The Prince’s Unwilling mate by Mutya

Chapter 262

37 Griffin
"Hey, Darling, I am back." I tell Ayla trying to sound calm.
Still, I pull her closer staking a claim on her, one I hope I still have. There was nothing to worry about because her smile was so bright when, she introduced me to the wolf she was hugging. Her cousin Jay, that is why she was so happy. He is a member of her family and she introduces me as her mate. He had taken the year off to travel the packs to go and find his mate. He would be an Alpha too. His mother Ayla's aunt was the pack's Luna. Dad was right the Hemmings did come from a long line of Alpha Luna's and other high ranks.
"Well, I figured as much, don't worry Alpha I love Ayla but not like that"
He chuckles.
I'm relieved he did not get annoyed when I was so possessive towards. my mate. Ayla didn't seem to notice. Which was good as I decided not to tell her about my behavior and why. I didn't want to make her feel like I was pressuring her. Even if she didn't think I was, she probably would feel pressured regardless. Now that I know what was causing it I felt more able to handle it. Wanting to make a good impression on yet another family member of Ayla I told Jay, he would always be welcome. as my guest. If he wanted to visit our pack after tonight. After all, even with this ball, he would never get to meet all of the unmated wolves. He smiled, and when we exchanged phone numbers, I could see how happy this made Ayla. Jay left us to mingle with his friends, and Ayla wanted
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to'dance with me. A sweet simple slow dance, we chatted about small things, nothing too big. She thanked me for helping out her cousin, explaining she had missed him dearly. I loved it and it was so much better than getting scolded by her. No matter how right she was, or how much I needed it. Now it was just me enjoying spending time with my beautiful mate. Who for some reason had suddenly stopped fighting the pull between us. Tonight was perfect and for a second I feared it was good to be true. Everything about today had bee perfect, she would sleep her and then we had another full day ahead of us.
We needed to make some more rounds after dancing. This was the part I hated the most, there were some good people out there. And I enjoyed. talking to a fair few of them, still, the majority of them were just trying to kiss ass. Wanting me or my family members to favor them over the others. Hoping that if we were close our judgment considering disputes. between packs would cause us to decide in their favor. Most of the pack leaders we did consider friends or had personal alliances with. Were the packs would never instigate fights between packs. And if they would we still would make a fair judgement. That's what our responsibility as royalty was. Ayla didn't leave my side, so that would make it infinitely
Turns out she was much better at this socializing than I was. She smiled and made small talk with all of them. She didn't seem the least bit bothered with the people sucking up. Without entertaining them too much. Still, she managed to let them down so gently that they practically were grateful for it. Every now and then she would tug on her earlobe, it fascinated me. Just as how everything about her fascinated me. That's how I noticed that the ass-kissing did get to her. Every time a wolf would be too obvious she would tug her earlobe, and bite her lip before
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smiling at our conversational partner. Knowing she hated this too, but was just better skilled at hiding it made me so happy. Every day we spent together I found out more things we had in common. Not to mention the fact that seeing how well she does in her role as future Queen made me incredibly proud. Proud and scared. I was falling so hard for her. And the one thing I still couldn't be sure about was if she was falling for me too.
"You are stunning Princess Ayla, I would say Prince Griffin is lucky to have found you. Then again you found yourself such a strong and kind mate. As a nation, we are happy to have him as a future ruler. So I will just say you are both lucky to have found each other." Luna Cherise preened at Ayla.
There was an ear tug, a lip bite, and then a smile, a smile that wasn't as bright as a few of the smiles I caused.
"No, I think you got it right the first time Luna Cherise. I am the one that is lucky to have found Ayla. As much as I want to thank you for your compliments. All I am is a fair ruler every pack deserves as much." I say wrapping my arm around Ayla's waist without thinking about it.
She doesn't move away as she tells Luna Cherise that she is lucky to have found a mate like me. I'm not sure if she means it or if she is just saying it because it is what you are supposed to say. I chose to believe it is the latter option. Just to protect myself from the heartbreak if this is indeed just the right thing to say. Not something she actually feels. I know we still have a long road ahead of us. I know I worship the ground that she walks on. And would be willing to give up almost everything to
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be with her. There is nothing I won't do to make sure that in the six months, she has given me to try and win her over, she will truly feel blessed to have me as her
Luna Cherise gets our not-so-subtle hints and after a few more minutes of chit- chatting, she excuses herself to go and find her mate. Which suits me perfectly I need a drink and by the looks of it so does my wonderful mate. When I suggested walking over to the bar she just took my arm again without saying anything. Does she even realize how good it makes me feel when she does? How I am on cloud nine to walk anywhere with her on my arm. Having everyone present see, that we belong together. Since Dillion and Collin are at the bar we
decide to join them.
"Good to see you again Firecracker, did you give anyone else a headache lately" Dillion chuckles.
I fight the urge to snap at him for giving my mate a nickname. If I am being honest, and do not let my possessiveness cloud my judgment. I. should be happy about this, my best friend clearly adores my mate. Something I have always wanted, as my mate even with her not having accepted me she is higher ranking than Dillion. She could easily demand. for him to call her Princess or future Luna. Even forbid him to use a silly nickname but she doesn't she always just smiles at him when he calls her Firecracker. It speaks volumes of how she is as a person. That is what makes me worried about the lack of her smile now. Collin is as confused about the headache remark as I am. Dillion looks at Ayla with a warm smile, renewed respect shining in his eyes.
"Griff," Ayla starts.
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There is that pet name again, shortening my name. It feels wonderful, to hear a
pet name for me rolling off her lips sends shivers down my spine. Almost leaving
her nervous tone go unnoticed.
"I promise I wanted to tell you, but when you walked up to me and Jay you already looked stressed. I figured it had to do with your father scolding you for the thing with Alpha Rob." She continues.
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So she did notice I was stressed but
chugged it up to something else. And m she clearly wanted to protect me from something. Whatever it was I would be understanding, and make her feel she could always tell me everything on her terms. The content is on! Read the latest chapter there!
"Just tell me, darling, I am sure you did the right thing" I reassure her.
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"Well after chatting with your mother,
I went to get a bit of fresh air on the balcony. Alpha Rob came up to me. were He suggested you were not worthy of me as he deemed you a hothead. He then offered me to show what mating with a real Alpha would feel
like" Ayla wasn't done talking. The content is on! Read the latest chapter there!
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But I had a hard time focusing on her
all I wanted to do was find Alpha Rob and tear his throat out How dare he ve suggest using my gorgeous. pure
mate to cheat on his? Like our mates
were pieces of meat to be swapped around. The content is on! Read the latest chapter there!

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