The Prophesied Trio

Chapter 5

I wake the next morning to the smells of bacon and eggs, my stomach growls, with excitement I am just slightly hopeful that there will be some for me,

I try to get up, but my body seems heavier than usual, I’m unable to move, I notice why, when Damien grumbles, at my movements, he is using my arse as a pillow, I flick his nose, which he winces at and sucks up dribble, my butt has a wet patch, which he pats, then jumps off, Alaric and Cassius must be in the kitchen, cooking breakfast,

‘‘I was not meant to stay, sorry I fell asleep, I hope I did not keep anyone up, but I must get going now, if I am to be in the party later, thank you for having me,’’ I say.

‘‘Stay for breakfast, we have a gift for you,’’ Alaric says,

So I sit and devour another fantastic meal, wondering between each bite what the gift could be, perhaps some fruit, or chocolates, I haven’t had them for a long time, the popcorn was lovely last night, perhaps if I stay friends with them, I could rent a room from them, I could offer them my services as a sex slave or what ever they wanted, Alaric splutters his mouthful of juice into his hands, and I’m sure his juice came through his nose, he jumps to his feet to wash his face of the juice patting it dry with the towel before returning.

‘‘Question, can you read minds Mr Vampire,’’ I ask, realising his spurting of juice could be because of my thoughts, or maybe just a coincidence.

‘‘Yes, I can when I let my guard down, but its usually up, either wise it gets too loud,’’ he answers avoiding my gaze,

‘‘So, you heard the slave part then,’’ I question,

He turns to look at me his gaze burning into my skin, while a wicked grin lights up his face,

‘‘What am I missing,’’ Damien shouts,

‘‘Nothing too interesting, just some mindless babbling on my part,’’ I smile wildly,

Cassius smiles, watching Damien pout as he feels left out,

‘‘Now you have had your fill and fun, we would like to gift you something, you do not have to accept straight away, or at all, just think about it,’’ Cassius says,

‘‘We want you to move in with us, we have a spare room, for you, you can come and go as you please, store things in there, have a comfortable bed to sleep on, and most importantly a warm meal in your belly,’’ Damien says,

My mind whirled, Panic rose inside me, ‘‘but you have only just met me, what if I am a murderer, or rapist, or I do not know,’’

‘‘Are you,’’ Alaric asks,


‘‘Then move in, we have bought you some clothing that will fit you nicely and matching underwear, you can use all the facilities the house has to offer at no charge,’’ Alaric says,

‘‘We have also bought you a phone, so you can message people and make phone calls,’’ Cassius says,

‘‘We know you are not a charity case; we do not want you to think us spending money on your, is for you, it is for us, I wanted to see you in pretty clothing’’ Damien says,

‘‘I wanted to make sure we could contact you, if needed, hence the phone,’’ Cassius says,

‘‘I could not bear to see you sleep on the dingy floor inside your old room again,’’ Alaric says with a growl,

‘‘And that is supposed to make me feel better just accepting all your gifts,’’

‘‘Yes,’’ Alaric growls,

‘‘Fine, I shall accept your gifts if you let me repay you,’’

‘‘Then they would not be gifts, just but accepting the gifts is payment enough, we will not judge you ever,’’ Alaric says,

‘‘Fine,’’ relief spread though all of them, ‘‘on one condition, I decorate my own room,’’

‘‘Deal,’’ they say in unison,

‘‘One other thing, are you all sleeping together or something, because you are clearly not related with how different you each are,’’

‘‘It is a long story one that you can learn one day,’’ Cassius smiles,

They walk me up the stairs, where four large doors stand open in front of me, this is my room Damien says, showing me around, it matched the size of the living room beneath us, filled with plants and green walls, exotic flowers and beautiful painting of animals, everywhere, there were large mounds of cushions scattered around the room,

He must be having orgies in here with this many beds, I can hear Alaric laughing as I continue looking through, it had its own walk-in wardrobe which he shut as the mess was overflowing, the tidiest part was a small collection of collars, that lined the wall, interesting, perhaps it is for his lion,

‘‘What are these for,’’ I ask,

He purrs, ‘‘for the special lady that one day makes me settle down,’’

‘‘Pfft, I wish all the luck to that girl,’’

‘‘And what exactly is that supposed to mean,’’ he says,

I do not answer, only laugh as I gaze upon the rest of the room, which has its own bathroom which was like a tropical utopia, with waterfalls a rock sink and matching toilet,

‘‘Wow, this is magical,’’

I leave and shut the door noticing it has a bush shaped plaque that clanged with the movement, which read ‘Damien’s Jungle keep out.’

Definitely going to listen to that sign, I may end up falling over the piles of naked bodies,

Alaric stands waiting to show me his room which is the same layout, as Damien’s but décor is completely different, more vampire, he has a coffin shaped plaque with a cursive, ‘Alaric’s Lair’ written in red on it, inside the room consists of a lot of black, adorned with bright reds running through it, it was beautiful and gothic.

The four poster bed was stunning in the centre with the red silks, it also had a large collection of vampire romances, that I’ve read, they were pretty raunchy, a lot of sex and more, there was a desk in the centre, a type writer neatly placed on the desk and an iPad, interesting set up,

‘‘Are you a writer Alaric,’’ I ask,

He leans in, pressing close into my back sniffing the top of my head, I relish in his cold sparks that flutter over my skin, ‘‘yes, I am, have you read my books,’’

‘‘I have, I am a major fan, of the horned vampire with a tail,’’ I say giggling,

Alaric rolls his eyes at me.

I notice how clean and tidy his room is, even his wardrobe is neatly stacked, full of black suits and shirts and a few red ones, he also likes docs, but these were all black, with one pair which had red marks polished into them,

‘‘I like docs too, cannot beat them, and I definitely would not live without them,’’ I say showing off my pair I had on already,

He also had his own bathroom, which is all black, with a deep red tub with black legs sat in the middle with a waterfall shower, there was a black toilet and a black sink to match. Alaric trails his fingers across my skin, causing the icy sparks to fly,

‘‘I personally want you to stay, I feel a connection I cannot quite explain,’’ Alaric says, a little too close,

‘‘When that connection is no longer there will you get rid of me,’’

‘‘No, you are part of the pack now, there is no getting rid of you,’’ he chuckles, his deep beautiful chuckle,

I head to Cassius room next; his plaque was a cauldron shaped with just ‘Cassius’ written on it,

‘‘You have such a beautiful name,’’

‘‘Thank you, Willow, yours is just as beautiful,’’ he replies,

Inside the same layout as the other two rooms, but his taste was different, the room is full of crystals, a bed that floated off the ground with thick twine holding it to the ceiling, a huge bubbling cauldron loads of herbs and spices filled the walls, books of spells and potions lined another wall, I have no doubt Cassius has spelled the house bigger.

His wardrobe had flowing long jackets and loose-fitting trousers, tassel shoes but he also had suits. His bathroom consisted of many lotions and potions a sink and toilet in white, with a large Amethyst bath with a shower unit.

‘‘Such a pretty bath,’’ I say.

‘‘It pulls all the negative energy, have one if you like,’’ he says, grabbing me a towel,

‘‘Yes please,’’ I squeal,

‘’You can bath in your own Quartz bath we made sure to install one for you, Cassius says guiding me through to the last room of the floor,

We enter the door which had a plaque with my name on it, it is crystal shaped with cursive ‘Willowmina’ written on it,

The room is just an empty version of the living room, with white walls,

‘‘This room has loads of potential,’’ I say,

‘‘How about you think of what you would like the room to look like while you take your bath, Alaric has filled it ready for you, I have placed a relaxing concoction inside for you aswell, I am sure you will enjoy it,’’ Cassius says, pushing me inside the bathroom and closing the door,

I notice there is an additional door within the bathroom which leaves into the wardrobe, which is full of new clothing for me, I cannot believe the dresses, leggings, tee-shirts, there was a set of drawers which was full of socks, underwear, bras that look like they will fit me well, and even satin Pjs which I personally cannot wait to wear tonight.

I tie my hair up and strip before getting in as, the warm water feels amazing on my skin as I sink into the bath, I notice a sixties skater dress in black with red roses scattered over it, with black healed docs, and a petite coat I had only dreamed of wearing, hanging up on the hook in the corner, I have a feeling that is what they want me to wear tonight.

I relax fully into the bath, accepting their gifts because it is okay to be selfish sometimes,

‘‘What is your ideal reading nook,’’ Alaric says through the door,

‘‘The hexagon tower, is where I could imagine reading, I bet a chandelier, and stained glass would finish it off perfectly,’’ I reply,

‘‘Sounds wonderful to me, where would you put a bed,’’ Damien asks,

‘‘In the centre of the back wall, with cute hanging bedside raw wood tables, either side, with match bed frame,’’

I know what they are doing, so I play along,

‘‘Would you have anything else,’’ Cassius asks,

‘‘Just a shelving unit with books, and perhaps a fluffy rug, oh, I forgot the lights cannot be too bright, just enough to see,’’

‘‘Okay, we are heading downstairs now, we shall meet you in the kitchen, make sure you wear your outfit we have put out for you, and there is a small vanity unit inside the wardrobe which I am sure you will find useful,’’ Alaric says,

Once I had heard the bedroom door close, I dried and dressed, swilled the bath out, then headed into the wardrobe, luckily I knew a spell to magic some makeup on, and then I curled my hair, added the red flower they had left me, and I looked good, fresh and a little glowing.

I headed into the bedroom, and as I thought the room looks exactly how I had imagined it, they even filled the tower with a dozen comfortable cushions.

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