The Prince’s Unwilling mate by Mutya

Chatper 162

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Ayla was right, in terms of not letting David dictate even more of our future. Here at the castle, it would be even harder for David
to get to her. And she was right it would be a has sle for him to come back to our country unseen. He was a wanted criminal now,
so any wolf that saw him could make a citizen’s arrest. Here we always have guards on duty, who would not hesitate to arrest
him and lock him up as soon as he was close to the pack ground.
She has been doing great in recovery too but I was unsure if she was healthy and strong enough. Mom had not been at the time
she got pregnant with me. Due to this so much went wrong during the delivery that she couldn’t have any pups after. A loss she
never quite got over. A loss I wanted to spare both Ayla and me from. Like Dad, I would never love my mate less if she could not
give me pups, or if she could only give me one pup. But ever since the beginning of our mate-ship, we had both stated we
wanted a big family.
We were both very family orientated and it is one of the big things I love about her. I’m not the Moon Goddess and I know I am
not able to prevent her from every bit of hurt she could face. Neither can I make sure that we will have the same future as we
always imagined. But if I had a bigger chance of sparing her this loss just by being a little more patient. I would.
“Darling, you know I want to have a pup with you at least three if we would be blessed like that. And yes, I would have liked to
have a pup before we had to take over because of our workload as King and Queen. While I am worried about David and will be
until the moment he is dead. It is not the only reason I am unsure about trying for pups when you go into heat in a few days.” I
start and I can immediately see her face fall.
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She doesn’t say anything yet, all she does is patiently wait for me to continue. It’s far different than what she was like when we
first met. Back then she would lash out, and get defensive because I had not yet shown her that she could trust me. The fact that
she was now giving me a chance to explain myself. Not thinking I didn’t want to have pups with her was a testament to how far
we had gotten.
“While I agree that we should not let David, ruin our future. I would feel better if the doctor checked you over. Make sure your
body is healthy enough to be pregnant. I would hate for you to have to deal with the same loss as my mom has” She doesn’t
protest, she doesn’t hesitate before she answers me.
“Fair, I will ask one of the pack doctors if we can schedule a visit today. Because I have no idea if we can wait till tomorrow
because I feel like I can go into heat anytime now”
She is right, with how fast everything has been happening we do not have the luxury of waiting. This poses another problem for
me, there is something else I would want to do before she got pregnant. Something I planned to do before she got into heat. But
after the trial thinking the heat would take a few more weeks months even. Now I need to somehow rush everything so I could
pull it off tomorrow evening all while making sure it would be perfect.
“I might ask your mother to start with the event prep for me being welcomed into the pack too. I need to be a member of the pack
before our pup gets born” She states seemingly not noticing I was distracted. Suddenly it hits me in a few days from now the love
of my life could be carrying our first pup. It was like I did not let the knowledge in for the sole reason of not getting too excited
about something so unsure. But now that we are taking steps to make sure we can get pregnant suddenly makes it feel a lot
more real.
“I agree, no lazy Sunday for us today I’ll join you to the doctor but I
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should probably get some work done before you go into heat too.” I agree with her, partially because I would have to, and
partially because having a good excuse not to be with her this entire day would make it easier to set things up.

Since we had the pastries for breakfast in bed during this talk we decided to go and shower and start our days. Separate
showers though because getting into a shower together would cost us hours now.
By the time I got out of the shower, Ayla had contacted the pack doctor and Mom. Both were happy enough to see her now.
Currently, she was on a video call with her Uncle as the Alpha of her pack to see who would give her away to our pack. Telling
him about the upcoming heat and how she would need it to happen soon.
“Me, your aunt, cousins, parents, and grandparents can all be there by tomorrow. Just tell me us, and I will be the one to give
you away and break the pack bond. But I am sure the others want to be there” I sat down next to her hoping I could stay on the
call when Ayla would take a shower.
It all worked out like that and it didn’t surprise me Cedric knew something was up.
“Tell me, son, why were you so eager to keep chatting with me I feel it has little to do with my sparkling personality” I joked.
I agreed with him and as I told him of my plans he told me to wait. Even with the videocall, I could see he was mindlinking
someone. Soon after Jay and Tessie joined him in the frame. I was a bit nervous. I was sure they would agree with me but still
saying the words out loud made my stomach clench together.
“Son we would love that just one text and we’ll be there bells on” Jay
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smiled at me reassuring me just as I heard the bathroom door open.
“That would be great but Ayla is gone so I am going to hang up now since we need to get going” I rushed to say to make sure.
Ayla would not see her parents on the call because that would raise suspicions.
“Ready, to go Darling” I beamed at her. While it was to distract her from the fact I rushed to end the call as she walked into the
room again. I was genuinely excited to go to the doctor with her to see if Ayla’s body could deal with a pregnancy. It was a big
step towards our future, the pack hospital was within walking distance. Giving me the time to ask Gerald and Dillon to come over.
When Gerald told me Jessa would kill him I told him he could bring her and she would love us both for it. I never had the time to
see if he agreed because when we arrived at the hospital I pocketed my phone planning not to take it out before we were done
with our appointment.

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