The Prince’s Unwilling mate by Mutya

Chapter 297

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At first, when Dad walked into my office I figured he had even more work for me to do. But as I saw his face I knew something far more serious was going on. Ayla had just texted me to tell me her father wanted to talk to her too. The way he had been over text had made her a little nervous because it was not like him to almost demand she videocalled him. Now with Dad coming to talk with me while being so worried, I wondered if something was going on that affected us both.
"Son, can I have a seat there is something important I need to discuss with you" Dad started one hand resting on the back of the chair opposite mine. And separated by my mahogany desk
I smiled as I remembered Ayla telling me my desk was a cliche. But this wasn't the time to daydream about my beautiful mate.
"Please, have a seat you don't have to ask," I told Dad focussing on him and what he was about to tell me instead.
Dad would always ask me if he could sit down when he entered my office. Even if he was the King and my father. It was his castle, it always made me feel respected when he did even when he didn't have to. Especially since he didn't have to he just chose to give me this much
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"Son, Alpha Phillip and Luna Jenna from the Blood Moon pack have died during a car crash and they died on impact." Dad let the heaviness. of his words linger in the air as he looked at me.
Two relatively young werewolves dying in a car crash was practically impossible. I have seen the roads near the Blood Moon pack and none of them seemed dangerous enough to warrant such a terrible accident. Suspicions aside this made David the Alpha, I was all too aware of what this would mean for us as a pack. I have beaten the man half to death because he wanted his former mate back. My second chance mate, even if I didn't see her like that I was sure he did.
"I get what you are afraid of, but if he let us know, maybe he isn't planning on going back on the peace treaty," I told Dad trying to reassure both him and myself
"That's the thing, Griffin, he did not tell us he still hasn't. Your, parents-in-law happened to be traveling to the White Oak pack when the, accident happened. Some of the pack members demanded Ayla's mother back because she was the only pack doctor. That is how Alpha Cedric knew and he was the one to reach out to me." Dad tells me making me feel uncomfortable.
If David is this hellbent on being with Ayla or just getting revenge this would mean we would have a war on our hands. And him not telling us that his parents died as he should have could be an indication he ist plotting something. On the other hand, he could still be a little overwhelmed with grief. Losing both your parents to a freak accident
must be earth-shattering. And no matter how much I hate him for it, he was clearly still struggling to get over the fact that he lost Ayla. As far ast I know, he has a little sister now.
Dad agrees with me that we shouldn't jump to conclusions too soon. But like me, he feels this could be leading up to something bad and we should definitely prepare. Just to be sure that if it is a war he wants we can stop things before they get too bad.
The minute Dad leaves my office to tell Mom about our plans and feel certain about the decisions we made. Ayla calls me since Dad let me know her parents are at the Cresent Moon pack now to bring some gifts to Kate and Tim because they will visit the White Oak pack tomorrow. He also told me that with David being the Alpha of the Blood Moon pack now and the threat of war being so real. They decided to leave the Blood Moon pack behind. That is how Alpha Cedric knew, they had to ask him if they could officially move in with them.
Of course, Alpha Cedric accepted his family back into his pack. Knowing full well that the pack would accept them. The moment Alpha Phillip died the packbond got severed. Usually, the new Alpha reconnects the packbond and everything will go on as usual. But with the Hemming's no longer blindly loyal to the Blood Moon pack, especially not David, and with them not being on the pack ground they had the strength to refuse this new packbond.
After discussing what both Ayla and I feel is going to happen now, and after her telling me she still feels sorry for the Birches including David. I ask her how she feels about her parents and brother effectively running
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away from their home. They didn't pack all of their stuff, and it would be a long time if any before they would be able to get it back.
"I feel guilty again Griffin, and I am worried for them but in the end, I know they are better off like this and we just need to make it work as a family," She tells me and she is right.
The Hemmings will have the full support of the royal family too. And not just because they are family now. Even if it had been someone else's family, I would have supported them too. As I know my parents would have because as a parent it is never right to see your children get bullied. and abused. After all, the Alpha refuses to acknowledge their pairi and suffering. After reassuring her a bit more and after talking about small things, we ended the call.
Amazingly enough even during this shit storm that seems to be brewing I fall asleep quickly. Because when I fall asleep in the bed that now seems to permanently smell like lilacs all I can think of is being able to hold Ayla in my arms again tomorrow.
The next morning I wake up at the crack of dawn. I need to get a lot. done and I told Ayla I would make her a nice home-cooked meal on impulse yesterday. It felt good but it did mean a lot of extra work. And I needed to ask Milo if I could borrow one of his slow cookers. Since I decided to make goulash; a Hungarian beef, bell pepper, and tomato stew. Which I knew she would love. Milo would
start at six to make
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breakfast for the packmembers. I wanted to be able to ask him about
to slow cooker first thing in the m morning sa Ngot up at five, got a coffee and a bowl of cereals, before taking a shower getting dressed, and walking over to the castle's kitchen. The content is on! Read the latest chapter there!
"Hi, Milo I wanted to surprise my mate, would you mind if I borrowed one of your slow cookers?" I asked him as he looked up at me, Milo wasn't used to me being
in the kitchen this early,
"Of course, Prince Griffin it would be my pleasure what are you making the Princess?" It wasn't uncommon amongst wolves to refer to a high-ranking pack member's mate by their future title. Still, Milo doing so surprised me.
As it was a sign of respect and acceptance, it warmed my heart though. It was
weird he was so sure she would like the goulash though because as far as I
know, they hadn't talked much.
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"Please, make sure you and the
Princess join the pack breakfast on
Sunday. I plan on making her favorite
chicken and Waffles. Suddenly I
remembered how last weekend after
breakfast Ayla walked up to him their
entire conversation could not have been more than five minutes. The content is on! Read the latest chapter there!
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But clearly, she still had won him
over, and somehow told him about
her favorite breakfast. I wasn't about
to question it though. The same goes for the manager of the little convenience store on pack ground, as soon as I tell her it is for my mate
she smiles at me and tells me she hopes she gets another chance to talk to Ayla tomorrow. Somehow in just one weekend, my amazing mate
seems to have won over most of our pack, The content is on! Read the latest
chapter there!
072 Griffin
and I cannot wait to tell her tonight.
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