The Prince’s Unwilling mate by Mutya

Chapter 309

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Being home when your home isn't really your home anymore feels weird. Of course, I will always have a home in the White Oak pack. But after last weekend I want to be at the Silver Moon pack. I want to redecorate our chambers with Griff. Not that there is a lot left to do in
the living room. Not with the comfortable couch and the wall of bookshelves. Maybe some of my knick-knacks, some framed pictures of my family that's about it.
I miss, Griffin more than ever, the closer I get to him the more I miss him. I'm just glad that we managed to not mark each other when we made love in the clearing the other day. But it's not just, not anymore, the pack bond will only truly form when I cut off my bond with the White Oak pack. Still with Rodrick and Isabella treating me and seeing me as their daughter. With how kind some of the packmembers have been. I have felt sparks of the pack bond forming, so no I miss being at my pack too. It is as if Willow knows, as if my soul knows I belong at the Silver Moon pack.
Daniël and Krystel have decided that they are going to take Griffin up on his offer to move into the Silver Moon pack too. I am elated to have my brother close to me. And in an hour I will meet up with Krystel and ask her to be my Beta. I still have my lessons with Isabella. So yesterday I asked her if it would be frowned upon to ask my mate's cousin and sister-in-law to be my Beta. She reassured me it wouldn't and how most likely the pack members would love for another member of the royal family to still be involved in leading the pack and the country. So she
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thinks we are going out for a coffee, and we are but she doesn't know I invited her to ask her to be my Beta.
Just as I got out of the shower my phone buzzes. It is a member of the Silver Moon pack and I wonder how they got my phone number. But I guess since I will be her Luna and Queen soon it makes sense she got it
when she asked around
"Good morning Princess Ayla, Queen Isabella gave me your number I hope you don't mind but I wanted to show you this" Jeanette texted me attaching a photo.
During all royal events, there are photographers present to take pictures for the website. We used to keep other packs in the loop about what was happening. Of course, my being formally introduced to the pack and moving in on Friday was newsworthy. I have seen the pictures she made, the pictures that made it. The King and Queen congratulated us. Griffin and me on the stage, sharing a dance. But this one was different.
Griff and I were sitting at a table I was wiping a drop of sauce out of the corner of his mouth. Giggling as he stares into my eyes almost starstruck.
"Thank you for this picture Jeannette, I love it feel free to text me whenever you need me for anything" I send a quick reply back.
She answers right away "You are so welcome Princess, this picture is
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too candid for the royal website. But I think it shows just how much you love each other. So I couldn't help send it over"
We text back and forth for a few more minutes but soon we both have to go our separate ways. She was right about both accounts I don't think I would want that picture on the royal website. I honestly still struggle with coming to terms with the fact that the entire country, can see what I am up to. So something so intimate would be too much for me. This would be amazing as a printed picture in our living room, however. I am about to text Griffin to tell him about it. But I think the better of it and instead, I text Jeannette one last time.
"If you haven't sent this to Griffin yet, please don't so I can surprise him," I ask her, hoping she sees it in time.
Within a second she let me know he hadn't opened the text so she deleted the picture and sent another one. One she sent me too, it's a cute picture but
not nearly as cute as the first one. I can't wait to see the smile on his face when I give him this framed picture.
Krystel and I were going to go for a coffee outside of the pack ground. I know there is a one-hour photo service close to the Starbucks we are going to. So I will go there and ask them to print this picture three timest one for in our living room and two smaller ones to go into our wallets.
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"I'm so happy you wanted to hang out with me. I saw you as my friend. but I was a little nervous you would think it was all just about Dan. Because it isn't" Krystel ever being the ball of energy was practically jumping up and down.
"I know it's not about Griffin for me either, how lucky was it though that the first time you two met was right after his birthday? He didn't even get to celebrate with everything going on." I mention not wanting to ask her something so big in the car ride here.
I successfully distracted her from asking more questions about us. hanging out. Instead, she is telling me she booked a weekend away just for her and Daniël so they can celebrate his birthday. I love that idea, so of course I agree to not tell anything to Daniël. And I reassure Krystel that I don't mind them not being at my farewell party. After all, they are not the ones that have to say goodbye to me.
"I love I get to stay in my pack, but it does mean I need to find my role in the pack" Krystel sighs just as I park the car in front of the photo service. "Maybe we can come up with something together over coffee I just need to pop
in here first," I tell her.
After I placed my orders for the three prints we walked the five minutes it took to get to Starbucks. Place our orders and then we sit down. I snap
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a picture of my coffee and cake and send it to Griffin with the caption.
"Only a few more coffees without you, asking Krystel to be my Love you to the
Moon and back your mate"
Where he hadn't opened Jeanette's text for a few hours he read mine within
seconds. He told me he had given me a unique text and ringtone so he would always know when I needed him.
"Good luck, Darling, can't wait to make your coffee in bed again. XXX the luckiest wolf on this earth" I don't even try to hide the smile
Krystel teases me about the fact that Griff and I seemed to have made something
romantic out of coffee. She awws and oohs over Griffin's promise to make me
coffee in bed every morning.
"You know my days will be busy and there is so much I need to learn about the
pack," I tell her gauging her reaction.
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And when she tells me she will
always be there to help me with whatever I need with a bright smile on her face, ham fairly sure I know who my Beta is going to be. Still, I prepared a bit of speech so that she knows it is not just about her being the only wolf I know from the Silver Moon pack. The content is on! Read the latest chapter there!
"Funny you should say that Krystel, because Rodrick told me I needed to
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find a Beta and Gemma soon. If I have two wolves at my side, helping
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me be the best Queen there is. I need
wolves I can trust with my life. You are one of those wolves, and of course, it helps that you are a member of the royal family whỏn knows so much about the Silver Moon pack. But I want to make it very clear that is not the only reason you were the first. friend I made at
the Silver Moon pack and if I need a Beta and Gemma want them to be my friends. So what do you say do you want to be my Beta?" I ask her still talking quietly so that humans at the coffee s shop would not overhear
us. The content is on! Read the latest chapter there!
Which all is useless when Krystel jumps up to hug me shouting she would love nothing more than to be my Beta. I just chuckle, hugging her back they did not
overhear the "pack" talk so they won't get what all the
fuzz is about
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When our drinks are finished we get the printed pictures and then I go home happy knowing that Chave one
of my tasks fulfilled, there is a lot to
do still but it feels like I can handle it all. Especially with my Beta. here with me for most of the week The content is on! Read the latest chapter there!

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