The Prince’s Unwilling mate by Mutya

Chapter 187

187 Ayla
“What about him Griff,” I asked wanting to get it out of the way quickly.
“Oh nothing he is a great guy, I should have introduced you two it would have
been so much quicker.” Griffin's tone was playful, maybe I read it wrong, maybe
he wasn't jealous at all.
“You're not jealous about me working so close to a man every day then?” I asked
just to make sure..
“Darling, I trust you, I can hardly keep you away from every other male wolf.
Honestly, it just clicked for me when you told me. Now sit down I made us a
romantic dinner” There was no question about how sincere he was when he
smiled at me carrying our plates of food.
The mention of him wanting a romantic dinner put yet another one of Cynthia's
outbursts, into the background. I would just tell him tomorrow. We had a couple
of hectic and busy weeks ahead of us. Griffin even wanted to be married before
our pup was here. Meaning that if I indeed were pregnant, we would have to rush
slightly to get married in time. So this bit of time just the two of us. Just spending
some quality time, working together. Leading the pack together was fun and all.
And I loved I got to be so close to my mate all the time. But there was a risk of
casual dinner conversations turning into working together during the meal.
Something I didn’t mind all that much, but I felt it was important to have nights
like these too-nights where it was just us, no work, no distraction.
“She did what?” Griffin was livid hearing Cynthia had pulled another one of her
tricks again.
Maybe telling him when we were having a coffee in bed was not the best choice.
I ruined our peaceful morning routine. It was just last night was great from the
meal, to binging a new show and to the way we made love. But underneath it all
the guilt of not being completely honest was eating away at me. That's probably
why I blurted it out first thing in the morning.
“Baby, nothing happened she just keeps spouting nonsense” I tried to calm him
down but I wasn't successful.
Not, until I pulled him closer, pulling his head to my neck. I could feel him just
inhale my scent, wrapping his arms tightly around me. With every breath, I could
feel his body relax.
“I hate you still have to deal with sh it like in the Bloodmoon Pack. I am scared to
death she will go as crazy as Hannah did. I don’t ever want you to feel here like
you did there.” Suddenly it made sense, he was scared to be like David.
I'm not sure if it was because he was scared I would stop loving him if I didn’t
keep me safe. Or if it was because he wanted to protect me at all costs. That is
why he was so overprotective about anything that happened with Cynthia. I
agreed she was a nuisance, and she needed to be stopped. It was terrible that
she was just smart enough to not do anything that would be enough to punish
her. If it was up to Griffin, she would be banished from the pack. Essentially
making her a rogue unless she had another pack she could live with. Maybe, she
could go back to her mate, and beg him for his forgiveness. Dean had a point,
she ignored her mate, but they met each other. He never tried to track her down
either, when they met Roderick and Isabella were in his pack on a royal visit.
That meant that her mate would have to know she was a part of the Silver Moon
pack. There was no use thinking about that
now because what she did was far from bad enough to warrant her being banned
from the pack. Personal feelings can never be the cause of our decisions. Still, I
agreed with Griffin that we needed to address this today.
After breakfast, I had my first therapy session since the heat. Griff, promised me
that he would inform his parents. We might be the Crown Prince and Princess,
but we are not the Queen and King. Nor are we the Luna and Alpha, so Roderick
and Isabella needed to handle this. As the next rulers and the couple targeted by
Cynthia, we would be involved. Knowing my parents-in-law, they would involve
us more than they needed to.
Now after therapy, I would hopefully meet up with them, if Griffin managed to
make an appointment with them. All so that we could discuss what to do about
Cynthia. Whatever the solution would be though, we would need to have a
discussion with Cynthia and her father. Today would be another busy day, still
knowing that I was going to take more care of myself again. I finally have a Beta
and Gemma. All in all, I still felt a lot lighter than I did two days ago.
“Have a seat Ayla, did you have time to eat lunch yet?” Isabella dotted on me
right away. I smiled she truly had become like a second mother
to me.
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When I said I hadn't eaten anything
since breakfast she mind-linked
someone. We all knew she asked
someone to bring over lunch.
Probably for all of us, I was sure
Griffin NEG aye Iach et either
because he let me know when he
mind-linked me. It was nice to be able
to eat during meetings like this. It
saved us all a lot of time, it made it
possible to spend our time more
productive. And oddly enough it
always felt a bit like a family lunch.
Which I suppose it is because we are
having lunch together and are a
family. Most people though would
not consider talking about what to do
with the pack’s nuisance. The
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the latest chapter there!
To find a way to stop her before things escalated, a family meal.
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Not like it felt for me when I was
giving Isabella and Rodrick the last
details about what happened. What
she said, that Dean had seen her
linger in the hallway close to my

: - fe
office before. So that i(yeamey'ds if

stre had watched the door, watched
Krystel as my Beta. All to see when
she would be able to have me alone
for a minute. Yesterday it did not
seem like she was about to viciously
attack me. Things had gone from bad
to worse with her though and seeing
as how she would patiently watch to
have me alone when she felt like it
was unsettling. Whether it was
because she was spoiled to death
like her father said. Or if there was
something different wrong with her.
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Cynthia has shown herself not to be
men tally stable. And because of it,
we couldn't be sure how or when it
would escalate. All we know is that
she is progressively getting more-and
adn thay’

more ob essedutis h day. We all
wieré\fairly sure that one day she
would snap and go crazy. Ideally, she
would not be around us as we did, By
the time our lunch was finished,
everybody cleaned his plate. We had
come up with what we think is a
great plan. One where Cynthia would
not be at the pack for a few days
weeks even, Without being banned
from the pack. Let's hope her father
agrees so he could help get his
daughter the help she needs. The
content is on! Read
the latest chapter there!

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