The Prince’s Unwilling mate by Mutya

Chapter 254

029 Ayla
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This was it, this was the rejection I'd been so scared of. Of course. Griffin wasn't just going to wait around. Not when I didn't give him any reason to stick around. I knew this was going to happen and I should be happy it was this soon in. Since I found myself liking little things about Griffin already. Maybe that is why a part of me wanted to fight it. Tell him that he should not reject me and that I just needed a little more time.
"Please, let me know if I even have a chance. Because the moment we are good together they make me so happy. I honestly think I have been blessed with a mate like you Aula Salam willing to take things slow. I am willing to do what Click on the right to read more w good our life can be. The only thing I need from you is a little bit of hope. Even if it is just a spark" Griffin was honest and vulnerable when he spoke to me.
It's not a thing I have seen a lot of Alpha's do. If he wanted hope I would give him hope. Because he did stand a chance. I wanted to be able to trust him. I wanted to fall in love with him. I wanted to be able to feel safe enough to accept him as my mate. I wanted it all but I wasn't there
"You absolutely stand a chance, and I might have overreacted a little. I am still mad with you but we can still share a bed tonight like an actual couple would” I offer him a weak smile.
029 Ayla
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Hoping it will be enough for him and it is. He just wrapped me in his arms and it reminded me of earlier just before dinner when he panicked. Rushing to let go of me and my ugly scars.
"Are you sure you are giving me another chance though? Now that you have seen all of my. Now that you have seen how ugly I am" I whispered not wanting to say the words out loud.
The invitation to reject me, break my heart, and most likely kill me at the same time. He denied my claims of being ugly. With so much passion I would almost believe he was personally offended by the fact that I called myself ugly. Like he didn't know how small I was like he didn't feel the need to hide my scars from his servant. Maybe he was under the impression that you needed to find your mate physically attractive. And for me that was the case, Griffin is the most handsome wolf I have ever seen. It simply meant I was lucky if every wolf out there was attracted to their mate. Both physically and mentally all the time. No one would ever get rejected and as I knew all too well. That is not the case, wolves get rejected all the time, even dying in the process. Wanting to give Griffin the chance to be honest with me without feeling guilty I pointed out my size. I pointed out how he had hidden my body from his servant. All he did was laugh at me, it all started with a small chuckle but he was damn near hysterical by the time I sat down.
I didn't want to believe he was laughing at me. Poking fun at me but it was hard to come up with another excuse for his reaction. After all, he started laughing like this as soon as I finished pointing out my
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"Ohh darling, for a while I hoped my fated mate would be human. Just so she would be smaller than me. I have seen how fast you run, and how agile you are. So I doubt I ever need it. But being so much bigger than you gives me a sense of purpose. Like I need to protect you and can. When I saw you, like really saw you the first time when I noticed my mate was small for a wolf I was so happy. Knowing I would have a mate who could snuggle up to me and almost hide in my embrace." Griffin told me and so genuine I had no other choice but to believe him.
He had seen how little I was the moment he first ran after me.
he first ran after me. My size has never stopped him from pursuing me. That left us with the awkward. moment where he stopped hugging me only to hide my body from the.. servant's prying eyes. His explanation that he was possessive and protective and actually hated the idea of anyone else seeing my naked body was oddly flattering. He wasn't possessive in the unhealthy "You can't have friends" kinda way. I had no qualms with him wanting to hide my body, keep the sight of my nakedness for his eyes only. As it fitted what best suited me. At least for now.
"It is not all about that though, you were mad at me before you even arrived here weren't you" He asked me and he was right.
With all the drama going on I almost forgot this man giving me a Porsche. It was the reason I got so mad with him in the first place. Just not mad enough to never want to give us a chance anymore. So when I felt like he was going to reject me over it my first need was to make sure he would give me another chance. Something that sort of fixed itself. With that issue solved the older unresolved issues like him giving me a car and lying about that came to the light again.
029 Ayla
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"You can not just give me a car Griffin, and especially not a Porsche. I honestly want to give you a chance. But I am not giving you a chance. just so you can buy me. Lure me in with pretty things in the hope of making me stay. I am not like that I can't be bought." I huffed The content is on! Read the latest
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I felt the anger rise within me again.
Even Griffin's explanation that he wanted me to be able to always drive up here if he wanted. That he just wanted to spoil me and give me the very best. Or how the first edition! book his father gave me was probably just as expensive as the Porsche was. Did not help me calm down, his throwing the book at me as if I asked for it only made me angrier. We both simmered over with anger. again and for the second time in one night, we were screaming at each other fighting. It was our second weekend together, things shouldn't be this bad. I should be regretting the decision to get into bed with him tonight. I should not be considering asking him for a guest room to sleep The content is on! Read the latest chapter there!
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"I never asked for either but the book
I actually do love, I do not like cars
that is why I did not owe one youn pompous jerk/ You are not trying to get to know me. You are not competing against David because at least he knew me unlike you." I knew I
should have never said that. The
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I knew just how mean it was but it just slipped out because I was losing self-
control. And as Griffin nodded he told me.
"I get it, you made your message clear I need to go on a run" And with that he slammed the door shut behind him.

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