The Prince’s Unwilling mate by Mutya

Chapter 40

Ayla 40
Griffin made me so angry when he threatened to wage war on another Alpha. just because he insulted me. Or tried to, why
would I give a rat’s a ss about what a random Alpha thinks of me. Asking him to dance with me was a way to distract him.
Defuse the situation before things get out of control. That didn’t stop me from chewing him out with a sweet smile on my face.
Mid-chewing him out King Rodrick appeared behind us, brows knit in frustration. He didn’t speak up and I wasn’t going to be the
first to speak up either. Griffin turned around stunned that I suddenly stopped talking.
“Son, can talk in my office now,” Rodrick told Griffin as it was not a question, his tone suggested so.
Taking my hand in his Griffin just nods. It feels good he holds my hand, I am a bit nervous about what he is about to tell us.
“Oh no, just you Griffin” King Rodrick says before turning to me. “As for you Ayla, thank you for trying to school my son. Moon
Goddess knows he needs it, already behaving like a Luna. You should just go and have some fun Griffin will find you later” His
words are kind as is his smile towards me.
Yet he seems to be livid with Griffin, his posture was poised. His steps seemed calm, complimented by the light smile on his
face. Only his eyes shone with anger betraying his true feelings. I felt bad for Griffin, what if the fact that up until today I had been
so dismissive of our bond had made him feel so insecure that he lashed out like this? I felt bad because I should have been
relieved that King Rodrick only wanted to speak with Griffin. Part of me wanted to follow them. Confessing how I had been acting
as a mate, King Rodrick would no doubt understand what I did to Griffin and go easy on him then. It felt unfair he
mentioned that I was already behaving as a true Luna while I was the one that made Griffin feel so insecure
But I had no time as Queen Isabella came walking up to me. I suspected she was going to scold me too. Point out the
responsibilities I had as a future Queen and Luna. Or how my actions, my holding back from the good that was happening made
Griffin act out like he did. I could not have been further from the truth.
“Care to join me for a glass of wine dear?” She smiled at me.
Never did the conversation turn to the more serious topics I feared. She just pointed out some family members telling me what

their ranks and ties to the pack were. We walked up to meet several of them. Griffin’s entire family seemed warm, kind, and
inviting. In fact, they reminded me a lot of my family. Something that would make moving here if I ever got to that point easier.
Being accepted into this big family would hopefully make me miss mine less. Come to think of it I should go outside tonight and
give my parents a call. I have hardly spoken with them all weekend. They knew I was going to Griffin’s and I am sure they are
curious about how my weekend is.
Isabella had different plans though, after speaking with some family for a while. We moved on to the staff. Not everyone of
course, which in a castle like this would be impossible. Just the higher-ranking staff. Her Beta and Gemma, the lead warrior who
I was surprised to see was a she-wolf. I couldn’t wait to text Kate and let her know. Next up were King Rodrick’s Beta and
Gemma. Just like the family, they were kind and welcoming. Treating me with the same regard they did any other member of the
royal family. Tessie, Isabella’s Beta went as far as to offer me her services if I had not gotten to know the pack enough to decide
who my Beta and Gemma were going to be. Isabella’s eyes glossed over for a second and then Tessie backtracked.
“Well I know you have not accepted Griffin yet, and I don’t want to be
presumptuous. It’s just you guys look so happy together and I just tried to give you one less thing to worry about.” She told me,
clearly having been corrected by Isabella
“Thank you. Tessie, it is a kind offer. One I will keep in mind” I reassured her.
And it was a kind offer, normally Beta’s and Gemma’s retired with their Alpha or Luna. The ability to have Tessie as my Beta for a
bit could have been extremely helpful. Sadly for me, it made the pressure worse. If I was to treat Griffin like he deserved I was
going to have to show more affection. Come over more, join him for events like this. The problem with that was that it would give
off the appearance that I was in fact accepted him as my mate. Something I hadn’t done yet, Griff and even his parents seemed
to accept that. But there was no way we could control the opinion of an entire pack. After being stuck chatting to all the high-
ranking pack members I finally managed to sl*p outside.
“Sis. I met the royal lead warrior and SHE is really nice” I texted Kate before calling my parents.
As suspected they were excited to hear from me. Having lied to them about my bruises and the attacks had hurt them a lot. I
want to make up for it and need some solid advice. So I told them everything, about our huge fights. How Griffin felt, what he did

to make it up to me. Or how I stopped denying the matebond so much. The fact that he almost waged war on an Alpha just to
protect me. And they did give me some solid advice, they were right. I was still too concerned about what other wolves would
think of me. Let them believe I accepted Griffin as long as I was true to him. Tell him what I was feeling so I wouldn’t break his
heart more than necessary if I ended up not accepting him. Pointing out there was a reason I had six months to decide. And not
fourteen days. Feeling a lot lighter than I had moments before I turned around to head inside again. Griffin should be back now,
maybe he
wanted to dance with me again this time without me having to scold him. I chuckled when I considered asking him to dance with
me like that. He seemed to have the same sense of humor.
“You have a beautiful laugh Princess” I recognized the voice immediately
“Thank you, Alpha Rob, I was just about to head inside and ask my handsome mate for another dance if you could excuse me” I
smiled at
Something about him was off, and standing on this balcony with him. Where no one could see us or overhear unless I screamed
didn’t feel safe. I was right as he gently grabbed my elbow making sure I was just unable to move. As I was now unable to walk
away without breaking free. He bent down so his mouth was close to my ear.
“I heard you are not sure of accepting Griffin, I get it our Princeling is a hothead. Not worthy of a cute little mate like you. I could
always show you what mating with a real Alpha feels like” He whispered in my ear, rank breath brushing my cheek
Something in me snapped when he offended Griffin while offering to use me to cheat on his mate. I have not met her yet but no
mate deserved to get cheated on. Even worse since his mark showed they were fated mates.
“Offering to cheat with the mate of a member of the royal family is treason. You are going to pack your sh it, tell your wonderful
mate you feel unwell and need to go home. Just act like the hit your fragile little ego took caused you a headache. If not I will
have you very publicly arrested for treason and stating what it was exactly you did for me to consider as treason. And if it is not
yes My Lord or Yes My King you will not speak of or to my mate ever again. Have I made myself clear” I crossed my arms trying
to look intimidating even with my small
Anger swirled in Alpha Rob’s eyes, and I knew he was considering if I would go through with my treats
“There you are Firecracker. I have someone who has missed you”
Dillion interrupted us.
From the smile on his face. I understood he knew exactly what he had interrupted
“Thanks, Dillion give me a minute to figure out if I need to help Alpha Rob call a cab or if I should call some of the guards,” I said
followed by a fake smile.
“I am sorry for being a little of today Princess, my head is actually killing me so I am going to take your advice and retire early”
Alpha Rob muttered storming off.

Dillion laughed and then led me back to the ballroom, I figured it was Griffin who missed me. But when I saw who made his way
over to me almost running I smiled opening up my arms and waiting for the hugs I missed so much.

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