The Prince’s Unwilling mate by Mutya

Chapter 42

This was exactly why I wanted to tell Griffin about Alpha Rob in the privacy of his bedroom. Dillion didn’t mean any harm and I
knew he didn’t. Even if it was a little weird he did not know how possessive Griffin would become. Maybe because he had never
seen Grif, around his mate before he was unaware. Whatever the reason was I now had to deal with an angry mate, his iris
rimmed with a lighter color. Showing Conan was more than willing to take over and tear Alpha Rob a new one.
“Your royal highness you should listen to your mate first” While he was using Griffin’s title to show submission, Dillion’s voice
was. cl*pped.
He seemed to be agitated too, but he at least got Griffin to focus on me again.
“Sorry, Darling go on,” he said through gritted teeth.
“I get it Grif, I got so upset too when he dismissed you as a mate. I know what we have is still fragile mostly because of me. Still,
I wasn’t about to let him get away with insulting you. But with your father being pi*sed at you for causing a scene I wanted to do
better” As I was talking Griffin’s anger seemed to melt away, if I wouldn’t know better I would say he looked happy.
It gave me the strength to go on with my story. Me calling Alpha Rob out on committing treason meant I regarded myself as
royalty too. Technically it would be treason even before I was royalty since Grif was. But only members of the royal family were
entitled to claim an act was indeed an act of treason, let alone warrant someone’s arrest. So I took a deepbreath and continued.
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“So I told him what he said was treason and I gave him a choice, he would either go home faking a headache”
“Like he says she-wolf do when they are unwilling to mate” Collin piped up, interrupting me.
He clearly enjoyed the fact I put Alpha Rob in his place too. All three men laughed, it was obvious that Alpha Rob did not have a
lot of friends here.
“Something like that yeah. His other option was for me to have him arrested for treason, where I would publicly announce what
he has done for me to consider it treason. Meaning his mate would know he has wanted to cheat on her” I finished explaining
what happened.
Dillion filled Griffin in on how Alpha Rob seemed unwilling to just walk off and how that made him step in. Telling me there was

someone who missed me, which wasn’t a lie but how he left it vague on purpose. To create the illusion that it was Griffin who
was about to rejoin me. And that it was the last straw for Alpha Rob to leave the ball, his proverbial tail tucked between his legs.
“Oh and get this, he is not allowed to address you with anything other than My Lord, or My King isn’t that so Firecracker” This
was the first time Griffin didn’t bristle when Dillion called me Firecracker.
I didn’t mind the nickname at all. It was sort of flattering she-wolf or not. I never wanted to be perceived as a weak girl. Especially
since I had some physical shortcomings for a she-wolf. Before I knew what was happening my feet left the floor.
Griffin lifted me from the floor spinning me around with an awestruck look on his face. “Da*n, you’re perfect darling, I just wish I
could have seen his face” He pecked my l*ps before placing me back on the solid floor again.
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This whole interaction, left me feeling giddy, sparks of the matebond shooting up through my arms and spreading through my
entire b*dy. Leaving me to wonder how long I could let my hurt and my past fight the matebond. Griffin wasn’t perfect just as I
wasn’t perfect either. That didn’t mean we couldn’t be perfect together. And more and more I was getting convinced that if we
tried hard enough we could be perfect together.
Two hours later the party had winded down enough for me and Griffin to retire to his chambers without it looking weird. Or being
inappropriate, it was 1 AM now so he would probably just want to crawl in bed and fall asleep. I was way too wired from the
party, I do well in social interactions. I love being social but I prefer casual events so balls and other fancy parties have always
drained me a bit. My usual solution was to get a. snack and read some while munching on the food.
“Are you tired yet?” Griffin asked me rubbing the back of his neck like he was embarrassed about what he was going to ask me.
“Well, no I usually wind down with a snack and a good book but if you want to go to sleep we can” I shrugged, expecting him to
want to just.
turn in.
The look of relief on his face was the first indication that I was wrong about what he wanted.
“Thank the Moo***ddes I usually spend an hour or so gaming after events like this. Just to feel like myself a little bit. You can

shower first I’ll order us food and then we can have a repeat of this afternoon?” He beamed at me.
This wasn’t something he did for me, or to try and win me over. It was something he wanted to do. So the fact that it was exactly
what I
needed made it feel even better. Smiling I made my way over to the bathroom. Where I showered and got dressed in my usual
sleepwear. A tank top and shorts, the first nights we spent together I went to bed fully dressed. Scared that if I showed too much
skin he would want more than I was able to give yet. By now I knew better Griffin is a perfect gentleman. He would never force
me to do something I was not ready for. As I stepped back into the bedroom I was hit with the smell of tacos making my stomach
rumble. That first day we discussed how we both loved Mexican food. I didn’t have the heart to tell him I couldn’t cat tacos while
reading. The grease and sauce would stain the pages of my book. I wouldn’t do that with any of my books but the thought of
getting a stain on my first edition of Pride and Prejudice filled me with fear.
When he was showering I ate a taco moaning at how flavorful it was. Then I got out of bed again, washed my hands, and
snuggled back into the covers. It was a little chilly now but I had noticed the man that would lay next to me in a few minutes was
an actual furnish.
“Couldn’t wait for me to get started on the tacos? Well, I don’t blame you” Grif teased me as he came back into the bedroom.
Wearing another low-riding pajama pants, the sight of it made me drool more than the smell of tacos was. At a loss for words
both because of how attractive he was and my unwillingness to tell him he chose the wrong snacks I just smiled at him and went
back to reading. It wasn’t long before he noticed I wasn’t eating the tacos. Just as I was about to tell him I just wasn’t hungry my
stomach rumbled. So that excuse was out of the window, embarrassed, I confessed why I couldn’t eat the tacos.
“Oh, silly I can fix that for you” And then picked up a taco and held it in front of my face.
Making sure the taco was not above my book. Laughing I took a bite
this was the sweetest thing everyone has ever done for me. Like this, I managed to eat two more tacos. He would pause the
game every time he sensed I wanted a bit and halfway through the second one my shyness was gone. Now I would just ask him
for a bit.
When we finally both were tired enough to turn down the lights and go to bed, I knew I made a huge mistake. One that I needed
to correct. first thing in the morning before I would leave to go home. This was something he deserved to hear face to face. He
has done too much for me for this to be over text or just noticing the change in my behavior gradually until he could draw his own
conclusion. But I just wanted to enjoy tonight so I kept my mouth shut and only asked him to spoon me this night. His arms
wrapped around me and his nose buried in the crook of my neck as his silent answer and that is how we ended up
falling asleep.

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