The Prophesied Trio

Chapter 21

The rest of the week went quickly, I did some brainstorming to add some extra pieces to the store, the rest of the pack came back early to celebrate the new year with us, which was amazing, and I stop smiling about it.

“I think we should extend the shop, a little bit,” I say to Cassius,

“I think so too,” he says,

On the day before opening, we ask Damien to make another round centre shelving system, while Casius and I extend the shop to twelve feet by twelve feet, we added in an extra window with more room for plants, centred the fireplace, added in the extra shelving on the walls, my favourite part was the door we added that connected straight to the orangery.

I decided to change the timings to 10am till 3pm, which is more than enough time with customers, we added in three new products which had different variations, one was a wind chime, the second was dream catchers which the girls really wanted to make, and thirdly a large variety of incense, cone and candles, with holders and fountains.

The candles were made by a local lady that wanted to have a shelf, and she said she would pay for it weekly, which we agreed was a good idea, she was chuffed with the number of sales she was having, we even listed them on the online shop, where they sold just as well.

That week went the quickest I have ever known time to fly, sales were through the roof, which was amazing, on the Wednesday, a crystal jeweller came in asking if he could have two cabinets inside the shop, we looked at his hand made beauties and had to have them by the fire place, agreed with that as well, they added beauty to the shop I had not realised it needed.

The twelfth had come around faster than I had expected, I walked into town on my own, while the boys were running the shop for me, I was literally high on the world, and I was hoping to meet the boy’s mothers soon.

I was early for the tattoo appointment, which I was a little too excited about, but as I was on my own, I have perfect opportunity to grab the boys the gift for their birthday, I headed to the larger supermarket called Tesco and headed for the baby Isle,

I got three white boxes, three little cute booties, a baby grow each, three vest, three hats, and a small rattle for each box, as I scanned each item I placed one of everything in the box, I plan to place a some funny writing on the vests for them to read when they open the boxes up.

I waited five minutes in the tattoo studio, and which I used to write a card for each of them, placed the gifts into a special bag I had which hides thing from other people, it is also really spacious.

“Miss Willowmina, are you ready for your appointment, I am Val, your tattooist,” an elf asks,

“Hiya Val, I am indeed,” I beam, following her into the room,

“What are we having today,” Val asks,

“I would like a large lion, like this one on my back,” I show my phone to her with a picture of Damien in his lion form, “then on my right hand I would like a Vampires skull with horns. On my left hand I would like stars and sparkles up my arm like magic,”

“Anything else,” Val smiles,

“Yes, these two cat heads,” I show her my phone again, “an infinity symbol, and a vampire skull with the sparkles through them, in a band around my thigh,”

“Www, I like the thought of them all, this is amazing, let me just do the drawing part, while you strip in the room over there, place the gown on and come back on the chair, straddle it for me and I can get started,” she smiled,

“Okay,” I smile back, heading into the change room,

There is mirrors all the way around the room, which was good for when I come in later to see all the pretties, I left my knickers on, and placed the robe over my shoulders, but my little bump had caught my attention, I had not realised just how big the bump was, I am going to have trouble hiding this if the baby grows this fast, luckily, the small bump that was only noticeable if you were looking for it,

I headed out to straddle the chair, Val took longer to draw, each of the designs than to actually do the tattooing, the designs are perfect as she places them just where I wanted them and I could not believe that she used a wand like devices to copy the drawing onto my skin, which took less than an hour to apply and seal into my skin,

“All done, head into the changing room check them out, if you like them change into your clothes if you think you should add more, just pop back out,” she says,

When I entered, I could not form words with how perfect they had come out, the horned vampire skull had amazing detail, the lion looked exactly like Damien, and she even added some iridescent sparks through the magic stars for Cassius, my little pack band looked amazing and I cannot wait to go home to show them all, I quickly change into my clothes and head into the room where Val was waiting for me,

“Words cannot explain how happy I am with these, thank you,”

We hug and shake hands before I leave for the house.

If I were a dog, my tail would be waggling, I am beaming as I hop/walk through the door, but horror steals away my smile, and happiness, pressure in my head sends fear through me but it was not my fear.

I head into the kitchen, my pack minus the boys are on the floor bleeding out, I grab each of their wrists and press the healing button on their bracelets, they groan but they are alive and healing,

“What happened,” I ask, tears streaming down my face,

“She came, whipped us out and took the boys, we are sorry we could not stop her,” Aiden Answers,

I shake my head, “Do not be sorry, it is fine you did your best, where has she gone too,

“She did not say, but she knew about the bracelets, she ripped them off them before she left,” he said, with a sad expression,

“That is fine, I will still find them, will you be okay here,”

“Yes, find them and bring them back,” he says,

I search for their energy, locking onto it when I found them, and using a portal to guide me to them, I was not able to get as close I would have liked to them but, at least I was in the area.

The land was dying and falling apart, there were no creatures or land animals on the whole of this realm, other than in the castle in the distance, which I were I need to head, a familiar energy runs over me as the wind wraps around me, they whisper their secrets to me,

Shit, this place has gone to hell since I killed mother, my homeland is nothing but wasteland, the trees are sticks, bushes roll along the floor, and the earth is cracked with loss of water.

“Why did you return, we were hoping to join you once this land released us,” the wind whispered to me,

“Vera has taken my mates, and this is where their energies brought me, I shall take you with me when I leave this land,” I say,

“Thank you, our queen, this land has been dying since your mother threw you out, your sister was only ever interested in finding and killing you,”

“My sister, I was always told I was an only child,”

“That is what your mother led you to believe, your father took your sister away when you were born, as punishment for birthing another daughter, he wanted the fairy realm to led by a male, but he never had the chance, the land started dying from then onwards, hope sprouted when you had your powers, but she killed it all when she threw you out,”

“I shall save you, but the realm is falling apart, we must evacuate the remaining people,”

“Yes, we shall guide you to the dungeons, from underground, the land has a gift for you before you go,” I nod, not realising what it would be.

The ground disappears from under me, encasing me in a ball of water, is this the gift they mentioned, the water was power, I felt it tingle across my skin, I accept the familiar power mixing it with my own, making me stronger.

I bend into the ground once it had filled me, “thank you, my friend,” I say into the land,

An earthquake shakes the land, meaning our time is running out, I follow the tunnel the land and wind have made me, hoping it will take me straight to the remaining people and my boys,

“What must I do to end this,”

“You know what you must do, Vera lost her mind long ago, the only way to end the darkness is to kill her, you will not be set free if she lives, and your boys will not be safe, she is torturing them as we speak for running and hiding from her, but she does not want to be their mate, she has made that clear, she only wants their demise, and yours, stay safe,” the wind says,

“I will,” I say, bursting through the castle wall,

I found many locked-up fairies in the throughout the whole of the underground dungeons, I opened a portal to the hospital and sent all of them through once I had released them, they thanked as they went through.

In the very last locked chamber, I find my boys they are battered and bruised tied to the wall, with, scratches, whip marks, burns and branding all over their limp bodies, I place their bracelets back one them, in hopes they will be able to move, with the healing that it can provide, I portal them back to the house with me where I heal them with the tea Aiden had kindly prepared for us.

“Thank you,”

“We knew they would be in worse state than us, when they returned,”

“The fairy realm is in ruin and there is no creature left in there, I fear Vera will be retuning here again soon,”

“It is fine, we know you can defeat her,” Cassius says, just as the front door was thrown across the floor,

“Portal yourselves to the attic and shut the door, it is Vera,” I shout,

The pack leave to the attic and the boys refuse, staying by my side.

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