The Prince’s Unwilling mate by Mutya

Chapter 10

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Ayla 10
The Silver’s and I reach the royal guest house. They had it built specifically for events like this. Events where so many wolves
had to attend one of the royal parties that they needed too many guestrooms. The guest house had its own staff, it was common
for all the guests to share meals like we would in a pack. It was natural for us werewolves to drift to each other. We’re pack
creatures after all. For me, it meant a few more meals with Hannah and her friends. As long as I made sure I never was alone
though it would stay limited to her nasty remarks and I could handle those. Honestly, I was more worried about wearing
Grandma’s dress to the ball. She had to have it altered but that mainly was shortening it. She was right it fitted me perfectly
perfectly fitting the few curves I have and revealing far more skin than my little black dress would have, even if it still were very
decent. It just wasn’t a dress meant to fade into the crowd. No doubt on purpose, Grandma knew I would try my hardest not to
stand out. Just like she knew I would never be able to refuse her puppy-dog eyes. I take a picture and I send it to her before
pocketing my phone in my pretty and impractical handbag.
James Silver escorts me to the ballroom as his mate and husband escorts Jessa to the ballroom. There must be over a hundred
she-wolves here. How is the Crown Prince supposed to choose between all of us? There is no way he is going to be able to see
all of us let alone speak with us. One of the many reasons I do not want a chosen mate. Look at the Prince now he is supposed
to announce his chosen mate today. Out of all the she-wolves here but as of yet he doesn’t know any of us personally. He
doesn’t even know why we do not have a mate yet. What if he steals another wolf’s mate? Or what if he likes Hannah, would he
know she killed her first mate by rejecting him because she is a power-hungry hu ssy?
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Just as I am about to turn to Jessa to ask her if she knows if we have to disclose why we don’t have a mate yet I see her face
twist into something. Confusion followed by happiness Following her gaze I see she is staring at the guy who stopped Hannah
and her minions from attacking me. He is standing next to the Prince and seems to be a high- ranking wolf. At first, that makes
me chuckle. Hannah will be so embarrassed knowing she has shown her true colors to someone close to the royal family.
Someone who seems to be high-ranking. Jessa looks smitten, the face of the wolf who found her mate but I remember that wolf
Dylan or something tells me he is happily mated.
Suddenly the man on the other side of the prince walks up to us in big strides. I breathe a sigh of relief. This made far more
sense the mark on Dylan’s name was beautiful and intricate indicating it wasn’t a chosen mate but a fated mate. Maybe I am just
too worried, now that I lost the absolute fate of fated mates instantly loving each other.

“Hi my name is Gerald, and you’re my mate wow you’re breathtaking I mean, I am sure you are kind too but euhm”
Theo giggles and it is obvious that this Gerald guy is a nervous wreck. Jessa introduces herself and she isn’t nervous but she
seems just as awestruck. Turns out that Gerald will be the Crown Prince’s Gemma.
He now works as an assistant to the Crown Prince as he has more work than a regular Alpha to be like David has.
“Does that mean that guy Dylan is working directly for the Crown Prince too?” I ask hoping to find out just how bad Hannah
messed up.
“Dylan? You mean Dillion the one next to Prince Griffin” Gerald asks me never taking his eyes off Jessa.
And when I look up to see if I indeed meant Dillion it happens. I am hit by a smell that is even better than the smell when I found
out David was my mate. I smell cedarwood, cinn amon, and citrus. To my absolute horror, it is the Crown Prince himself who
smells like that.
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Willow is going crazy howling out for our mate. But it can not be, we found our mate he rejected us, humiliated us. My fated mate
didn’t pass away so it is not like I am getting a second chance mate. Everything that happens next seems to be happening in

slow motion.
The Prince points to me with an unreadable expression, Dillion whispers in his ears motioning in the general direction where
Hannah is standing. He recognized me, and he must have told him that I was rejected. My heart is pounding, blood rushing so
hard that I cannot hear what the others are telling me. Only one thing is going through my mind right now. I am going to be
rejected for a second time. Because the Moon Goddess does make mistakes and with me, she keeps messing up. I wonder if it
hurts just as bad when you get rejected a second time. Even if it is not truly my fated mate, because that cannot be. I had one
but he gave up on me. He gave up on the girl unworthy to be a Luna let alone the Luna of all Luna’s.
Attracting everyone’s attention the Prince strides over to me. With even more purpose in his steps than Gerald had in his. Even
the King and Queen are looking up to see what is happening. From a distance, I hear Jessa say something about our wish
coming through. Her voice is far away and I don’t really understand what she is talking about now. I just don’t want the
humiliation of being rejected out in public again. With nothing else to do I start running. Running like my life depends on it.
Running as fast as these idiotic heels can carry me. Guards are about to close in on me, to stop me from running away. Panic
settles into my chest. There is no way I can outrun the entire royal army. There are even some attendants that start to make their
way to me. No doubt trying to get into the Prince’s good book.
“Let her go. Nob*dy stóp her, Nob*dy touch her” A deep voice booms through the ballroom.
The voice itself is soothing, but the words that are signalling he doesn’t mind me running. The words that prove he doesn’t want
to meet me as
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his mate. Hurt me, like a stab to the heart but even with this pain I cannot stop running There is no way I can keep outrunning
him, I know that. My plan is to run to the beautiful fountain I saw on the royal grounds. At least this will give us some privacy.
That way I won’t get rejected in public again. Even if it will be big news amongst werewolves.
Poor Crown Prince Griffin, first his fated mate dies when he is only one year old. And then he mistakenly gets bound to a useless
she-wolf. Making him believe he had to reject his second chance mate who was the runt of the pack. This time it isn’t real,
because I won’t have a second chance mate not as long as David is still alive.
“Please stop. I just want to talk” The same booming voice calls after
“Don’t look so excited Ayla. I just want to talk first” Those words, “I just want to talk” Were the exact same words David used to
reject me. We are still far too close to the castle with everyone walking outside to get a good view of what was happening. Jessa
tries to calm me down and tries to get me to stop throughout our min d link. If I wasn’t this winded from being panicked and
running around in high heels I would have reassured her about where I was going. Now all I can do is focus on the fountain that

is getting closer and closer with every step I take.
Finally, I reach it, putting one hand on my chest to stop it from beating so wildly. I am impressed it isn’t long before Prince Griffin
catches up to me. I am one of the best runners out there if not the best. So for him to be able to keep up with me is fairly
“You’re my second chance mate. Dillion recognized you so I know who you are. Why the hell did you run away did you not
realize what I am to you”
Focussing on what he is saying is hard now that the scent of cedarwood, cinn mon, and citrus is overwhelming me. Not that it
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matters what he is saying, in the end, he will reject me and I will have to find a way to deal with the pain

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