The Prince's Guard

Chapter Author's Note

There we have it! Thank you for reading!

I hope you enjoyed the series of the three siblings. Three very different books, I’ll grant you, but they are three very different characters!

If you haven’t already, please like and review. Comments are always appreciated and I thank everyone who has read and enjoyed.

I know I’ve touted Patreon heavily in this book, I do write full time alongside a full-time job (that actually pays the bills!) but would love to make writing an income, so if you can, please support me, whether that be through Patreon or my published books on Amazon. - If you read my Mafia Crown Trilogy (it’s free on Kindle Unlimited) please review! Tell your friends/family about me and if you know someone who would love my work, why not gift them my book?

Well, for now, that’s it, folks!

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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