I’m alone…

The Lonely Charm: And where’s Harold?

My cheeks heat at his words, and I feel a thrill buzz inside of me at where this exchange could be leading. We haven’t ever gone past some light flirting, our messages are usually just getting to know each other without knowing each other. I mean yeah, there have been some shirtless pics on his side, and that one flirty picture I sent that first weekend, but nothing more. I guess I started this by showing him Harold, but I just wanted to throw him off his game. Which is proving impossible, it’s why I call him Charmer.

Well, if he wants to play games, I can play them too.

I quickly get up and lock my bedroom door, before moving back over to my bed and grabbing Harold from my top drawer, settling myself back down on top of my sheets. I take a deep breath before I wrap my free hand around the toy and hold it up to snap a picture.

Maddie: Harold is always here with me

*image attached*

The anticipation of watching those typing bubbles appear and disappear is exhilarating.

The Lonely Charm: And do you two feel like playing a game?

I can’t help but laugh as I read those words. Not just at him being playful, but the fact he is also playing along with me and the fact I named my damn dildo Harold. Hallie always makes fun of me for it, but nope, my lonely charm not only accepts it, but he wants to play with us. This is going to be fun.

Maddie: I’m not really one for following rules Charmer

The Lonely Charm: Good, because I want you to break them with me baby

Maddie: Then you better send me another picture of those abs!

This is dangerous territory we are moving into, and there won’t be any going back. Once we cross this line, it’s done, we won’t be able to return to how things are now. Usually something like that would scare me, but all I can feel is arousal dousing my entire body, as I reach beneath my skirt and shimmy my panties off and toss them aside. I’m doing this with or without him.

The Lonely Charm: *image attached*

Fuck me. It doesn’t matter that I have seen them multiple times, or that I have several images of them saved to a secret folder in my phone. Every damn time I look at them I almost choke on my tongue. Nobody should be that perfect. Every damn ridge of his body is refined and muscular, and mix that with the few pieces of dark ink that is marred across his skin, he looks like a fucking god. A god I want to lick.

This picture is unlike the others though, because he is quite clearly fresh from the shower, with water droplets still glistening on his skin. There is a towel wrapped low around his waist, very low, and he is holding up the phone so the picture is taken from above. My eyes can’t help but track the line of hair that leads down into the towel, and they also don’t miss the thick outline of his cock bulging out from behind the fabric. Fuck he’s big, and I imagine what it would be like to rip that towel away and feast my eyes on the rest of him.

The Lonely Charm: Ready to play with me baby?

Maddie: Yes please

The Lonely Charm: Already begging? I knew you were a good girl, Grim. Now put Harold where I wish I was.

His words make me light up inside, and damn I will beg all he wants if he keeps talking to me like that. I wonder what he would sound like if he was here calling me a good girl in my ear. I bite my lip as I squeeze my thighs together, already more than desperate to feel myself get off, but if he is going to play then so am I. I take Harold and position him at my mouth, resting him seductively against my tongue as I snap a close up picture.

Then I pull off my top and drag him down in between my tits and snap another, before pushing him down between my legs and taking one final image. When I am happy with all three of them and that you can’t tell who I am from them, I send them off.

Maddie: And is that my mouth, tits, or pussy, Charmer?

*image attached*

*image attached*

*image attached*

I don’t wait for his reply to come through. I switch on the toy and let the vibrations drag over my pussy, as I use my own juices to get him nice and ready. When the tip brushes against my clit, I let out a little whimper, already feeling so needy to come as it pulses through me.

The Lonely Charm: Fucking hell Grim, The things I want to do to you! I’m hard as fuck!

*image attached*

The picture this time is of him clearly lying in bed, but instead of a towel covering his dick, it’s his hand, his fingers seductively curled around his thick length. His hand is fisted at the base and I imagine it’s my hand instead of his, as I slide the toy inside me and gasp. My mind can’t help but think about this sex god at home in bed, fucking his hand to my pictures, and soft moans start to pour from my mouth as I fuck the toy in and out of me.

Maddie: Stroke it nice and hard for me

I have never sexted in my life, and I’m not sure where the courage to do it now is coming from, but he just makes me feel so alive, and I don’t even know his name.

When my phone lights up again I find a video instead of a picture and when I press play I groan out loud. It’s a short clip of him jerking his hand up and down his cock, only stopping to curl it around his tip at the end of every stroke. God his cock is beautiful, it’s long and smooth, and I move the toy harder inside of me to match the timing of his hand.

I know he won’t expect anything back but I am desperate to have him going as crazy as I am. So I focus the camera between my open thighs and let it record the toy dipping in and out of me as I gasp and moan at the sensation of it. I even turn the settings up a notch so its vibrations reach both in and out of my pussy, not missing my clit as I writhe in pleasure. My fingers are shaking as I hit send and he watches it instantly.

The Lonely Charm: I’m gonna cum to the sound of your moans and the sight of your tight little cunt baby

His words are filthy and erotic, and my hand fucks the toy even faster. I feel my entire body tingling as I get closer to release. I watch the video he sent on repeat, soaking my hand, and Harold, until they are both so slippery I can barely control them. Yet I keep fucking myself harder, imagining it’s him, imagining he is here on top of me, fucking me into the mattress.

The Lonely Charm: I bet you’d scream so pretty for me while I fucked your pretty pussy nice and deep.

The Lonely Charm: You’d beg me to stop but you wouldn’t mean it

The Lonely Charm: You want my cock slamming deep inside of you while you scream my name

The Lonely Charm: And you will scream it Grim

The Lonely Charm: You’ll scream it so loud that everyone in this town will know you’re mine.

I’m gone. I fall over the edge with a scream, and I press down the voice record button on my phone and capture every sinful second until I am completely spent and breathless. When I release it and I see it start to play instantly, the thrill of it all continues to wrack my entire body as I picture him listening to it.

Not even a minute passes before another video comes through and when his own masculine groan floats through my speakers, I want to come again as I see him fall apart. He fucks his hand in quick, rough strokes until jets of cum spurt from the end and coat his hand and stomach in a display of pure sex. If I was there I’d lick him clean and ask him if he wanted to go again, and I feel no remorse as I save both videos into my private folder for another time with Harold.

Maddie: That was an interesting distraction Charmer

The Lonely Charm: I just came harder than I ever have before, and all you have to say is that it was an interesting distraction?

Maddie: Don’t tell me I put a dent in that huge ego of yours

The Lonely Charm: You wish baby

Maddie: You better go get another shower since I’m not there to clean you up

The Lonely Charm: Fucking hell! Every damn door Grim! Say the word and I will hunt you down and put Harold out of business

The rest of my day isn’t so bad afterall.

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