The Prodigy Antaris - a secret World of magic #1

Chapter 23

King Elior


When I became king, I swore to protect my people from all the evil that could threaten them, even if it meant sacrificing my own life. The loss of my beloved wife so many years ago broke my heart. But I had to be strong for my children....My beloved children.

The birth of my children was the crowning moment of our love. And now they are all that is left of us. When I realized that Ava had been kidnapped and would probably be tortured to death, it was a hard blow. This time my soul broke. My children had to grow up without their mother. All I could do was do my best. But a broken father who had lost his soul mate was the only thing left for my children. I tried to hide my daily torment since her death and just lived every day for my children.I wanted to avenge her and kill Amon. But I couldn't because what would become of my children if I failed. Without their mother they were already sad, what would happen if they remained without a father too. The pain of losing my soulmate could have killed me or driven me crazy. But I found a new purpose in life Ava and Avery.

Ava was trapped in a cruel place, scared and in pain. How could I leave her there...I had to save my daughter. For two days I prepared everything with Aidan and his companion Inna. My condition was alarming, I lacked concentration and luckily the two of them took on most of the work.

"My king everything is prepared. Tomorrow we will go and free Ava. All troops are ready for battle and are waiting for orders." Aidan said as I finished the plans.

" should get some rest before tomorrow. Just one more thing...I need to talk to Devas, please send him to me." I asked Aidan as I looked tiredly through the window I was standing at.

Aidan and Inna said goodbye and left the room. I knew what could happen to us tomorrow. I told and explained all the scenarios several times this evening when we prepared the plan. But I kept one scenario to myself for this one I need the help of my friend Devas. I heard the knock on my door and shortly after, Devas came in to me as requested.

" I want you to sit down and listen to me carefully...old friend." I said with a shaking voice.

And although Devas was known for his free will and big mouth...he did as asked.

"We've known each other for a very long time now...we've laughed, cried and fought together. You keep your word, I know that...that's why I have to ask you something." I explained as I turned away from the window and sat across from Devas. "Take care of my children if something happens to me tomorrow..." I expressed my wish but Deva's face turned sad as he listened to me.

"If tomorrow is my last day, I ask that you take care of my children as if they were your own." Devas looked into my eyes and understood that I was serious.

"I will do everything to honor you. I will fight by your side, my brother, I would even die for you. And if necessary, I promise you I will take care of your children as if they were my own." Devas answered me with tears in his eyes.

"I knew I could count on you...That's why you're going with Iris and Avery tomorrow." I announced to a confused Devas. I expected him to refuse to leave my side or demand to fight by my side, but Devas just nodded.

"I understand Elior...I would rather be by your side but if that is your wish I will be with your children. I promise you we will free Ava or I will give my life trying." Devas replied.

Devas promise brought me inner peace because after everything we experienced together, I knew that he had become not just a friend but more of a brother. The plan was made, everything was ready and it starts tomorrow morning.

My last thoughts before the fight went to my children and I turned around one last time in front of the portal. Avery and Iris looked at me and I smiled at them.

"My king, we have to go," Bael said to me while he was accompanied by Iris amicus.

I gave the signal and the war horn sounded...the first move was made, now there is no turning back...The battle begins. 

Portus Mali was the opposite of our world. It was cold and dark, it smelled of sulfur and death. When we walked through the portal we were already expected. Our war cry was heard and the princes of darkness awaited us. Their legion was large and powerful with creatures that are frightening and strong.

"I see you've decided to bring the prodigy." Abbadon said and laughed. "But do you really think I'll let you live?"

He raised his arm and gave the order to attack. He never had any intention of making an exchange. He wanted to kill Iris and all of us and we came into his world like animals to a slaughterhouse.

The earth shook beneath us from the creatures that stormed towards us. Beings like something out of nightmares ran towards us and wanted us dead.

"Kill them all!" Amon shouted.

He got the scar on his face from my wife. My brave companion... now it's time to avenge your death. I've been waiting for this for so long.

"Hold the line! Don't give in! Fight back! ..For Antaris!" I shouted as loudly as I could and stormed towards the opponents.

The two armies rushed towards each other and crashed in the middle of the battlefield. The courage and willpower in our fighters was tireless. The warriors were well trained and worked together. The solidarity and loyalty to Antaris but especially to each other was powerful and you could see that in the fight.

The enemies fell one by one and we were able to fulfill our part of the plan. Everyone was busy with us and fighting because they thought that Iris was with us. So we bought time to save Ava. The creatures were nothing compared to the Princes of Darkness, and when they entered the battlefield their power became apparent. I saw the first of us injured and some even falling in the fight against the princes. Belial and Amon attacked me and when I almost lost the fight against them, Bael saved me. He let his true self appear and protected me from certain death.

"It's a trap! The Prodigy isn't here!" Belial shouted to his brother, who immediately understood that this was just a distraction.

Abbadon's rage was written on his face and as he raised his black mist to kill me, Alatus landed in front of me. The most powerful of all amicus protected me and poured his red fire on our attackers. I seized the opportunity and used all my strength to hit Amon. And I struck him fatally. Weakened by the attack, he was at my mercy and I fulfilled my wish and killed the murderer of my beloved wife.

The princes stared in shock at their brother as he turned to dust. A scream of rage rang out across the field and they stormed towards me.

"They've got Ava! I can feel it, she's safe!" Bael shouted.

"Open the portals and escape!" I ordered.

I had to buy time so that my fighters could escape. The fight between good and evil has existed for so long. Today we will not end it, not under these circumstances. But so many lives could end here if I don't make sure they can retreat.

Abbadon and Belial followed my every step, blinded by hate and anger. I looked over her shoulders as my army worked together, wizards and elves together side by side.

"Like in the old days Elior. Only this time you stand alone before us. We killed our own brother who fought alongside you back then. Do you think you have a chance against us?!" Belial roared as he stormed towards me.

My shield was very weak and I only defended myself weakly. The force of Belial's attack knocked me to the ground and he laughed angrily.

"I don't need a chance but I'll give it to my people!" I replied while lying on the floor.

Abbadon and Belial turned around and just watched as our army retreated and jumped through the portal. Bael stood at the portal and helped the last injured person jump through. His eyes met mine and when he wanted to get to me I raised my hand as a sign that he shouldn't come.

"Tell my children that I love them!" I shouted to him with the last of my strength and pushed myself off the ground to die in battle like a warrior for good.

Abbadon easily stopped my attack and I felt the blade of his black sword inside me. The black mist that surrounded the sword sucked all my energy out of my body and I sank to my knees. The earth beneath us shook again and behind us new creatures came running towards the portal. Abbadon pulled the sword out of my body and when I saw Bael jump through the portal I knew my plan had worked.

"You didn't make it!" I said with the last of my strength and grinned while tasting the metallic taste of my own blood in my mouth.

Abbadon screamed bitterly and swung with full force one last time.

I knew they were safe. My children were safe. That was the last thought I had before Abbadon wiped me out...

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