The Prince’s Unwilling mate by Mutya

Chapter 27

Ayla 27
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I woke up feeling more refreshed than I ever had. Which was weird since I was not sleeping in my bed. It took me a while to
realize why I had slept like a baby. And only because Griffin k*ssed my head. Telling me how happy he was I finally gave him a
chance. But what got to me was him telling me he would never let me go. I tensed up because I wasn’t sure if I should say
something about it or not. It could be just the cute couply things people said. It could also very well be that as an Alpha as the
Crown Prince. He was willing to go back on his promise to force me to accept him as my mate. I convinced myself he would
never do that he has already made too much of an effort. He had to feel me stiffen, and so I awkwardly shifted back so I could
face him instead of being cuddled up to him. I brushed the corners of my mouth to try and check I had not drooled on him. It
would be the only thing that was worse than sleeping on him after telling him we couldn’t even spoon. Sleeping on him and
drooling on his chest.
His rockhard chest, because boy this man was muscular even for a werewolf. I should have said something when he came to
bed dressed in just a pair of low-hanging pajama pants. But what was I going to say, I pride myself on being independent to the
extent I actually want to build a life without a mate in it. Only to tell my mate he is so good- looking he needs to sleep fully
dressed. So I can control my hormones? No, I wasn’t about to. I dressed in a baggy shirt and a pair of sweatpants. It didn’t make
him reconsider his outfit to sleep in. Come to think of it, it didn’t stop him from keeping his eyes on me all the time. Like he was
drinking in the sight of me.
“Are you okay, I am sorry if I went too far. It’s just waking up next to you made me so happy. Especially since I don’t really know
when we will see each other again.” He apologized.

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Sh it. I never considered it because the day sorta got away from us. Of course, he came over to try and work things out between
the two of us. And since I had decided to give him a chance he was bound to want to take the chance and try to see me as often
as possible. As much as I was trying to convince myself I wasn’t feeling anything yet. But I was and I kinda did not want to leave
our little bubble in my Grandparents bedroom.
“Maybe we should talk about it then, come up with a plan?” I suggested.
Again Griffin’s face split open in a wide grin. If this man was planning on being so charming every day. I was bound to give in
long before the six months were over. That idea scared me to the very core of my being. I couldn’t get rid of the feeling that
something was wrong with me. That David and the others were right about the fact that I was not suitable to be a Luna. Griffin
was cute and all to say he wanted an equal partner. But he knew nothing about me. And no matter how you spun the story about
me and David. Our paring had been a mistake, if not he wouldn’t have rejected me. Maybe I needed to talk to Lina about this.
She had been so helpful about the second chance mate thing. I was sure she had more information about rejections too.
“Ayla, darling, did you hear what I said” Griffin’s voice snapped me back to reality.
A reality where I managed to make myself look like a fool in front of my mate. Who I might or might not accept. There was no
way I could lie to him and answer a question he had asked me without knowing what the question was. Especially not with things
being a bit rocky between us. As we both wanted fastly different things at this moment. I admitted to zoning out and luckily
enough he just chuckled at me.
“I suggested we would only meet on the weekends. It’s a four-hour drive. I can probably manage to get the Fridays off early. But I
totally understand that you might not be able to with your new job and all.
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Honestly, I wouldn’t mind being the one to drive up here all the time. Or most of the time but my parents are dying to meet you.
They know about our situation so no pressure.” He told me

It was fair his family wanted to meet me too. My family had met him, or most of them had and they all love him. When he
explained his younger cousin was about to turn 18 next Sunday. I knew what was coming and it did make me feel a bit
pressured. It would mean I either go over there, meet his parents, and attend that party after. Or not see him for two weeks.
Something I would be fine with but it would hurt him. It would also reflect poorly on him. And I had a solid excuse, so I tried not to
worry about that too much.
“I would have come to you next weekend if I could. But I don’t have a car and I have no means of flying there. Which poses a bit
of a problem.” I told him in all honesty, figuring he would be disappointed but understanding.
Seeing him beam at me like I just made him the happiest wolf on earth. Thoroughly confused me. Because for a moment I forgot
who he was. Everyone knew the royal family had a private plane. One they did not need very often, especially not when there
was a party in their own pack. Griffin didn’t say so but he promised he would make sure I would be there in time. After telling me
he wouldn’t be able to pick me up some of his staff members would. I figured out that was the only thing he could mean. With me
telling him my lack of a means to get there was the only reason holding me back from being there. Suddenly I accepted an
invitation to the castle. To a royal party, I might as well agree to see each other every weekend. Committing to giving him a
chance to prove himself to me and all that.
There was nothing wrong with this conversation. It had been pleasant and lazy which I loved. Still the sudden realization of who
he was, to the kind of life he led, and my place in it if his wish came through. It burst the bubble we were in, not wanting to end
this weekend on a
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sour note. I feigned being hungry and eager to get started with painting. Being the sweetheart he was Griffin agreed and got
dressed quickly. He was about to peck me on the cheek before sl*pping out so I could dress in private. Things like that happened
a lot in the past 24 hours. Times when he was about to reach out to me. Only to stop himself. Leaving me to wonder how long he
would be willing or able to keep restraining himself from touching his mate.
Even with all my doubts and insecurities, I felt it too. That need to reach out to him, to touch him. Just something simple like a
hug or holding his hand for a bit would be enough. Unlike me, Griffin wasn’t trying to fight the matebond. So for him, it would no
doubt be worse. That need would be so much more intense for him. That was another thing I needed to push back to the back of
my mind though. Trying not to stress out too much about everything I hurried to get dressed in just a pair of jeans and a knit
sweater my grandmother had made me. To find out Griffin had been standing outside of the door all this time to walk to the
kitchen with me. Hopefully, Jessa will be able to talk to me tonight when he is home. Hopefully, her being on a mate-moon
wouldn’t stop her from FaceTiming with me. Because I desperately needed someone to vent to and some advice on what to do.

For now, I was just going to make the best of today. I would just consider him a friend today and treat him as such. After all Uncle
Nic would be here too. And what could go wrong with two friends

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