The Prince’s Unwilling mate by Mutya

Chapter 66

With just two minutes to spare, we make it out of our room to head down to the brunch table. Apart from the bite mark on my
shoulder, you wouldn’t think I was surviving on four hours of sleep and an emotional rollercoaster. I had sent Griffin pictures of
the dress I was wearing a beautiful coral color of
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the shoulder knee length dress. Knowing how much I like to match he was wearing a navy suit with a coral tie. He had gotten me
a navy shawl with coral accents, he told me he got it just so we could match even better. Now it ended up being the perfect cover
for the bitemark on my shoulder. Not that my family wouldn’t think the worst of Grif if they saw it. It would open the door for all
kinds of teasing and I did not want that.
Because today should be all about Kate and Tim not about when Griffin and I would complete the mating process. And that
would eventually come up in the conversation. And because as of now I was the only one who knew the exact date Griffin and I
would complete the mating process. Not to mention the fact that he felt a bit bad about the bite mark, or more so about the fact
he had lost control to this extent.
After brunch, we all headed to a room akin to a ballroom in the new packhouse. Where the new couple pri ked their fingers so
they could add a drop of their blood to the wine in the silver challis with intricate carvings in it. They said their vows before both
drinking wine from the challis. It was at beautiful ceremony, I was ecstatic for Kate both because the Mo onGoddess blessed her
with such a wonderful and kind mate as Tim. But because of how beautiful the ceremony was too. I glanced off at Griffin realizing
that a few weeks from now it would be us standing on a platform, vowing our love to one other. Drinking the wine blessed with
our blood to further strengthen our love. Yet another thing I had accepted I would never have again. Until I met Griffin who ended
up giving me all my childhood dreams and so much more.

After the beautiful ceremony, we all went to the reception and
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the party. The Cresent Moon pack is a wonderful welcoming pack. Kate got lucky and I feel she knows she is. The party was a
blast too. Everyone was eating, drinking, singing, and dancing around. Griffin and I were one of the first to leave the party.
Ignoring the hoots and hollers and the whistles in the air suggesting that we are sneaking off to make love. When the reality is
that we are both exhausted. I drop the dress to the floor, take off my lingerie, and am about to crawl into the bed with my hair
pinned up. If it was not for Griffin’s patience in taking out the twelve bobby pins I needed to keep this updo in place I would have
just fallen asleep with it in.
Maybe it is a good thing that we are both so tired that all we manage to do is snuggle up to each other. The moments where
Griffin seems to lose his cool, where he would almost succumb to his need to mark me were when making love. Tomorrow
morning he would take us home with the jet and then go home himself. All I needed to do was make sure we would not have a
lot of S*x during our weekend together. I would be fairly busy with planning the event to meet me. And I agreed with Griffin that
we needed to make a point of being out and about on background more on the weekends. This way the pack members would
already have the chance to get to know me personally and find out who I really am.
I even came up with an idea of what kind of event to host for the pack to get to know me. But it is a very low-key event, so I need
to ask Isabella’s opinion. I really hope she loves it, that way the pack can get to know the real me. I also know for a fact that
Griffin would prefer this kind of thing over a grand royal ball. In my excitement yesterday I never asked Isabella what kind of
event would be appropriate to be introduced as the Princess. Luckily I have another lesson scheduled with Isabella. Tomorrow
would also be the day I had to tell my
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manager at the library that I would stop working so soon after starting. I will tell my family I am about to move into the castle. I
hope Kate doesn’t feel like I am taking away from their special weekend, I just don’t want to tell them over the phone days after
spending time together face for the first. time in weeks.
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