The Porch Wolf

Chapter Vows

January 21st

“Relax, you look beautiful,” I said as I walked over to her in her wedding gown. She was a vision in white, the dress handed down from her mother. It was an off the shoulder design that showed off her mating bite. Brent was a lucky man.

“I can’t believe I’m getting married,” Olivia said as she took my arm.

“I can’t believe Kathryn and Aunt are here,” I replied. It was the first time her Mom had visited since they met in Red Wing, with her husband still stubbornly refusing to acknowledge Liv or Vicki. Her Aunt had been convinced and came down from Duluth with her husband to attend. The rest of the bride’s side was made up of friends from work or school, plus the Pack. Brent had a half-dozen family members here, along with the Winona Pack Alphas, Larry, and Donna.

Vicki had already gone down the short aisle in the basement meeting room at Wiederholt’s. When we asked the owner about having a reception there, Mike immediately offered the small space for the service as well. The rows of folding chairs out for the service would be replaced by tables for the reception. Later, the dance floor would open and a sound system would play the music they had selected. It meant no need to travel between sites, and privacy for the forty or so people who had gathered for the festivities.

Liv and Kathryn hadn’t needed much time to plan the wedding, wanting a simple affair for family. With her father refusing to pay for it, I stepped in as her Alpha and father figure. “If you weren’t in such a hurry to get married, we could host it by the pool in the spring,” I’d told her. “That’s common for Pack weddings.”

“There are humans involved in this one, and I don’t want to wait,” she replied. Keeping the guest list down and taking Mike up on his offer kept the cost under four thousand dollars. It was smart; better to save your money for a house while you live rent-free in the apartment than to spend big on a wedding and honeymoon.

Vicki was the flower girl and had already walked forward while spreading white rose petals along the aisle. Her dress was grey on top, fading to white in the skirt; she liked it because it looked like shark colors. Anita and Mike were next to leave the back room, walking down the aisle as Matron of Honor and Best Man. Her dress was a light grey silk top with a white and grey skirt, while the men were dressed in light grey tuxedoes with white shirts. Fist-sized silk moonflowers, since the real ones wouldn’t keep, and white roses formed the corsages and bouquets. When they reached the front, the music changed to the wedding march, and that was our cue.

I wiped the tears from her eyes and handed her an extra Kleenex to hold in her hand with her flowers. “Keep your eyes on Brent, and try to enjoy this.”

We stepped out of the door, turning to the right before reaching the back of the aisle. Liv held my right arm instead of my left due to my injuries. My left arm was out of the sling but held onto a cane to help with balance since my left foot was still in a walking boot. Liv wiped her eyes in happiness as she took in her mate, waiting for her with Larry and the wedding party. We walked forward slowly, staying in step, as everyone stood and turned towards us. I stopped just short of Brent, lifting her veil and kissing her on the cheek. “I love you, Liv,” I said.

“Thank you, Unky Leo,” she said with a smile. She stepped up next to Brent as I turned to sit between the mother of the bride, Kathryn, and my mate Adrienne. As soon as I sat down, Vicki got up and came over to sit in my lap. That was fine with me.

Larry’s marriage ceremony was short and non-religious. Werewolves don’t talk about Luna or the Moon among humans, but he did spend time talking about the ‘bonds of love’ and the importance of the commitment to each other. They wrote their own vows, surprising everyone when they called Vicki up to stand with them as they exchanged rings. “Liv, when I saw you, I knew that we would be together forever,” Brent said. “I love you to the moon and back. I promise to love, honor, and cherish you for the rest of our lives. I promise to be a father to Vicki as my own daughter. I promise we will raise her to be as strong, courageous, and independent as her mother is. I love you always, my wife.” He slid the band onto her hand, the silver ring with the black engraving, showing the wolves in the trees.

I’m an Alpha, a strong wolf, but I was pulling my handkerchief out at that. Olivia’s vows kept the waterworks going. “Brent, I’ve come to love you in a way I never expected or thought possible. You and Vicki are the best things that have ever happened to me. I promise to love, honor, and cherish you for the rest of our lives. I promise to respect your place in our family as my husband and Vicki’s father. I promise that all of our children will be raised with the honor, respect, and strength of character you have shown me. I will love you always, my husband.” She slid his band onto his finger.

“By the power vested in me by the State of Minnesota, I pronounce you Husband and Wife. You may kiss the bride.”

“And the daughter,” Vicki said as she looked up at them kissing, while the audience applauded. Brent picked her up, and they each gave her a loud smack on the cheek before setting her down. The three went back up the aisle and into the back room, followed by the rest of the wedding party. They would sign the marriage certificate and take a few minutes to collect themselves while we changed the place around.

“Everyone, stand up and fold up the chairs against the walls,” I said. With that done, it only took Mike’s staff a few minutes to bring the tables in and set them up. A long table across the dance floor was set up for the wedding party, while round tables filled the rest of the room. Tablecloths, centerpieces, silverware, and candles were in place and everyone was seated again within ten minutes.

I sent a mental push to them that we were ready, and a minute later, the door opened. The newlyweds, Vicki, Mike, Anita, Larry, and Debbie took their seats at the head table. Almost immediately, the forks were tapping the water glasses until the couple kissed. It was Tuesday, of course, and the Prime Ribs were coming out to the tables quickly.

I’d tried to convince Liv that “something old” could mean Prime Rib Night, but she used the wedding dress for that instead.

The dinner was a lot of fun, and when the time came for toasts, I stood up with my glass. “I’ve known Olivia for years; every Tuesday, at the same table upstairs, she was my waitress, my friend, and my confidant. She never gave less than her best, and always had a smile on her face. She’s worked hard to raise her daughter, and she found a great husband in Brent. The two of them are perfect for each other, and I couldn’t be happier to be here to watch them join together. To Mr. and Mrs. Brent Lawrence, may your marriage be blessed with joy, health, and children.” I raised my glass as everyone drank to them.

The rest of the evening was a blast, with the meal and cake finishing up, followed by the dancing. With the boot, I wasn’t going to cut a rug, but I did dance in place with Liv as her father before giving her over to Brent. A few others, including Vicki, risked being trampled by the boot for a short time before I gave up and sat down again.

The children started to go home with parents by nine. A dejected Vicki went home with Larry and Donna. They were staying in the guest room and told us to “have fun and come back late.”

Adrienne and I didn’t last much past ten. We said our goodbyes and drove home, holding hands the whole way. “That was fun,” I said.

“It’s different, but it has to be with the humans involved. I think I prefer a Pack mating ceremony.” That is what we were planning to do. We’d made some arrangements already, but Adrienne needed to sell her Maine house and move her stuff to Minnesota first. “Even then, it’s for the government or for show. We’re already linked together, and our bond is stronger than any ceremony.”

“I agree,” I said as I squeezed her hand. “I do like the honeymoon thing.”

She giggled. “A double honeymoon with a five-year-old shark junkie is fun?”

“Yes,” I said. “Warm weather, beaches, and seafood buffets will be fine by me.”

“Oh, Luna, imagine the looks on their faces when they see what ‘kids eat free’ means with Sharkbait,” she giggled.

“There go the profits for the night,” I agreed. “She gets that food bump and it’s gone by the morning. Thank Luna she can run it off in training, or she’d be round by now.” We pulled into the garage and went inside; it was quiet. We shared a shower and went to bed. Liv and Brent were spending the night at the St. James Hotel, while Adrienne was going to the airport to catch a flight to Maine. She’d be back in a week with her stuff.

I had a few days to store or donate the rest of Catherine’s things before she got back.

January 29th

Vicki stood with me as we waited for the two vehicles to arrive. My shoulder was doing well with the physical therapy, and I had another week before I could take the brace off my ankle. Adrienne had called from Miesville a few minutes ago. Her son Anthony and daughter-in-law Pamela were driving the small U-Haul.

The last few weeks had been a whirlwind, but it was worth it. I finally had the construction company moving forward, and we were starting to get contracts for the spring. The Pack was rallying around us, and spirits were high.

Livy was in school full time, while Vicki attended Pack school in the morning and wolf training in the afternoon. Brent was starting a job working security at the nuclear plant in March, where he would be working with Brian Knight. He would be in training until April and then start rotating shift work. The three were still living in the apartment over the garage and would use it for a few more years, at least. I didn’t mind; I loved having them around. The big house wasn’t so lonely with Sharkbait running around.

The home had emptied out as things settled down. Todd had been found unresponsive in his cell one morning, and the investigation closed down with his death. With the threat now gone, Larry and Donna returned home along with the remaining warriors the Winona Pack had sent. I’d even gotten my pistol back from evidence.

A car slowed and turned in, a truck right behind it. My wolf was bouncing around in my head as she drove into the garage stall for her, the silver Lexus LX stopping in front of us. “LEO,” she yelled as she got out and ran to me. I hugged her tight, my nose close to her neck. Vicki was hugging her leg, and she picked her up and hugged her too.

“Welcome home, love.”

“Let me introduce my family,” she said. The U-Haul was backing up to the door closest to the house, and when it was shut down, her son got down. “This is Alpha Anthony, my boy,” she said as I shook his hand. He had his mother’s dominance and her father’s build; he was an impressive young wolf. “And his mate, Pamela.” Pamela was a strikingly tall woman with curly brown hair to her shoulders.

“Welcome to the Miesville Pack,” I said.

“Welcome to our family,” Anthony replied. We went inside to get to know each other.

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