The Prince’s Unwilling mate by Mutya

Chapter 58

ffin 58′
Everything happened in a blur, Ayla telling me she would have been. ready to take the next step. And how what I did had caused
her to come back on that decision. How she didn’t wait for me to finish apologizing but how she had just mindlinked for her family
to come back inside. I don’t think I will ever forget the look of disappointment. she had when I told her about my
But then she showed herself to be the perfect Luna. David was a dam n fool for not seeing it. Now that the rage is gone, and I
can see clearly once again I pity him. Of course, he wanted her back I heard how that Hannah girl, who could have been his
chosen mate.was waiting in hopes that I would be single again soon. I hoped to the Moon
Goddess that, that wouldn’t happen but if it did then I would still not choose her as my chosen mate. She would not make a good
Luna, and everyone not blinded by rank and physical appearance knew that.
However, the moment Alpha Cedric puts down the phone, smiling broadly at us, reassuring us that it is all settled. I forget
everything, I jump up and lift Ayla and spin them around. I love being able to pick. her up so easily. It is when I feel her b*dy
stiffen I realize what has happened about an hour before. So I awkwardly put her down on the ground again. I have no idea what
to do next. If I am still welcome at her sister’s mating ceremony? Or if she even wants me to be here tonight.
“I guess it is time for a BBQ now, I will help you get the groceries from the car,” Ayla tells me her warm hand resting on my arm.
Whatever she was going to tell me, whatever was going to happen after this. I had not lost her completely she told me she was
not going to reject me. But somehow her touch, her kind smile was more reassuring
than her words. Or they were until we made our way to my car, the car doors were still open and I could only hope the meat had
not gone bad from being out in the heat for so long. I will never know if the open car doors reminded her of what had just
happened or if she had suggested helping me get the groceries out because she wanted to talk to me in private. Whatever the
reason was, as soon as we reached my car she crossed her arms and glared at me.
“Grif, I want to be able to enjoy getting to know you, I may not have taken the final steps. But you see how serious I am about
this are you not?” She asks me and I can hear the pain in her voice.

“I know that Darling, I do and I am so happy with how things are going between us,” I tell her tugging a loose strand of hair
behind her ear.
All to touch her to be a little closer to her. She seems to lean into my touch, my hand before pulling away.
“Are you Griffin? Because if you are, and
work you’re going to start being honest wou still want to make this
me. I was about ready to
complete the mating process. Move into the castle. And you know why?” I want to answer her question but I have no idea how.
I want to ask her if it is because she loves me. After all, she cares about me as much as I care about her. But I can’t handle her
denying she loves me, or even telling me she did but I made her fall out of love. with me.
“Because David made me realize that I had known him for most of my life. I had hoped he would be my fated mate for at least
five years.” Ayla continued when I didn’t answer
I knew she was over him, I knew she chose me. I heard her tell David I would never be single again. I knew what she meant by it
but hearing her tell me she wanted someone else to be her mate for so long still stung me. I know I had to respond this time
though. I could not let her

pour her heart out as I was idly standing by.
“I know Darling, I know how long you knew him, what your hopes were but I don’t see why that makes you love me?’ I honestly
asked her.
“Because, I did not know David, not the real David, because he was not honest with me. And I thought you were, to the point
where we didn’t need to thank things slow because I knew more of the real you in these
today st weeks than I knew of David in all those years. To find out
today you are not honest with me” Her words as true as they were cut me deep.
And all I could do was to promise her to be honest with her from here. on out. To tell her every little thing, to let her be able to
worry about it.. Because if I was honest with her she would be able to be honest with me about her fears and her dreams.
“I know you will, Grill, I like to think I still know you” Ayla shot me at kind smile after reassuring me she believed me.
Followed by a quick peck on the l*ps before she took some ags from my trunk. We silently walked to her grandparent’s home.
And I thanked the Moon Goddess it was once again a comfortable silence. All the awkwardness of the fight put behind us, all in
all, we were growing as a couple. There was nothing wrong with disagreeing every now and then as
we did jus, as we were able to talk them through as a couple. Just like
Of course, what happened between David and me was part of the conversation during the BBQ. But it soon changed to happier
topics, I got it now. Why Ayla and her family loved to have these family BBQs. Mom, Dad, and I regularly ate together. meals we
cooked ourselves but we didn’t have bbq’s together. Maybe I could introduce that tradition. into our family. It would also be a way
to bring some of Ayla’s
traditions to our pack. Even if the atmosphere between us now was still very fragile. Like we needed to recover from the cuts our
fight left. I still envisioned a future with her, one where we would have pups running around. And I want nothing more than to give
our pups traditions from both our families. Just not because I wanted them to feel a tie with both the families they came from. In
getting to know the Hemmings I realized I liked them all.
Her Cousin James, Alpha Cedric’s son was at the BBQ too. He was already mated and had a pup. The little fellow was just two
years old. James got lucky he found his mate the moment she turned 18 only. weeks after his 18th birthday. Alpha Cedric told
them to focus on their family first, giving them the time to raise pups before James would eventually take over as Alpha. I knew
Ayla and I wouldn’t have that luxury but seeing her with her cousin’s pup I knew what an amazing mother she would be.
She had set down in the damp grass reading stories to him. He was enthralled, soaking up every word she read to him. She

smiled with pride. I felt this pull to join them. To sit in the grass with them, just to listen to Ayla read us both stories from the silly
little kid’s book. Now however since our fight, it felt awkward to do so. Mid-sentence Ayla looked up and it was then that I heard
someone running up to the Hemming’s home and we all instantly felt something bad was about to happen. Ayla scrambled to get
up, so she could carry Quinn Junior inside the house as the rest of us bare ourselves for what was to come.

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