The Prophesied Trio

Chapter 1

The sun rose over my body through the uncovered broken window, the curtains I found had better use, on me as a blanket, in hopes of stopping the cold that leaked throughout the holes and broken window.

The house creaked as I rose from the bare floor, across and through to the bathroom, the cleanest room of the house, since a young age, I have had to scrub this room trying daily to keep it somewhat clean, I always told myself, how can I be clean, if the room I clean in is so dirty, it also helped eliminate some ammo, the kids in school tried to use against me. As for the rest of the house, such as the kitchen, living room and my Parents room, they get a side glance. Once in a blue moon, I will clean the kitchen, but that is mainly because of the bugs and maggots, smell and sight that emanate from there, I am just grateful, it is not that bad at the moment, but I know it will not be long before it is returned to the compost heap it once was. I do not even bother with the front room in case I get stabbed or infected by my parent’s unhealthy habits.

I am just grateful that the bathroom is right next to my room, and my room is right next to the back door, which means I do not have to go anywhere near the front of the house. I am also grateful that we have a roof over our head, people have less, and are still happy, which is the main reason I hold my head up high.

I’m starting a new class this September, which helps direct and allocate supernatural creatures, we could end up anywhere, or with a potential mate, I have my finger and toes crossed that I will find my mate, or at the very least a tiny upgrade from this mess, all supernatural’s have to go through the system, just to make sure that where they end up, they can be handled properly and helped, or contained and eliminated before they get out of hand, apparently that is a very rare occasion but not totally off the table.

Depending on how much power emanates from the being will depend on how long they will stay within the school, it is a minimum of three months, and a maximum of ten years, I am hoping to be snatched up quickly, but with my luck I will be there for the whole ten years.

Regardless of the outcome at least it will not be human school, I may even find some friends, at the very least I can embrace my powers and use them if I need too, instead of hiding them away, with my extensive knowledge and powers I should be somewhat safe, Mrs. Landon seems to think the spells and tricks she has taught me will help me, which I am very grateful for, she has been training me, to become the best of myself.

Her talents are exquisite, her saving skills are off the charts, me being one of her princesses. We met in my first year of secondary school, in the library and from there she has done everything in her power to help me, succeed in every way, whether it may be directing me to the right books, teaching me magic, or just feeding me, she was always there for me, she even gave her school librarian job up for me when I finished school, luckily there was a position in the town library where she now works.

Over the holiday periods I stayed and read, the whole time, books she suggested and more, she would bring me food, and different things to try, buy me clothing which I was very much grateful for, her work locker was full of the extra things she would buy me, I used them only because we knew, my parents would sell the lot for their next dose if they found them.

She bought me my first pair of doc martens, her feeble excuse was, they were an unwanted gift and she did not want to see them go to waste, but I knew she had bought them specifically for me, all in all if it was not for her, my life would suck and I would probably be in a ditch dead.

I think my favourite spell she taught me was the cloaking spell, which I use to hide my clothing that I have on inside the house, closely followed by the spell, which fixes breakages and keeps clothing good as new, it even helps the clothing grow with so I do not have to have new, when they grow too small.

After washing with the tiny soap bar I hide in the bathroom, I dry and jog to the library, where I brush my teeth and long boring hair, tie it up in a tight bun, and change my clothing into something funky, not too sexy but just enough, but also enough to cover my black cuffs that are like tattoos, as I cannot remove them, I apply a little makeup and I am ready to start the day. Saluting, Mrs Landon on the front desk as I walk past, who yelled, ‘‘good luck today, Willowmina, enjoy and do not forget to grab your food,’’ I nod, knowing full well I was not leaving food.

She really is the best thing to happen to me, she even came to parents evening, and replaced my mother’s number with hers on every form, in case the school needed to speak with a guardian, I knew my mother would not have bothered picking up the phone, unless it was to help her get her next high, although, she did come one time, but was escorted off the premises when she stole pens and other school equipment.

Walking a short distance toward the directions Mrs, Landon had given me, which direct me straight to the large doors she had informed me of, I place my hand where the sign had instructed me to do so, then enter when it recognises my energy. Excitement bursts though me as I walk toward a hall, filled with tables and chairs, a large signed said it was the lunchroom, and I knew that the study room is where I needed to be, which was a short walk along the back of the lunchroom.

I am excited mostly, to see and meet with the many different races of vampires, shifters, and magic users, from what I had gathered from Mrs Landon, the whole programme was about sharing knowledge and learning to co-operate with the many different races. I open the door to where I should be, everyone stops their chatter to stare straight at me, fuck, not the entrance I wanted to make, Luckily, for a moment, everyone was distracted, when a loud booming voice called upon everyone, even I was intrigued. A tall Satyr stood behind a microphone, everyone settles down and listens,

‘‘We have a new starter within the programme, as always, I ask for a clean and pleasant welcome for her, please approach Willowmina Landon, she is a witch, and her powers will be evaluated on Monday,’’ he says,

I am so glad, Mrs Landon used her name, Miss. Ravish which is my actual last name, would get me some abusive comments, like it had done for the last six years of my life. Heading toward where he stands, I notice he has a large bag for me, which he hands me when I get closer.

‘‘I am, Mr, Pukk, it is a pleasure to bring you aboard, yes my name is what I am, but we decided to keep it, even if it shows are ancestors having a lower intellect and lack of imagination, enjoy your day and no doubt we will meet again tomorrow,’’ he speaks to me shaking my hand.

Then continues through the microphone, ‘‘she will be sitting on table 3, make sure she is treated well, and included in all the training and activities,’’ he says before leaving,

Heading toward my table, glee fills me as I realise, I have just shaken hands with a satyr, his horns where huge, which means he is old, as the saying goes, the bigger the horn, the older the fawn, which I read among the books on their race. I reach the table marked three, where a male mage site, I can tell by the magic emanating from him and female which is some sort of shifter,

‘‘Hello, I am Willowmina, I answer to all shortened versions of my name,’’ I smile,

‘‘I am Theo, pleasure to meet you, this is Sophie, she is a wolf shifter, she is my non-magic user, we have also got another three people on our table, as Damien, a lion shifter has not got a magic partner, the programme likes to have a magic user with a non-magic user, so we can all teach each other something, but be careful, they trio are very demanding, notoriously late and powerful, we do all our meeting and spells in here, and then on a Wednesday we do spring in the main gym, and Friday we do the assault course’’ Theo says with a slight smile,

‘‘Not a fan of the physical side of things or the trio,’’ I ask,

‘‘Both,’’ was his reply,

Just as three, very tall boy’s walk through the door, everyone looks over, but I am more interested in my goodie bag, which consisted of a fountain pen, which I thought went extinct, a grimoire to be designed by the holder, and jars.

‘‘Place the jars in the centre of the table saves taking them home, that is where everyone has put theirs on their tables,’’ Theo says,

I smile and do as he said, placing the two other items inside my bag, the trio that have just walked in, sit next to me, one to my left and two to my right,

I decide to keep myself to myself and ignore the now crowded table,

‘‘What type of magic do you specialise in, Theo,’’ I ask,

‘‘Healing magic is my specialty, but I like to play with fire,’’ he replies,

Another creature speaks into the microphone, a centaur woman, I could hear the whispering of the trio behind me, mostly about me, and not knowing who I was, but if they were on time, they would know, who I was,

‘‘Afternoon all, I’m going to dive straight in, after all your tremendous efforts in passing the human school, you have come here to continue strengthen your bonds and studies to become the best supernatural you can be, whether this is your first year or last year, everyone is treated equally, age after all is just a number an knowledge is key, you are now free to learn what you wish within the supernatural world, and once we think you are ready to be set free we will inform you and send you in the right direction. This week’s potion is the love potion, and a potion to neutralise it, you have the coming week to find out how to make them and show us how, your grimoire should be have a love potion in it even if you do not use it, I expect your grimoires to be filled as much as you can, and will be asking to see the instructions on how to create the both potions, each of your couples have their own magic tampering free zones, I expect the two potions within the box by Friday, good luck and enjoy, any questions before I leave,’’ she says,

One of the trios, holds their hand up,

‘‘Yes, Damien,’’ the centaur says,

‘‘I have no partner, unless this one next to me is a wielder,’’ he says,

‘‘The whole point in this programme is about communication and teamwork, how about you ask her,’’ she says,

‘‘I am a magic wielder, you are in luck, if you were here on time, you would have known that and my name, which is Willowmina,’’ I roll my eyes at him,

Everyone gasps at my clear attitude, but I see no reason for their gasps, I only stated the obvious,

‘‘She is correct. Moving on, all of you have the information you need. Do not waste time, make sure everything is correctly measured, we do not want anything other than love and no love to happen,’’ she says before trotting off.

Damien, slams his grimoire in front of me, scaring the life out of me, ‘‘you can write mine the same time as your own, it should not be too much trouble for you,’’ he says huffing and getting up to leave,

I throw the book toward him, aiming slightly over so it skims past his head, his head whips around to face me, ‘‘funny thing, I am sure I just heard her say teamwork, plus I do not remember being a slave, you can do it yourself, unless you have something for me in return,’’ I reply, folding my tongue in anger,

A bell sounds which in human school usually means lunch, but nobody moves, they watch as our little show plays out,

‘‘Do you think your clever, little lamb,’’ he growls,

‘‘Clever, and interesting word, I know a lot of things, which would imply that I have knowledge, but the main thing I know is, you are not getting anything out of me, for free, now I suggest your move, I hear the food here is very nice,’’ I reply with a wicked grin,

He smirks wildly, anger dancing over his eyes as well as excitement, as I walk past him.

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