The Prince’s Unwilling mate by Mutya

Chapter 61

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Refusing to mark my Darling might have been the hardest thing I have ever done. Deep down I knew she was not ready for it
yet. The only thing that would be worse than her regretting completing the mating process would be her rejecting me. And more
and more I grew to believe that she would not reject me. Now even if we had an argument she still made me feel loved and safe.
It was not long after we made love that she fell asleep and I just laid in bed watching her. She would probably tease me that I
was being a freak. Maybe I was but I didn’t care all I could do was stare at her. Wondering why the Moon Goddess deemed me
worthy to give me a mate as perfect as Ayla, With realizing just how amazing my mate was, I felt nervous for tomorrow. Her
sister Kate was the only family I hadn’t met yet, and I needed her to love me too. The first time I visited her parents, her father
told me how close the girls had always been. How Kate looked up to her older sister, and about the fact she had almost rejected
her mate for being related to Ayla’s tormenter. The problem is she grew up with David too, so what if she liked him better for
Ayla? What if Kate cannot
stand me?
By the time I finally fell asleep I had nightmares about Kate hating me. I woke up early partly because of the nightmares, partly
because I am used to waking up at the cra ck of dawn. now. Having fewer days to do the same amount of work in mean I was
making long days. Ayla was still fast asleep snuggled up to me. I know she hates getting up, and I know what I can do to make
her morning a little better. Making sure
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I do not wake her I extract myself from her hug and get out of bed. I managed to find my pajama pants since I never bothered
with getting dressed for bed yesterday. Ayla stirs and mumbles, not wanting to wake her up I stop searching for my pajama top
and just make my way to the kitchen.
I’m not surprised to see her Grandmother is already making breakfast for everyb*dy.
“You seem like a man, that wants to spoil his mate,” She tells me laughing.

“What can I say, I love your granddaughter and I am coming to make sure to prove it to her every day” I answer her as I follow
her her finger to where she points.
She is pointing to the coffeemaker, she already brewed a pot. So I just pour the three of us a mug. Putting in just a little plain
creamer in Ayla’s and nothing in mine just as I like it. I’m not sure how her grandmother likes it. But Emmy shoos me off smiling
as she rummages through the cupboards where the creamers and sugar are.
I didn’t plan to tell her I was nervous to meet Kate, I didn’t want to make he worry for me. Or even worse pity me. In retrospect,
my nerves probably did not help with yesterday’s situation. Part of my reluctance to tell her is because I don’t want to drag up
those memories. But Ayla reads me like an open book and I promised her my honesty. So I tell her all about/my fears, and my
insecurities and I let her comfort me. Listening to her really makes me feel better about all of this. Still, I want to do everything I
can to make Kate love me. As a brother, I want Ayla and me to have a family eventually and I want my pups, our pups to be
close to all their family
members. So when Ayla tells me Kate wants to be the pack’s
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lead warrior, and how she is actually in the running to become one an idea forms in my mind. I would have loved to stay in bed
with Ayla for a little longer, but we need to get up and get ready if we want to make it to the plane in time. So I had gotten out of
bed already picking out my outfit for the day. Meaning I could text Mike without Ayla seeing it. He was my personal b*dyguard. I
didn’t need one but it was custom for the royal family to have a b*dyguard with them when they traveled to a new pack. Mike was
still in search of his mate, he was waiting for his mate. To be able to move to their pack if that was what they needed. If not or if
he would not find his mate before his 25th birthday he would become the castle’s lead warrior.
He wasn’t just a great warrior, he was a great instructor to and trained the young wolves in the pack. He even managed to be
excellent in Krav Maga a human self-defense sport. That suited the strengths and weaknesses we as wolves have.
Only seconds later I heard the ding telling me Mike had replied: “Sure, Prince Griffin anything for my King and Queen to be,
Besides training with your sister-in-law and teaching her some Krav Maga sounds fun”

Smiling I put the phone away and hopped under the shower, al short lonely shower. This was the first time since the first
weekend she stayed at the castle, that we did not ‘shower together. But not only was her Grandparent’s home a lot smaller than
the castle meaning everyone would hear us. We would not have made the plan to leave in 45 minutes if we showered together.
Only seeing her get into the bathroom
after me dressed in nothing but her robe made me lose focus.

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In the end, we managed to make it to the plane in time. Barely in time however and it was not Ayla and me who made us run
late. Emmy seemed to at least be a little ashamed about it but Quinn seemed more proud than anything. And me? I wasn’t
bothered by it I hoped that in fifty years Ayla and I would still be so in love, barely able to keep our hands off each other. Just as
her Grandparents are now. Ayla had fallen asleep with her head on my shoulders.
Ayla had fallen asleep with her head on my shoulders and her Grandparents seemed to be dozing off too. The silence in the
cabin was quiet and peaceful and I loved it. There was no need for me to fill this comfortable silence with chatter and so I got out
my laptop to get some more work done. I had finished everything I needed to do this week. But it would not hurt me to get a
headstart for next week. Maybe this could mean I would be able to work a little less next week. In all honesty, my workload was
getting to me. It was temporary though in hopefully a few months, my queen, my Luna would move in with me. Some of the work
I was doing now would become her burden.
Looking at her peacefully sleeping face on my shoulder 1 wondered if she was aware how much work being the Queen would
be. Or how we would be expected to take over the throne pretty soon after we would complete the mating ceremony. After all, I
was already twenty-one the age the Crown Prince or Princess would usually take over from their parents. Being a king or Queen
was a tough job. With that, it made sense that the old King and Queen retired around their forties or fifties.
Another thing we needed to discuss soon, I hated how being with me came with so many rules and complications. I hated how
since we didn’t have a normal start it felt like every time
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things were good I had to tell her of another rule or complication in being with me. I no longer felt the fear she would walk away
from it all. From me! Still, ever since yesterday, there was an unsettling feeling in the pit of my stomach. The feeling something
bad was going to happen with Ayla. No matter how hard I tried I could not shake it. All I could do now was hope that it was just
the nerves about meeting up with Kate. Because I could not bear the thought of losing her, whether it was because of my own
mistakes. Or my job, my title eventually becoming too much for her.

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