The Prophecy: The Journey to Victory (Book 2 of The Fairy Princess Series)

Chapter 5

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Amara and Gabriel stood in stunned silence, their minds reeling from the prophecy that had just been revealed to them. They had always known that their love was special, but they had never suspected that it would be the source of such danger and conflict. The thought of one of their friends turning against them, seeking to gain control over the magical realm, was almost too much to comprehend.

Gabriel nodded in agreement, his eyes still fixed on the page. “We have to find the stone,” he murmured. “It’s our only hope.”

The three of them stood there for a moment, lost in thought. Then, Lyra spoke up. “The stone is said to be hidden deep in the enchanted forest. We need to go there.”

Gabriel thought for a moment before responding. “We’ll need to gather as much information as we can about the stone’s location and the challenges we’ll face on our journey. We’ll also need to prepare ourselves physically and magically for the challenges ahead.”

Amara nodded determination in her eyes. Lyra looked at the couple and spoke up, “I’ll start researching the Xyla Stone and its history. I will also inform Drakon on everything and for him to focus on our defenses and gathering any information he can on the creatures and obstacles we’ll encounter.”

Gabriel acknowledged her statement with a nod and responded, “Let us proceed cautiously and first identify the individual who seeks to harm us before embarking on our quest, as foretold by the prophecy.” Amara agreed with Gabriel and was glad that Lyra was there to help them.

Grateful for Lyra’s helpful insights, the couple thanked her before she left to seek out information on the recent developments, allowing them to prepare for whatever challenges lay ahead. Meanwhile, Amara and Gabriel discussed the prophecy and planned their journey to find the hidden figure in the magical forest.

Amara pondered on the possible friend who betrayed them while her stomach rumbled from hunger as she had not eaten breakfast or lunch yet. Feeling embarrassed, she quietly informed Gabriel that they needed to restock before making any further plans. Gabriel promptly arranged for their food to be delivered to their room, where they could enjoy it on the balcony.

Gabriel instructed Amara to go take a shower and informed her that their meal would be ready when she finished. Amara nodded and left to prepare herself for their meal together. Gabriel sat on the balcony of their room, reflecting on Lyra’s words. Despite considering their friends, Gabriel couldn’t identify anyone who would turn against them. However, they recognized the need for caution when sharing information.

Gabriel realized it was time to inform their most trusted friends about the upcoming journey to the enchanted forest. As their food arrived, Amara joined Gabriel on the balcony, and he suggested, “Amara, we should invite Cenric to discuss our journey and see if he would like to join us. What is your opinion?”

After considering the idea, Amara responded. “Yes, we should inform him. Let’s determine who would like to accompany us on our journey,” Gabriel nodded in approval as he began to eat. Shortly after, Amara and Gabriel finished their meal and set out to find their friends and send a message to the village inviting Cenric to join them for dinner that evening to discuss urgent matters.”


That evening, Amara, Gabriel, and their trusted friends gathered around the table to enjoy dinner and discuss the prophecy. Amara informed them that they must journey deep into the enchanted forest to retrieve a powerful stone from long-forgotten figures. She asked if their friends wanted to join them on this quest.

Drakon and Lyra agreed to accompany them, but Cenric remained silent throughout the entire meal and conversation. Gabriel had observed this but refrained from mentioning anything at the moment. Amara directed her attention to Cenric and inquired, “Are you feeling alright, Cenric? You’ve been unusually quiet tonight” Cenric cleared his throat before responding. “I apologize for my brief distraction, but I’ve encountered some minor issues in the village. Rest assured that it’s nothing for you to worry about as I’ll handle it promptly.” Gabriel gazed at Cenric with concern and offered, “Are you certain? We’re more than willing to offer our assistance.” Cenric declined Gabriel’s offer, reassuring him that the situation was manageable and he would resolve it expeditiously.

After dinner was over, Cenric abruptly rose and startled Amara and Lyra. He apologized for his sudden movement and declined to join them on their journey. Cenric explained that he had to focus on solving the problem in the village. Once Cenric left, Gabriel had a feeling of unease but decided to push it aside and continue planning the journey with Amara and their friends.

As it was getting late, the group decided to call it a night and retire to their rooms for much-needed rest. Gabriel held Amara’s hand and informed Drakon and Lyra that they would review the plans again the following morning. After saying goodnight, Drakon and Lyra departed for their room.

Amara and Gabriel strolled back to their room, deep in conversation.

“I can’t believe Cenric was acting so strangely during dinner,” Amara said, her brow furrowed in concern. “Do you think he’s okay?”

Gabriel nodded thoughtfully. “I noticed it too. He seemed distant and preoccupied, almost as if he was hiding something. But I can’t quite put my finger on what it is.” They continued their conversation, trying to piece together clues about Cenri’s behavior.

Amara closed the door behind her and turned to face Gabriel. She noticed he seemed troubled, his brow furrowed, and his eyes distant. “Are you okay, Gabriel?” she asked, concern evident in her voice.

Gabriel took a deep breath, shaking his head slightly. “I can’t shake this feeling of unease. It’s like something’s not quite right.” He ran a hand through his hair, his fingers tangling in the messy locks. “I don’t know, maybe it’s just nerves about the upcoming journey. Or maybe it’s something else entirely.”

Amara placed a hand on his shoulder, offering comfort. “We’ll figure it out together, Gabriel. We always do.” She leaned in close, their faces only inches apart. “But first, we need to rest. Tomorrow will be a long day, and we need to be prepared both mentally and physically.”

Gabriel nodded, slowly relaxing under Amara’s touch. “You’re right. We can’t afford to make any mistakes on this journey.” He took a deep breath, trying to banish the lingering sense of unease. “Tomorrow, we’ll review our plan one last time and make sure we’re prepared for anything.”

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