The Prince’s Unwilling mate by Mutya

Chatper 112

112 Ayla
Before I could answer though Hannah came at me. And oh I wanted to fight back this time. I let it happen to me, so that David
could see that I was the innocent one. Hannah grabbed my hair, which I had tied up in a ponytail. She used my hair to pull me
closer to her and raised her fist ready to hit me. For a second I wondered how far David would let this get before he would
intervene. Or if he would intervene at all.
But before her fist connected with my face, David stepped between us.
“ENOUGHH, Hannah I do not care for your opinion on Ayla, she is my mate she will be your Luna. You will respect her” he
growled at her as I winked at her.
David couldn’t see but Hannah did and she was fuming, honestly, this was the most entertainment I had since I got here.
“Is she now David, do you not know what happened yesterday? Did you not feel it?” Hannah countered David’s anger.
She wasn’t scared or upset just thoroughly annoyed. It was funny they had both rejected their first mates to be together. They
obviously had, the entire pack knew and they had whispered about Hannah and not me becoming their new Luna. Which was
met with mixed feelings. From what I gathered they started sleeping together from the first second David rejected me. People
bullied me with it, and it used to be heartbreaking. I got over it and apparently they did too.
Because before David could introduce Hannah as his Luna. Hannah was looking for bigger and better things in life. She must
really get tired of playing my second violin. If she wasn’t such a vile and vicous bi tch maybe I would have pitied her. Now I just
hated her guts, as she
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did mine so we were even in that regard. After all the abuse I never guessed there would be something she could do to make me
hate her more, but she did.

When she was going back and forth between David and waiting to see when Griffin would reject me. David had started
rethinking his choice of rejecting me. Which all led to him killing his parents and me getting kidnapped. While he was arguing
with me like an old mated couple, hell I felt more like their pup than the mate of either of them.
And like a small pup, I kept quiet, not because I feared them. No, I was right about the fact that something happened. Hannah
seemed eager to remind David who in turn seemed to be deadset on keeping that information from me. The more he kept it from
me the more I wanted to know. The two of them had entered a screaming match. The second I would so much as move either
one of them if not both would notice me. Blowing my chance of overhearing whatever happened at the Blood Moon pack.
Hannah said she doubted the chance of me becoming her Luna because of it but that could be everything. Griffin overtaking the
Blood Moon pack could be a reason. The council interfering with just all about everything could be a wrench in the works. Hell
even me not accepting him would in the end f uck everything up for David.
No matter how many mistakes the Moon Goddess made, because I was sure she was flawed like all of us. Her making sure that
you could only complete the mating process as both of the partners agreed was some solid thinking. It gave me a sense of
safety, it meant David had to try for me too, which I could use for my benefit. It also meant he could not mate with me. Because
of how strong our matebond had gotten over time I feared that could be the end of Griffin.
“No, Hannah, not today and that is my final say. I am still your Alpha no matter what happened and as such you will listen to me.”
David must have used his Alpha voice. because Hannah looked to the floor,
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whispered “Yes, Alpha” and she walked away,
David did not speak about what just happened and I was smart enough to keep my mouth shut too. I was unsure what to do
next, I used to think I knew who David was. What he liked and what he would want me to do. But I learned the hard way that I
had no idea who David Birch really was. And I needed to act exactly how he wanted me to now more than ever.
“Sit, let’s talk about what just happened,” He said and his tone was
hard to read.
I decided I needed to show my submission, most Alpha’s would not want their Luna to be submissive to them. David however
deemed women to be beneath him. Where with my true mate I was his equal, David wanted me to be submissive to him. More of
a maid than a mate.
“I am sorry David, now our breakfast got cold, even if it was already lukewarm when Hannah brought it here. I am so sorry she
must have been tired from walking all the way here. Only for you and her to get into a fight. When I know you are best friends” I
stared at my feet again.
I had come to find out that David liked feeling like I was too scared of him to look him in the eyes. Now that I knew what to do,
now that I had a plan to get out of this I was going to. Whatever David needed to feel secure and like he was having power over
me. I would do until I could escape.
“She doesn’t have to walk far, she is just a petulant little bit ch, but that is not what is what is bothering me” He exasperated.
I knew what was bothering him, this entire morning had been a s hit show, and now he was having a cold breakfast. On top of
whatever it was that had happened to the pack. All I cared about was the fact that I knew more about where we were now. We
could just walk to the pack

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in less time than it took for our breakfast to cool down.
“I wish I could just be with you at your home” I started careful to not mention the pack even if it was. Or well should be because
with what Hannah was talking about I wasn’t sure about anything anymore.
“Oh is that so, I thought you didn’t love me anymore” Right away the cold, clipped tone was back when David spoke.
This man had more mood swings than a pregnant she-wolf. It made me need to tread extra carefully and it was honestly
exhausting but I had to deal with it. Stroking his ego might be a good idea, so I tried a new approach.
I sighed deeply before answering him. “I don’t know anymore David, I used to more than anything. You know I wanted you to be
my mate. And when I smelled it was you it felt like a dream come through but you rejected me and stopped being my friend. Did
you not know what Hannah and her friends were doing to me?”
He didn’t answer me he was listening to me his arms crossed. I had forgotten he did that and how much I hated it. Even when
we were friends, even back when I was hoping he would turn out to be my mate.
“Then Griffin found me, because Hannah made me, I needed to get away from the abuse. I didn’t like him at first, but he was so
good to me. Everything you never was, you would never be. For most of my life, I would have never considered a man who
wasn’t like you. But with how much you hurt me how could I not? I thought I had gotten over you but when I heard Hannah brag
about the two of you having sex without protection I didn’t know what to feel” I lied through my teeth, when he almost forced
himself on to me he told me he wouldn’t want protection convinced that wolves cannot get pregnant when not mated.
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All I could do now was hope he was the same with Hannah, and that, it was the little detail that would make him believe me. I
didn’t even have a plan ready for when he would not believe me, for when he used protection with Hanah.

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