The Prince’s Unwilling mate by Mutya

Chapter 25

Ayla 25
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I didn’t know if I regretted giving Griffin a chance or not. Not because we didn’t have fun today. Or because he proved to not be
worthy of that chance. No, it was the complete opposite. He was sweet funny and attentive. And when he put his arm around me
at the IKEA I could feel the matebond spark between us. Now he offered to help Great Uncle Nic and I to put the bookshelves
together. He didn’t even assume as a short she–wolf I would be unable to help. At first, I laughed when he told me how Dad had
him fix the door he broke. But the fact that Luna Jenna was actively pushing Hannah on him made me think.
“Griffin, last chance are you sure she isn’t a better fit for you?” I asked him scared he was going to reconsider.
Because if he kept being as good of a mate as he was now. It would still break my heart if he decided to leave me. I was aware
of how hypocritical it was seeing as I hadn’t decided if I would not leave him.
He took my hands in his and looked me deep in my eyes.
“I already resent the idea of having a chosen mate, so no as long as you are giving me a chance I will take it. And not waste it on
any other she- wolf. That being sad when push comes to shove and you do not want me as your mate anymore. Forcing me to
pick a chosen mate it will never ever be Hannah or anyone like her. Every Alpha is different as is every Luna. What I need is an
equal partner one that holds the same values. Ganging up on other wolves, going after someone’s mate. And seeing lesser
ranked wolves as lesser beings is all the complete opposite of my values” He pleads with me.
I can’t help being drawn in by him, his aura, his scent, his eyes. So when he speaks to me again I can’t do anything else to nod
again. He is

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right I need to give him an honest chance and if he tells me he is interested in me. I either have to believe him or flat–out reject
him. I see how happy it makes him and maybe that’s why I forget to tell him I- already mindlinked Uncle Nic who was happy to
come over to help right away. Probably because he is excited to meet my mate. The moment I dropped that information, I could
hear him getting dressed to go out.
My bedroom door bursts open, reminding me of his arrival and that I am too late to tell Griffin he will be here.
“Wow Ayla, your new mate is a step up from that slime David. This man really is a royal snack” Uncle Nic bursts out before
wrapping me one of his bear hugs.
Only then he turns to a slightly embarrassed Griffin. I know Uncle Nic never meant to. But this serves as a test to me. I know his
Beta had a male mate but Dillion seemed less flamboyant than Uncle Nic is. And not all straight guys can handle that. Griffin
however is brightly smiling after he was a little shocked for half a minute. Which makes sense as much as I love my Great Uncle
he is a bit much. He still is despite being in his late sixties.
“Hi, my name is Griffin it is nice to meet you. Especially after hearing you tell my breathtaking mate I am better looking than
David” He introduces himself with a cheeky wink. The two laugh and
immediately go over what we need to do to get the bookshelves set up. First things first we need to get the IKEA bookshelves
and open cabinets together and line them up against the wall. Since three people working on the bookshelves in my fairly small
room is a little overkill. So I decided to head out of the room and make them a few snacks. Getting them some cold drinks.

Back in the kitchen, I realize I know nothing about Griffin. I don’t know what he wants to drink. Or what snacks he likes. It makes
me nervous he has done so much for me and now I cannot return the favor.
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Grandpa walks in and he sees the doubt written all over my face. The two of us have always been close. I could never hide
anything from him, so I should tell him all about what is on my mind. And hope he can give me some solid advice.
“You know of the start between me and your Grandmother. At first, she did not know what mates were. What she was, so I fell for
her faster and harder. That never mattered to me every little thing she did for me was amazing. It soothed my soul because it
showed me that it wasn’t hopeless” He told me.
Giving me some more practical advice on what to eat and what drinks to take up. He was right Griffin loves it his eyes light up as
he sees me walking back into the room with some cookies, his cookies. Some chips, beers, and cokes. Telling me to just sit on
my bed to guide them and be ready to jump in when I need to. He is not being as subtle about just wanting me close. But I
decided to let this one go. I just sat on my bed sorting the first box of books out so I could start putting them away as soon as the
shelves were done. I kinda liked watching and hearing Griffin and Uncle Nic chat and joke about as they were setting up the
bookshelves. My small room soon felt warm and Griffing was the first to take off his sweater. He was wearing a tight white shirt
under it. I knew it wasn’t fair of me to just oggle but I couldn’t help it
Everyone who was attracted to men would say Griffin is a handsome man. I had to cope with the additional matebond. I don’t
think Griffin ever noticed. Uncle Nic did however he made it clear by shooting me a sassy wink before going back to setting up
the bookshelves. I was surprised at how quickly they had managed to put together all the bought bookshelves and open
cabinets. Uncle Nic suggested he would cut the panels of plywood in the arch shapes I wanted them to be. Griffin and I would
place the crown molding and then we had to paint it all with primer. Grandma had made it very clear she did not want me to
sleep in my bedroom when there were so many paint fumes hanging
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in the air. It was a shame as it meant I had to take the guest bedroom. Leaving no space for Griffing to sleep. He was welcome at
the packhouse. It is where all the guests of the pack would sleep. Unless they were visiting a direct relative or a close friend. Or
in the very rare case where mates would not be able or willing to complete the mating process. In cases like that the guest would
just sleep with the wolves hosting him.
That would be us now and I knew Griffin would have loved to have breakfast here. Or just a coffee since I don’t even know if he
likes to eat in the morning. Maybe he is one of those guys who wants to go on a run first I had been thinking about it all while
installing the crown molding. And when sanding down the IKEA cases. There was only one thing I could do about it. Even if I was
sure not everyone was going to like it. After all, I had promised myself after being rejected for things that were completely out of
my control, that I would no longer decide how to live my life. Because of the opinions of others and so I did. First pizza though,
time had flown by with making the bookshelves. So we decided just to get something quick. Grandma loves cooking but cooking
for the five of us when we hardly have the time to sit down for a good meal would be unfair. Griffin seems to fit right in with the
family. Then again so did David, I wasn’t the only one who hoped David would be my mate. So no matter how much it made me
smile now it wasn’t a guarantee for the future. Realizing that made me see just how much I had let my guard down in the past
few hours just because he tried to win me over by spending a whole lot of money on me. What if he thought I was a gold digger
now? Or that he could convince me to be his mate just by showering me with gifts. The idea alone was suffocating. I didn’t know
what to do, but I had to do something about it.

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