The Prince’s Unwilling mate by Mutya

Chapter 189

189 Ayla
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As soon as the six of us entered the pack kitchen, conversations stopped and
everyone stopped eating and watched us. The entire royal family walking into the
pack kitchen halfway through lunch. When we had been in meetings all day was
already a little peculiar. Now Sam was still dragging Cynthia along with him. She
stopped her kicking and screaming, she resorted to crying. Maybe it was
because I could not see anything positive about her anymore. Perhaps all of my
training made me good at reading people. Whatever it was I did not believe in her
tears. To me, they felt like they were crocodile tears. To show the pack how much
she was going to
er at the hands of us.
“Members of the Silver Moon pack, I regret having to inform you that yet another
incident took place with Cynthia yesterday. When your Princess, future Luna, and
Future Queen, Princess Ayla was interviewing people because she wanted one
of our pack to become her Gemma. Cynthia came running into her office, to tell
her that she would never be the Luna or Queen so she shouldn't bother with
trying to find a Gemma.” Dad cut straight to the chase, I knew he was fed up with
Cynthia too.
Dillion had suggested a guard following her at all times to make sure she
wouldn't be a threat to Ayla or us. We talked about it during the meeting but that
would prevent her from doing things we could actually punish her for. We just had
to trust that Ayla was safe here in the castle, on pack grounds. She had
successfully won the rest of the pack over, even the ones that took the longest to
get to like her. So not only would Cynthia never find anyone to help her
scheming. If she would ever go too far, I was sure the rest of the pack would
come to Ayla’s rescue if they needed to.
The murmurs, and the glares at Cynthia all confirmed how much the
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189 Ayla
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pack loved my wonderful mate. And why wouldn't they? Since the moment that
Ayla had officially accepted me as her mate, she made an effort to get to know
the rest of the pack. She was kind and patient with everyone even the ones that
didn’t like her at first.
“Luckily, it's not just bad news we have some good news too. And I feel my
daughter-in-law should be the one to tell you.” Dad finished his announcement.
Sam dragged his daughter off not even giving her the chance to explain herself. I
have known Sam my entire life, he was born into the Silver Moon pack. His mate
Emma moved into the pack after they met, neither of them had a job that could
not transfer to the other pack. She wanted to be a housewife though, so she
figured it would be wiser if Sam kept his job and she would move in with them.
I was too young to remember her well, she was shot by a hunter. An innocent
accident he didn’t know he trespas sed into pack grounds. Emma was just on a
run after her mate had come home because she wanted to have a moment to
herself after taking care of Cynthia for a day. It was tragic, and even when I was
so young I remembered how broken Sam was. He once tried to comfort me,
before I knew of second-chance mates. Telling me it was better to lose your mate
before you met them. Even at ten, I had felt how broken he still was.
eight years later. Cynthia had been the light of his life though. He doted on her
and worked extremely hard to give her all she wanted. And he never told her no.
For some reason, today Sam snapped, something about what she did today
made him realize he should have told her, no more often. How he was behaving
now caused even more people to look at Cynthia. To keep murmuring about her,
when Ayla still had her announcement to make.
It was funny how yesterday she was scared I would be jealous of her working
with Dean. He was a good kid. A little young but I know he
189 Ayla
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cared for our pack a lot and always
wanted to do something to help it
thrive. He was a lot like Ayla in that
regard. They seemed to have the
same type though. pi nevenséen

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Eni f ever. But I
noticed his eyes going over my body
during shifting. Never in a way that
made me feel uncomfortable. And
when he knew about Ayla being my
mate. Even before she accepted me
he stopped glancing at me. The only
reason I chuckled was because I
should have known and introduced
them sooner. It would have saved us
all a lot of time. The content is on! Read the latest
chapter there!
“Everyone, I know this news is upsetting. But we should focus on the good
things, the things that make our pack stronger” Ayla’s voice rang out clear.
Instantly stopping the murmurs, all eyes were on Ayla now. Dean was having
lunch in the kitchen too as was Krystel so Ayla beckoned them closer.
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“You all know that Krystel will be my
Beta when Griffin and I take over as
Alpha and Luna to the Silver Moon
pack. And as King Niemelsiit
now, Shiv asbittd still
nbedikd'a Gemma for the future and a
second assistant in this current
period. I am happy to announce Dean
will be my Gemma” As soon as Ayla
shut her mouth the kitchen erupted in
cheers as was the mind-link
connection. Until she raised her hand,
silencing the kitchen. The content is
on! Read the latest
chapter there!
“My wonderful grandmother started a new tradition amongst the Hemmings. As
soon as the Luna chooses her Beta and Gemma, even before they are officially
installed in the position, we party!!” This announcement was almost met with
more joy.
Parties, the simple fun parties not the fancy ones are what makes the pack close.
We all have busy lives, and families in and outside the pack. Jobs sometimes
even ones that took them away from the pack. It meant we were hardly together
with the entire pack. We all made sure to attend parties though. It was those
parties where you would catch up with packmembers you would hardly see.
Ayla had told me about the tradition it was a real one. The fact that she
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shared it with the rest of us. How
excited she was to share it with
everyone. And how well she
understood what the pack needed.
Not just the party, how she stopped
the murmurs. How she knew just
what- to say to make Joe fsehhad.
I still sages wan r how David
ahdis parents never saw it. How
could they have ever doubted if she
would be able to be a good strong
Luna? Being one is in her blood, not
only is her grandma a renowned
Luna. But like the stories tell about
her grandma. Ayla was a natural
Luna, she spoke, thought, and acted
like a true Luna in everything that she
did. But I should stop thinking about
David, he was gone and with every
passing day, we got more proof that
he was never coming back. Proof
that we were safe now. So I should
spend my days growing with Ayla,
and enjoy spending my time with her
instead of thinking about her past.
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