The Prodigy Antaris - a secret World of magic #1

Chapter 19

We were back in Antaris...

When we got back safely through the portal we were all tired. Some were hurt but all were relieved that we were home now. We were all still lying on the grass in the meadow on which we climbed through the portal. Keijou and Mana took care of the injuries some got in the fight. And just as everyone was healed, we saw the king rushing in our direction.

The king rushed on his amicus and with him his guard and all the amicuses of my friends who wanted to greet their soul brothers and sisters.

" My children!" he called excitedly and hugged Ava and Avery.

After that he made sure that everyone was unharmed and welcomed us warmly home.

"Did you make it? Did you free your amicus?" asked King Elior.

"We did it! He's safe now." I answered.

After we arrive in Antaris, I transform Alatus back to his original size. He now had his powers back after being reunited with me, and was able to adjust his size himself after I did it once. I presented my amicus to the king, who decided to assume a small form. He sat on my shoulder and was no bigger than a lizard. A winged little lizard.

" Well.. that was a lot of work by the princes of darkness to lock such a delicate dragon on this terrible island. Luckily you freed it." said the king and gently stroked Alatus with a finger.

"Did he call me a Little dragon?" asked Alatus, a little offended.

And just when I was about to explain that Alatus is actually not that small, my amicus decided to show it. In the next second, he flapped his wings and transformed back to his original size. The king took a step back, marveling at the size of Alatus. His flights kicked up dust from the ground and his breath blew like a gust of wind through King Elior's long hair. When Alatus bowed his head and was next to me, I became aware of his true size. I looked like a toddler next to him.

All the other amicus who stood in amazement in front of us bowed their heads to him.

I was confused... are they afraid of my Alatus?

Alatus immediately sensed my worries and shrank his size to comfort me.

"Iris...the amicus are not afraid of Alatus...they show him respect.For he is the first and last of his kind.Alatus is the king of the fire dragons.And as such, he is treated with respect." the king explained to me while welcoming Alatus.

"I'm so happy to welcome you all back home safe and sound. And what's more, you freed Iris Amicus. That's why we're going to have a celebration today. It's a reason to celebrate my children." exclaimed the king happily.

Everyone was cheering and looking forward to the celebration. We deserved some joy after all the stress. After we were all back in Antaris we said goodbye to each other until the evening celebration. We needed some rest and also needed to freshen up for the festivities.

I went to my room which was in the mansion and sat on the terrace with Alatus.I needed some time with him alone.

I talked to my soul brother after we were finally alone and undisturbed. The guilt I felt because Alatus was imprisoned for so long tormented me terribly. And I know that he felt my feelings because he immediately showed me that I am not to blame for everything that happened.

Avery understood me when I asked him to leave me and Alatus alone. We needed that talk and closeness since we had been apart for so long. And after I told Alatus everything and showed all my feelings I was relieved. I cried with happiness when he hugged me and I knew that we both felt the same love for each other.

The hours we spent talking couldn't make up for the time we lost. But we finally had each other and could be there for each other now. Alatus was there for me my whole life, although I didn't know it. And now it's time that I'm also there for my amicus. I will finally be able to give him the same love and friendship that he gave me since I was a child.

"I missed you my fire sister. The hope that you set me free kept me alive. I knew that you would not let me down once you knew who you were." said Alatus to me while I cried.

"My Alatus, I am so happy that you are with me again." I whispered while hugging him.

I didn't realize how much I missed him until I had him with me. It took me so long to remember everything and to understand everything. But now I know everything and remember everything. And for the first time I feel complete. I was the best version of myself physically, emotionally and spiritually. I had it all now.

My Avery...and my soul brother.

All Amicuse were together and Alatus wanted to join them when I went to the celebration. Avery picked me up in my room and Alatus was happy to meet other amicuses because he was alone for a long time. And I was happy that he was finally able to make friends.

I admired him as he flew away towards the other amicuse. And Avery admired me as he opened the door.

"You are so beautiful, my love." breathed Avery between our kisses.

"My darling I love you so much." I said to him while hugging him.

Avery kissed my forehead and took me in his arms and we headed to the party. King Elior went to great lengths and the mansion's large garden became a festival pedestal. The garden was decorated and music was playing while everyone was having so much fun. All of our friends were decked out and beautifully partying and singing. This elven medicine and the magic used to heal was evident as everyone was full of vigor and alive and kicking as if they hadn't been fighting a few hours ago.

The women were in beautiful dresses of different colors and the men were in traditional elven suits. Of course not all were elves also the witches and warlocks came in traditional robes as well as every species who presented their splendid dresses and suits. I was the only one who was a little different.

Even though I had elven blood, the demonic part of me was dominant. My beautiful black ball gown was supported by a shiny red corset. Bael and Devas laughed happily when they saw me for they were relieved that they weren't the only ones in black.

"In all this colorful crowd, it feels wonderful to fall out of the frame. Doesn't it?" Devas called out to me, laughing.

"Indeed my friend we are just different." I answered smiling.

Everyone was having fun and I was happy with my friends and my beloved Avery.

Avery took me to the dance floor and we did elven dances with the other dancers. All our friends danced with us happily too. The king made a short speech and everyone raised their glasses to toast.

" To love, family and friends!" exclaimed the king as he raised his glass.

And the crowd echoed his words in cheers.

"Avery I can't find your sister. I need to talk to her urgently" Bael said worried.

"She must be here somewhere in this crowd." Avery answered while looking around.

"Have any of you seen Ava?" I asked our friends.

But none of them had seen her. And that was strange... we were worried about Ava now.

"We should split up to look for her." Bael said to Avery, who agreed.

We split into five groups and went in search of Ava. After an hour we met again at the agreed place without success.

"I have to tell my father right away," Avery said as he walked towards King Elior.

The king immediately ordered his guards to search for Ava and the panic was visible in his eyes. Just as he was about to break up the celebration, one of the guards came back and called for the king to come immediately. All guests fell silent and there was dead silence as the guards carried someone inside. The king rushed to the man lying on the ground covered in blood.

"Raes what happened?" exclaimed the king, shocked.

"Treason sir! They invaded...and Ava was taken away defending the Amicus!" the man moaned in pain.

Keijou ran to help him but it was too late. He died in the king's arms before anyone could help him.

"Who kidnapped Ava? Where's Ava?!” Bael asked while shaking the man, not realizing that he had died.

And with a tremendous crack of thunder and lightning on the dance floor, a black cloud and a woman appeared. All the guests were startled and the panic was great when they went to defence.

"You have until the next Blood Moon to bring The Prodigy and her dragon to the Princes of Darkness. Or your beloved daughter will die." the woman shouted to the king.

She looked at me briefly and then she disappeared again in her black cloud...They have Ava!

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