The Prince’s Unwilling mate by Mutya

Chapter 317

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After having addressed the entire pack, I mindlink Gerald and Dillion to come to my office. And to bring their mates with them. Jessa will probably take this news the hardest. Sure Gerald, Dillion, and Collin grew to love Ayla. They will be heartbroken by the news. Willing to do almost everything they can to get her back home safely. That's still nothing compared to Jessa finding out he childhood best friend. The one she has always described as her platonic soulmate has been kidnapped. And by the man that caused her so much hurt in the first place.
Collin and Dillion live in a wing in the castle so they are the first ones to arrive. They must have sensed something was wrong. Because they do not come in with their usual jokes and giggles. Dillion's usual banter is long gone and he just silently places a mug of coffee and a sandwich in front of me.
"I understand it is something bad, but we both know that means you need to keep up your strength" He reminds me looking at the sandwich.
He is right, I cannot quite bring myself to eat yet so I just drink the coffee and nibble on the sandwich, as we wait for Jessa and Gerald. As I drink and "eat" if you can call it that. My mind drifts back to Ayla again, is she getting breakfast? If so will the food be good, fresh healthy food
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without poison in it? I try to comfort myself with the fact David wants to be her mate again, so he must at least want to keep her alive.
"Prince Griffin, what is the matter is this about Ayla, if so can you please. tell me." Jessa asks bursting into the room, Gerald right behind her.
"I am sorry Prince Griffin, I couldn't stop my mate" he breathes out like he has been running.
Knowing Jessa he probably was. It's weird though I realize they are using my title to please my wolf.
"Please have a seat, you don't need to use my titles but I do have terrible news. And yes, Jessa sadly it is about Ayla" I swallow trying to find my next words. The wolves here in the room with me are my friends, are our
So I know I don't have to keep up a strong front, I can crumble a little and let them see how much this hurts me. But I still need to get out the words, words that have settled on my tongue like a bitter aftertaste. Words that make my stomach churn and my blood boil before I even say
them out loud.
"Did, David, do anything?" Jessa asks
If she was in wolf form now the hairs on her back would be bristled, there is no mistaking the venom in her voice as she spits out his name.
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"We think so, this morning I received a letter supposedly written by Ayla that she does not want to be my mate anymore. That she has decided to give David another try and that she suggests I marry Hannah because she would make such a good Queen." I start to explain, but I get interrupted by Jessa's loud scoff, and the growls of the others filling my room.
There is no mistake if they deem Ayla capable of doing something like that. There is no question if they believe the letter is fake or not.
"Ayla left the partly alone early last night and somewhere along the line her phone died. This morning when her parents went to wake her they found a similar letter. Written on Ayla's typewriter. We have no idea how he got away with this all but neither of us believes Ayla wrote the letter. Making David the clear suspect here" I end my explanation by looking at the three of them
"Don't forget Hannah, that conniving little bitch will do everything to get a leg up in the competition. She and David have been sleeping. together for a while now both not wanting to mate officially. Keeping their options open for a better choice" Jessa adds, voice dripping with hatred for the two wolves she just mentioned.
"I still write it down, because it is useful information to have. Gerald can you and Jessa not attend the announcement as you know the news now? Can you look into the Blood Moon pack, and pull up pictures from Hannah, David and everyone you think might be involved, Jessa?" Finally giving some order, and forming a plan feels a little better.
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Of course, our friends immediately agree, they leave to go to Geralds office and Dillion and Collin follow me to join my parents and make my way to the ballroom
By the time I make my way to the ballroom because it is the only room big enough to address the entire pack at the same time I feel sick to my stomach. The ballroom is decorated to welcome Ayla into her pack, to officially cut the bond with her old pack and form a new one with my pack. Our pack, that should have been what today is all about. It should have ever been like this but yet here
we are.
The pack is murmuring about, no doubt wondering why they are being called into a meeting this morning when everyone was supposed to be present for the forming of the packbond tonight. Sam, who must think this is about Cynthia and what she pulled yesterday is as white as a sheet. Of course, several pack members have noticed Cynthia is the only one not present, from the snippets of conversation I can make out. They seem to think this meeting is about her
"Dear Silver Moon pack, thank you for coming in on such short notice. I regret to inform you all that we have reasons to believe that my daughter-in-law, our future Queen and Luna, Ayla Hemming was kidnapped by David Birch. New Alpha of the Blood Moon pack, and her former mate, the one that rejected her."
Dad tells the crowd
Everyone goes silent looking at each other in disbelief, and then there is the outrage. The anger that someone dared to hurt our Luna, our Queen-
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to-be. It's clear on most of the faces in the crowd. But then there are the ones
who raise their hand in the air with questions. Some of them seem genuinely angry and/or sad. But some of the faces are clouded with doubt.
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Ayla did a great job at winning them.
over, and I am so happy she did. But it has only been three weeks since
she really started to work on her connection with the pack. It has only
been three weeks since I did not practically keep her locked up in our bedroom so we could have time together. It would be unrealistic to
think that with something this big. happening, the entire pack would just blindly follow Ayla now. Still, I need them too, because I need a strong united pack to win this. The content is on! Read the latest
chapter there!
Dad nods and points to one of the hands raised in the air.
"How do you know she is missing shouldn't be on the road to us now, Sylvia asks
"We f
found letters stating she has gone back to her old mate, but we have. reasons to
believe she did write those" I answer her.
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Most pack members just nod, having been thoroughly conceived Ayla ist the right Luna and Queen for us. Not everyone is though, tomy. Sufprise Samis the first one to ask if given her history I am sure she had not chosen her first mate over me. Starting a flurry of the same questions. I get Sam wants to believe Ayla is in the wrong here. It would make what his daughter has done so much better. The content is on! Read the latest chapter there!
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I am struggling to keep my composure as it is, so I have a hard time finding the
right words. So when the door swings open and I see him make his way to the
stage in the ballroom I sag in relief. I am sure he knows something that will convince the rest of the pack to follow me and help their future Queen.
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"Because she hates David she has openly refused him before and stopped Prince Griffin from causing a
war. Or because I spoke to her on the night of her farewel party and she was thrilled at the idea of becoming a part of your pack. Oh and because
David is dumb, the letters weren't written on her typewriter, I broke it
once but she never told my parents so I would not get punished." Dan tells the rest of the pack, and I see more wolves believe us, ready to fight for their Luna to be The content is on! Read the latest chapter there!

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