The Porch Wolf

Chapter Sleeping Arrangements

I opened an eye when I sensed the door opening and closing. My wolf wasn’t alarmed; in fact, he was happy. Our mate was snuggled into our side, her scent filling the air in my room. I hadn’t had nightmares, and I’d slept deeply. Looking over at the clock on the bedside table, it was just past one in the morning.

Adrienne was sleeping peacefully. I didn’t want to move and wake her, so I didn’t sit up. I heard her come around the bed to my side. “Unky Leo?”

“What are you doing up, Vicki?”

“Mommy and Brent are making funny noises. Can I sleep with you?”

I could just imagine what those two were doing. Now that Liv had accepted Brent as a mate, a physical relationship was inevitable. Liv had never dated, focusing on work, school, and her daughter. She would have no idea what was going on with her headboard banging against the wall, the box spring creaking, and the strange noises they were making. “Come on in and go to sleep,” I said. I couldn’t lift the sheet with my bad arm, but she managed to get in. She smelled like shampoo and soap, her shark pajamas with long sleeves and booties looked cute on her. She snuggled in, her back against my side, and we both went back to sleep.

The next time I woke, it was to the smell of bacon. I had to go to the bathroom, which presented a problem. I was trapped by a sleeping mate to my right and a sleeping girl to my left. My scooter was on the right, so I had to poke the bear.

I pulled Adrienne closer, kissed her forehead, then moved my arm out from under her head. She didn’t like that, and her arm moved across my chest as she clung to me. Her knee moved up, bumping into the next problem, just below my waistband. Her knee couldn’t move up any farther without causing damage. “Adrienne,” I whispered as I tried to get my arm free.

“Mmmuugh,” she said.

I kept shaking her gently. “Adrienne, I need to get up.” I must have gotten through, because she rolled onto her back, freeing my arm. I couldn’t use my other arm to get over her, so I pulled the sheets and blanket away and scooted down to the base of the bed. She didn’t like the cold and rolled back into the warmth of my spot in the middle. By the time I had her covered again, she and Vicki were snuggled up with each other.

I looked back at the scene as I drove into the bathroom; my mate, and a girl I had claimed as my own daughter. Two weeks ago, I wouldn’t have believed either was possible.

I finished my business and let them sleep as I went out into the hall and to the kitchen. Donna was there with Anita, Lois, and Carla. They were putting together a Sunday brunch. “There are going to be a lot of guests this morning,” Donna said. “Luna Susan informed her Pack last night that it was merging into our Pack. I worked it out so the interested Pack members could stop by this morning, so you could bring them into your Pack.”

“Thank you,” I said. I’d been so focused on what I did to Adrienne yesterday that I hadn’t considered the impact of our deal on dozens of families. The sooner they had their place in the Pack, the better.

“Sit down and eat.” I drove over to my spot, and she brought me waffles, bacon, and scrambled eggs. I looked back towards the hallway. “Let them sleep, we’re going to have a lot of people eating through the course of the morning.”

“You haven’t been neutered, so I lost THAT bet,” Anita said.

I laughed a little as I took the orange juice from her. “Our wolves wouldn’t rest until we were together. I still have a long way to go with her human side.”

“Don’t push,” Larry said. “Go about your business, show her what you are as a person and as an Alpha,” he said.

“But don’t you ignore her,” Donna said. “Introduce her as your second chance mate, talk about a future together, ask for her advice. If you behave as if your mating is a done deal, maybe she’ll start to believe you.”

“I can’t do much worse than what I did in the office,” I said. “I have a lot to learn about her.”

The door from the garage apartment opened, and Liv came down with Brent right behind her. She looked a little panicked as she searched for Vicki. “Where is she,” she asked.

“She heard noises last night and came down to sleep with me,” I said. “She’s still in there.” Liv’s face turned red with embarrassment as she realized what I meant. “Nice hickie, by the way.”

She pulled at her shirt, which didn’t cover the mating bite on the left side of her neck where it met her shoulder. Brent showed his, more on the collarbone than the neck, but still a good, deep bite. “I had no idea it would be like this,” Liv said.

Brent wrapped his arms around her from behind, nuzzling into her new mark. Her knees weakened, and she moaned at the sensation before she realized where she was. “Not here,” she whispered. “I need to check on my baby.”

“I’ll get you a plate,” Brent said.

Liv came back out alone, not wanting to disturb either of them as they slept. “Vicki barely knows who Adrienne is, I’m shocked she’s curled up with her like that.”

“It’s her wolf,” Brent explained. “Adrienne and Leo are Alphas, and our wolves feel comfortable and protected with them, just like she does with you.”

She thought about it. “I have so much to learn.”

“I would like you all to stay here this morning,” I said. “The Welch Pack is merging with ours, and few of them have met either of you. You are important to the Pack. Not only are you new members and mates, but because Vicki is my heir.”

“WHAT?” Liv looked at me like I was crazy.

“I’ve explained the Alpha Mantle, and what it means for Vicki that she has it. She will have the strength and power to rule and defend a Pack. My wolf and I think of her as a daughter; as you know, Catherine and I could not have children. I have a mate again in Adrienne, but the chances of us conceiving an heir together are remote. Vicki is the heir to this Pack, Liv. She’s going to be an amazing Alpha when she is of age.”

Liv looked at Brent. “You knew?”

“It’s not like she has to do anything now, she’s not even in first grade yet,” Brent said. “She’s a mantled female in this Pack; unless she leaves to be elsewhere with her mate, the Pack will pass to her when Leo and Adrienne are gone. That’s a good thing, Liv. Packs are more stable if the line of succession is known.”

“She’s a hungry Alpha now,” a voice said from the hall. Adrienne was leading a sleepy Vicki into the room in her shark-footy pajamas. “Good morning, everyone.”

I gave her a big smile. “Good morning Adrienne. How did you sleep?”

“I feel rested,” she said. “Thank you.” Vicki went over to sit by her Mom, and the chair next to me opened up for my mate. Donna asked her what she would like, then went to get her a plate.

“We are going to have a busy day,” I said. I explained what would be going on with the Pack members arriving to join. “If you are comfortable with it, I’d like you by my side,” I said.

“I haven’t accepted the bond or the position,” she said defensively.

“I know that. I also know your official capacity is as an observer for the Council. I propose we use that; we acknowledge that Luna has given us a second chance at a mate, but we are not acting on it until the Council business is concluded. In the meantime, you are observing the merger and seeing how we operate.”

She took a sip of coffee, thinking it over. “I can accept that,” she said.

As the morning went on, and fifteen more families joined our Pack, I could see her comfort level growing. She wouldn’t let me hold her hand, but I did everything I could to show my acceptance of her. I introduced her as my future mate, asked her opinion, and complimented her experience as Luna and with the Council. It was hard to get a read on what she was thinking; her years as a mediator had trained her to keep a neutral expression no matter what was said. “What are they saying about Adrienne and Vicki,” I asked Anita. She was downstairs, where the informal party was along with the children, while I was doing Pack business in the living room.

They like Adrienne, her reputation precedes her. She would be an asset to any Pack.” I smiled at that; she was better qualified to run a Pack than I was. I wondered how this would work with us. “As for Vicki, that girl could charm the socks off a freezing man. They love her, and love that you have claimed her as your heir. They also LOVE Liv and Brent. Nobody can believe that she is so strong and blessed just days after making her first turn. There’s a lot of excitement about the additions.”

“And the subtractions? The ones who left?”

“Good riddance. After meeting Vicki, anyone on the fence about what Todd did is pissed at him now. The idea of their Pack being responsible for her nearly dying makes them sick. They love her. She’s down there with the kids, and she is already forming them into her own mini-Pack.”

“Thanks, Anita.” It was nearly noon, and I’d just brought the last family into the Pack. “Can I have one person from each family join me in the upstairs living room in five minutes, please,” I said. “Adrienne, I will be speaking to each of the families about the direction of the Miesville Pack in a few minutes. Before then, I need to take a quick break.”

“Good idea,” she said. “I’ll meet you back here.”

She went to her guest room to freshen up while I drove to my, soon OUR bedroom. I needed the crash bars around the toilet to move around. When I came back out, I parked in front of the picture window, facing almost two dozen people, who represented the eighty-seven members of the Miesville Pack. Susan sat to my right, her Alpha status gone, and she looked relieved. I waited for Adrienne to arrive and sit next to me before I began. “Before I start talking about the future, I’d like to apologize for the last five years. The loss of Catherine devastated me, and I stopped wanting to live. I pushed away all those who tried to help, including many of you in this room, and I ceased to be the Alpha you needed. Todd came to me, worried that if I showed up at the Alpha Summit that way, another Alpha would kill me and take over.” Some of them grumbled at this. “He was right. We made a deal; I would sell him my shares in Volkov Construction, and then I would take a dive in the challenge fight he made. Per our agreement, I was banished.”

“He never should have cut us off from you, Alpha,” one of the wives said.

“Todd was scared I’d recover and come back to claim the Pack again. He shouldn’t have worried; if not for a little girl, I’d still be drinking my life away in self-pity. Liv gave me a reason to let go of Catherine’s things, and then Vicki gave me a reason to live. When I saw her and scented the mantle, my wolf claimed her as my own. The two gave me a reason to live again, and for that, I’ll be eternally grateful. Without them, I’d never have met Luna Adrienne, and I’d never have you all in my living room. It’s worth every injury I’m dealing with now to make it to this point.”

I waited for everyone to settle down before I continued. “You have heard that I have repurchased eighty percent of Volkov Construction. That is true; I’ve infused capital back in so the debt load can be reduced, and I will lead the company back to where I left it and beyond. I did this because I love and care for all of you that work for me and depend on the company for your livelihood. It will not be easy to turn it around, but I’m confident that next year, we will be profitable again.” There were a lot of smiles from this; everyone had been dreading layoffs and bankruptcy sales. “Your jobs are safe.” There were cheers at this.

“We have a lot to do as we bring this Pack together. Next Saturday night, there will be a Pack run to celebrate the merger. As was our tradition, we will spend the afternoon and evening together, eating a big potluck dinner, before we run when the moon is highest. The focus of our Pack will be family. We will help each other, encourage one another, and celebrate the good things in our life.”

I looked over at Adrienne, inviting her to say something. She shook her head; it was not her time. “Susan?”

“I’d like to thank Alpha Leo for doing what he didn’t need to do, and bringing the remnants of our Pack into his,” she said. “I look forward to continuing to serve as your Beta.”

“What about Todd,” someone asked.

“Todd attacked another Alpha and tried to kill a child,” she said. “His life is forfeit. He would be dead already if he hadn’t been arrested.” She looked at me, then back at the Pack. “He did not confide his plans in me, or I would have stopped it. I will mourn the mate I loved, but this is where I need to be right now.”

It was a good meeting; we answered questions for another hour before we stopped due to hunger. It was a full house on short notice, so a few people had gone to Sam’s Club and picked up the fixings for sandwiches, chips, and salad. We got the children their food to take downstairs, then the adults moved to where there was room. I stayed in the living room, while Adrienne went downstairs with some of the mothers to spend time with the kids.

I was telling stories when Liv’s cellphone rang, and her face showed her shock as she saw who it was. “Hold on, Mom,” she said as she stood up. She ran up the stairs to her apartment as I wondered what was happening. A few minutes later, Brent ran upstairs after her. Both resisted my inquiries over the link, so I waited. Ten minutes later, the two came down. She had been crying, and she walked over and sat by me. “Leo?”

“What’s going on, Liv?”

“My Mom is still in town, but Dad returned home to work. She wants to talk to me and to spend time with Vicki. I don’t know what to do.”

I reached over and held her hand. “She’s still your mother. It’s all right to want to have her in your life again.”

“I don’t want Vicki to be hurt. They can’t hurt her if they aren’t in her life.”

I just shook my head. “They are hurting her because they are NOT in her life.” I thought about it for a minute. “Meet her, but not with Vicki. Bring Brent along; he’s your fiancé, and you should introduce him. He can protect you and get you out of there if it goes badly.”

She held up her left hand. “If he liked it, he should have put a ring on it,” she teased.

“I liked it, so I bit it,” Brent replied. “We should go ring shopping today.”

“Fine. Mom is staying at the St. James Hotel down in Red Wing. We could meet for dinner and drinks at Jimmy’s. There are places there that we can have some privacy.”

“Sunday is my normal night at the Smoking Oak. After everyone we’ve had here today, I’m not having anyone in the kitchen tonight. I’ll take Vicki with us so she can have a slab of ribs. If it goes well, let us know and we can bring her to you. If not, come on over and party with us.”

“You’re right,” she said. “I have to know.”

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