The Prey: A Dark Enemies to Lovers Romance (Oakmount Elite Book 3)

Chapter 28

Rage simmers low in my gut. I’m not angry with Elyse, not specifically—more like the circumstances that got us here.

I’m tempted to chase her, to wrap my arms around her middle and pull her to the ground so I can claim her before I crack her open and spill all her secrets out.

Pregnant. How can that be?

I let my eyes drift closed because if I don’t see her walking away then maybe that will curb some of the desire demanding that I go to her. After a minute, I open them, just in time to watch Bel slide her arm over Ely’s shoulders while Drew walks them up the soft slope toward the packed driveway. I can still feel the need, the pressure on my chest urging me to go to her. If it was anyone else ushering her along I can’t say I’d be standing here still. But it’s Drew, and I trust him more than anyone else to keep her safe.

I look away and back down to the pregnancy test, closing my fist around it. It cracks in my hand as I squeeze the cheap plastic, and suddenly, I’m pissed off all over again. This piece of plastic might appear insignificant, but it’s the sole reminder that she gave herself to someone else.

After…everything. All of it. I wouldn’t be surprised if I made up all of this in my mind. The stolen looks, the tension and searing heat. The desire rips me apart from the inside out.

Having her so close yet so far away is killing me. Wanting her is wrong, especially because when she finds out the truth… No. Stop. I refuse to let my thoughts go there. I did what I had to do. I was protecting her.

I don’t step out of the tree line until I spot Drew’s headlights spin around the top of the drive and in the direction of the road, leading back toward campus. It’s only then that I feel comfortable walking back to the house.

I’m still having a difficult time wrapping my head around the prospect of her being pregnant. Without even thinking the situation over in any great depth, I want to murder the fucker in cold blood who did this and raise the baby as my own, but that seems a bit irrational.

Irrational, yes, but not wrong.

There’s a slight chill to the air, but it helps to cool my heated thoughts. I need to give myself a little time before I approach her again and force her to tell me the truth, and I should at least let Lee know I’m leaving before I disappear.

He’s going to be pissed, as usual, at my absence, but I don’t give a shit. He needs to wake up and realize the world is still going on all around him. Away from the parties, and the fucking, and the drinking. Outside The Mill, Oakmount, and his little kingdom.

When I enter the house, the blast of music smacks me in the face, making me grit my teeth. I skirt through the crowd, moving around some and shoving others out of the way. I spot Lee perched on top of the counter, still shirtless and still drinking from an almost empty bottle of gin.

I shout over the loud music as I step closer. “I’m leaving.”

He blinks down at me, leaning to the side until he falls over to put his face near mine.


“I’m fucking leaving,” I bite out.

“Why? The party’s barely started? I don’t need to remind you that you have certain obligations. People expect to see you and fucking Drew, who seems to have already left.”

I want to tell him the expectations can fuck off, but I get this strange feeling that there is something more important going on here. With a long sigh, I ease him into a sitting position by the shoulder until he’s sitting again.

“Okay, spill. What’s wrong?”

“Nothing’s wrong. It’s a fucking party, and you’re my friend. We’re supposed to be spending time together.”

I snatch the bottle out of his hand, causing him to shift sideways again, but this time he catches himself on the edge of the countertop.

“All I’m hearing is lies.”

“It’s not a lie,” Lee sneers.

“Sure it’s not. You might be able to fool yourself, but you can’t fool me, jackass. I know you drink, but not like this.” I raise the bottle, then take a long gulp and chug back the rest. The alcohol burns a path of anger and despair down my throat.

“The only jackass I see is you. And nothing is wrong. Everything is perfectly fine.”

“Really?” I blink at him, wondering if he really expects me to believe that.

He shrugs. “Oh, before I forget to tell you, you need to prepare yourself for an engagement party.”

Startled by his response, I nearly choke on air. “Engagement party? What the hell?” I sputter.

That playboy smile and give no shits attitude he always wears slips from his face, and his eyes take on a murderous glare.

“You heard right. Good ole Mom and Dad found someone who’s willing to marry my ass. So I guess congratulations are in order? I’m officially fucking engaged.” He leans back to lie flat on the counter and snags another bottle from the other end.

I’m still trying to make my brain process what he told me. “Wait, you mean your parents arranged a marriage for you? And not only threatened it but have followed through?”

He nods and twists the plastic off the top of the bottle with his teeth.

I snatch it from him before he fucking hurts himself and pull the cork out by the small wood disk on the top. Then, even though I shouldn’t, I hand it back to him. He’s going through shit, and if he needs one night to drink his sorrows away I’m going to give him that.

He hmms as he takes a long pull, and most sloshes onto the counter since he’s still mostly lying flat, only lifting his head enough to sip the dark liquor.

“Look, I don’t know what I can do to help, but I’m here. Whatever you need.”

Lee nods, but there’s a faraway look in his eyes that I don’t like, telling me he doesn’t really hear anything I’m saying.

“Don’t worry your little head about me. I’ve already come up with a resolution for my parents’ perfectly-constructed plan. They’ll never see it coming either.” His smile sends shivers down my spine. It’s that of a cross between a psychopath and a child who just won a year’s worth of candy. In other words, it’s downright terrifying.

“Don’t fuck up your entire life for a little revenge, Lee.”

God, I’m such a hypocrite.

“Oh, I’m not. Now enough about me. Where did that little maid of yours go?” Lee asks, through small sips.

I grit my teeth and clench my fists, forcing my thoughts back to my friend so I don’t think about the test sitting in my pocket and weighing me down. “Bel and Drew took her home.”

He smiles, “Don’t think I didn’t notice that you didn’t deny her being yours.”

I shake my head, and for once, I let the truth spill out. “Whatever is going on between me and her is complicated at best.”

“Complicated is better than denial. You deserve to find happiness. I mean, look at Drew, if someone can love his psychotic ass, any of us have a chance.

“Yeah, sometimes I have to wonder what Bel sees in him,” I joke.

Drew’s changed. Don’t get me wrong; he’s still fucked up, and I’m not sure if he has any morals at all, but when it comes to my sister Bel, he cherishes her. Puts her first, loves her unconditionally, and I couldn’t ask for someone better for her. Okay, maybe I could. Someone a smidge less annoying.

“I bet it’s his cock. Have you seen it?” Lee grins, and I smile back at him.

“Please do not talk about Drew’s cock or Bel in the same sentence ever again.”

“You mean to tell me you don’t think about your sister and best friend banging every day?”

While I’m mature, and can obviously understand that Bel and Drew are going to bang like rabbits, it doesn’t mean I want it tossed in my face.

“Behave yourself tonight. I’m going home. I don’t want any phone calls from the police, either. I mean it.”

Lee moves to sit up but then sags back against the counter, thinking better of it. “You got it, dude!”

All I can do is shake my head as I turn to head toward the door, leaving him there to drown himself in his sorrows. I know I shouldn’t go to Elyse, but I need answers. I’m desperate for them. She might’ve escaped me earlier but tucked into the bedroom across the hall from me, there will be no escape.

I’ve barely stepped out the door to make my way out onto the front lawn when my phone chimes with an incoming text. I tug it out of my pocket and see the text is from Bel. Fuck me. I can only imagine what she has to say. Knowing Elyse, though, I doubt she told Bel anything. She’s had many chances to share her dislike of me with Bel, but she never has, at least not to a degree that would give Bel concern.

I forgo ordering a ride and navigate to my texts instead to see what she needs.

BEL: Elyse is staying with Drew and me tonight. I don’t know what happened between you two, but she’s really upset, and I think it would be best if you both gave each other some space.

I tighten my grip on the phone. Are you kidding me? She was upset? Like she has a fucking reason? Because her secret was discovered? Before I can think better of it, I start in the direction of Drew’s place. It isn’t that far of a walk, and with this new development I can feel the anger threatening to pull me under. My fingers tingle, my muscles ache, and my heart beats furiously. Who the fuck does she think she is?

I doubt she told Bel the whole truth—that is, if she told her anything at all. From the fear in her eyes when I picked up the test, I highly doubt she’s told anyone her news. With anger clouding my judgment, I find it hard to think clearly. I have no reason to be mad at Elyse, not technically, but I am. I’m so fucking angry. Mine. She is mine. Yet she’s pregnant with another man’s baby.

Even thinking about it makes my vision red.

It doesn’t take long to arrive at the estate where Drew grew up. As I get closer, the guy at the security gate eyes me but doesn’t say a word. Instead, he pushes a button and the gates open, allowing me entrance.

It’s fucking weird to be on the other end of things. I can remember when Drew used to stand outside the gate at my house, threatening me and telling me I needed to let him see Bel or else. Fuck, have the tables turned.

As I suspected, security must’ve alerted him of my arrival since Drew greets me at the door, shirtless, a pair of checkered pajama pants hanging low on his hips.

“What’s going on?” he asks in a friendly voice.

“Don’t play coy with me, Drew. Where is she?” I grit out.

His brows pull together and he gives me a confused look before waving me inside. “Bel? She’s in the bedroom washing her face. No need to show up. You could’ve called her, being that it’s late and all.”

I almost laugh. This guy. He gets a girlfriend and suddenly he gives a shit what time it is? I shake my head, and shove my clenched fists into my pockets. There’s too much energy inside me, too much anger. Why are you angry? I ask myself because it makes no sense. She isn’t yours. She doesn’t belong to you. She doesn’t carry your last name. She is no one to you, yet you’re acting like she is the entire fucking universe. Pull it together.

Looking back at Drew, I mumble, “Not Bel, Elyse.”

I start to pace, back and forth, back and forth. The mask of confusion slips from his face, and he narrows his gaze, almost like he’s suspicious of me. “What the hell is going on with you?”

“Nothing. You wouldn’t understand,” I murmur, clenching my jaw so tightly it aches. The truth is a hard pill to swallow when you refuse to accept it. Maybe that’s my problem; I need to stop fighting against fate.

No. I need to turn around and walk out of here.

Go home, give her space. Let her move on with her life, with her baby and whatever man tried to take her from me.

“Try me. I think I have you beat when it comes to dysfunctional.” I watch him out of the corner of my eye as he crosses his arms over his chest.

No. I can’t do it. The idea of leaving her and walking away for good is equivalent to carving a hole in my chest and expecting to carry on living.

“Fine. I’m trying to do the right thing, but it’s hard. Harder than I thought it would be.”

Drew nods. “Well, yeah. Nothing you really fucking want is ever easy. Sometimes you have to sit in the moment and let the pieces fall where they may.”

I pause and look him dead ass in the eyes. “You get a girlfriend, and suddenly, you’re Dr. Phil? Giving advice and being inspirational and shit.”

He grins while shaking his head. “And shit.”

I hear the slap of bare feet on tile before I catch sight of Bel coming down the stairs. As soon as she sees me, her eyes fill with disappointment. “What are you doing here?”

“Whatever I want.”

Bel shakes her head. “I told you to give her space, and somehow that means come over?

I swing on Bel, and Drew grabs my shoulders holding me back, his fingers pressing into the muscle. “I don’t care if she wants space. Space fixes nothing.” When she doesn’t so much as blink, I continue, “How much space did Drew give you when you asked for it?”

Drew makes a scoffing sound, and Bel’s cheeks flash pink. “It’s not the same, and you know it. Ely is your employee, and you pushing yourself on her isn’t fair.”

I bite back a retort, the urge to tell her that Ely sure as fuck didn’t think I was pushing myself on her earlier or on the night she had my cock stuffed down her throat. Instead of saying that, I release a long sigh and shrug off Drew’s hold.

He lets his hands fall away, but he keeps himself close. He’s standing here watching me like he thinks I might attack her. She’s my fucking sister. I’d never do such a thing.

“Why are you acting like that?”

“Like what?”

“Like that.” I gestured toward him. “Like I’m going to hurt her.”

“No offense but you aren’t really acting like yourself.”

“So what? That doesn’t mean I would hurt my sister.” All he does is shrug, and I’m more disgusted with the thought of how he could think I’d ever do something like that. “If you’re worried I’m going to hurt Ely or something, I wouldn’t. I’ve had plenty of opportunities to do that. Remember, she lives in my house and is employed by me.”

Bel darts her gaze around the brightly lit foyer. “ I think it’s you that needs to remember that. Plus, it doesn’t really matter what you came here for. If it has to do with her she’s already sleeping. It was only minutes from the time I took her to the guest room, and when I came back to check on her, that she was sleeping.”

Fuck it. All I needed to know is where to find her. If they won’t help me then I’ll help myself. Ignoring both Bel and Drew, I start toward the guest rooms. It takes a second to remember where they are but as soon as I reach the end of the hall and cut across the wing, I turn left and shove open the first door I find.

The room is furnished but dark and empty.

Bel races down the hall behind me. “Sebastian! Stop. Leave her alone; she’s sleeping.”

I turn to face her, my heart racing, my stomach churning. I scrub a hand down my face. It’s been hard enough continuing to distance myself, ignoring the desire, the want, and need, but this is pure torture.

“Please, Bel. I just need to see her. All I want to do is make sure she’s safe.”

She narrows her eyes, the bow of her lip dipping down as she considers what I’ve said. “Ugh, fine, but you have to promise me you won’t wake her up.”

I nod. “I just need to make sure she’s safe; then I’ll go.”

Her face tells me she doesn’t think it’s a good idea, but she waves to the other side of the hall toward a door diagonal from the one we’re standing in front of. Relief courses through me, to the point that I hadn’t realized how much I needed this moment. I immediately cross the hall and carefully turn the knob.

The room is dark except for a slice of moonlight that’s peeking in through the curtains. I hold my breath for a moment. Bel decides then to poke me hard in the ribs then points at my face, eyes wide.

“Don’t wake her up,” she mouths.

I nod, then slip through the partially open door and shut it soundlessly behind me. I don’t understand the pull she has over me, but the way my lungs open, filling with air like it’s the first time I’ve fully been able to breathe, tells me my body already knows.

Slowly I creep across the room toward the bed, and when I reach the edge of it, I stand there, looming above her. I can’t bear to take my eyes off her. She’s tucked into the covers, her long, dark hair fanned out across the pillow. She’s on her side, her hands tucked under her head, looking so small and vulnerable.

This unbearable urge to claim her, to take her, and ruin her for anyone else claws at my insides, begging to be released. Needing something to keep me grounded, I squeeze the wood frame of the four-poster bed, digging my nails into it. Then I force myself to breathe slowly, in and out, until I no longer hear the thundering beat of my own heart in my ears.

Once I have control of myself again, I skirt the end of the bed and lower myself into the chair near the nightstand. Seeing her right now has sealed it for me. I can’t let her go. I fucking can’t. Her delicate features are soft, no longer holding the usual hardness that she wears daily, except for a small furrow that has formed between her brow. Even though I know I shouldn’t, I gently reach forward and brush a few lingering strands of hair off her cheek. I hold my breath waiting for her to wake up, but she doesn’t stir.

The need to be closer to her forces me onto my knees, and I find myself kneeling beside the bed, staring at her sleeping face. So small, so vulnerable, so very fucking breakable. She needs to be protected—from everyone but especially me.

I grit my teeth and clench my hands together as my darker nature once again tries to assert itself. Take her. Own her. Make her yours. A feral growl threatens to rip out of me as I battle against myself. I promised Bel I wouldn’t wake her, and I don’t break my promises, not to her. So even though it kills me, I don’t do anything but sit there and stare at her, watching her sleep. After a few minutes my gaze travels down the length of her body, and catches on her rising and falling chest. It lingers there for a long while and then out of nowhere, it hits me.

As badly as I want her to be mine, to keep her, I can’t stand by and watch her be with another man. I have to let her go. Let her get on with her life. Or whatever life she’s going to have. It’s the right thing to do even if the thought of it makes me want to claw my eyes out.

Then again, the thought of seeing her round and swollen and pregnant with a child sends a pang through my chest. The feeling is so foreign I reach up and rub at the spot.

What the actual fuck? It’s weird but the idea of her being big and heavy with a child makes me feel like I’ve lost something. Like her being with someone else has stolen that possible future from me, and the realization of that makes it hurt more.

So much so that I can’t even look at her. I think I’m going to be sick. I stand and cross the room, forcing my feet to move. As soon as I’m out of the room I close the door quietly behind me. Bel is standing across the hall, her back to the wall, looking like she’s been waiting for me the entire time.

“Sebastian, will you tell me what’s going on?”

I shake my head, squeezing the test in my pocket again. “Nothing is going on. Elyse made a choice, and even if it pains me to all hell, I’m going to respect it.”

She follows on my heels as I start down the hall. “What does that mean?”

“It means nothing, Bel. It means nothing.” I whisper the last part, feeling as if for the first time in my life, the one thing I want most is out of reach. I spent so long pushing her away, refusing to accept what was right in front of me that inevitably she ended up in the arms of another man. The only person to blame for the heartache I’m feeling is myself.

I head straight for the door, needing to get out of this place. Elyse is safe here. She doesn’t need me. Drew steps out of the shadows just as I reach the door, his face twisted into a concerned look, his gaze bouncing between Bel and myself.

I bite the inside of my cheek, tasting the coppery tang of blood on my tongue. Drew’s my best friend. One of many people I could tell, but I know telling him wouldn’t change anything. It wouldn’t make Elyse mine. So I say nothing.

When I step out into the night, my head is reeling.

How do you make yourself forget losing something that was never really yours to begin with?

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