The Photograph

Chapter : Chapter Twenty-Five


Work has quieted a little, so I have the whole week to myself. I zip up my bag with a smile.

A whole week with Gabe.

Once we’re at his house, he closes the door behind us and grabs my waist from behind.

“What’s my punishment for catching you?”

I shiver at the words spoken against the shell of my ear and curve my arm up around his neck. “I don’t want to punish you, honey. I want you to give me something.”

He twists me in his arms and kisses my neck. “What do you want, baby?”

After tugging his hand to lead him to his bedroom, I touch his chest. “Wait here.”

My heart racing, I run to his library and pick up the book on Kinbaku before returning to him.

“I want to do this… I mean I want you to do this with me.”

When I hand him the heavy volume, Gabe glances at the book, frowns, but makes no move to take it from me while his jaw clenches.

Oh crap. Oh crap.“I’m sorry… I… It’s a stup—”

In a swift flurry of motion, Gabe grabs the book, tosses it on the bed, and yanks me to him. I lock my gaze onto his as he cups my cheek and drills his dark eyes into mine.

“Aelin, baby, are you sure?”

I nod. “Does it hurt?” At the shake of his head, I loop my arms around his neck. “So, yes.”

Gabe’s stern expression softens. “If there’s anything you don’t like or that scares you, just say so.”

“Okay,” I whisper.

Will I like it?This looks so…My heart thunders in my ears as he strides to his walk-in wardrobe and pulls a slick, silver drawer. Swiping my damp palms on my pants, I bite my lip as he stalks back to me.

“Hold out your hands.”

When I do, Gabe places a purple-colored rope on my shaking, splayed fingers.

“Oh. I don’t know what I expected but… It’s so light. And soft.” I graze my thumbs over the rope. “And soft.”

Gabe cups my nape to haul my lips to his, and I close my eyes. The kiss ends way too soon, so I grip his t-shirt and raise on my tippytoes, mouth open.

“Fuck. Baby.” His growly voice births a full body shiver, and I moan while his hands and tongue set me on fire.

Gabe takes the bundle from my hand to chuck it on the bed before he removes my t-shirt. He traces the edge of my lacy bra and kneels before me. He slips my tennis shoes off, the right then the left before he reaches for the side zipper of my pants that fall at my feet in a soft thump.

The dichotomy of the cool air on my skin and Gabe’s hot breath fanning over my panties makes me shiver, and I dig my nails into his shoulders as he kisses my sex through the thin material. When he glides his tongue up my belly, a whiny sound filters out of my throat, and I shut my eyes.


“Fuck, you’re beautiful.”

My breath rushes out at the reverence in his voice as he gets to his feet and picks up the rope from the bed.

After doubling up the rope, he hooks two fingers around the loop he made, and I exhale a trembling breath.

Gabe stands before me, close enough that the heat of his body cradles mine “Ready, baby?”

When the jute rope touches my skin, I hold my breath as he runs the rope across my chest, above my breast, around my back and arms then binds my wrists behind my back. I roll my shoulders to test the knots against my skin and shiver.

Gabe brushes his mouth on my breasts, already sensitized, and I cry out when his lips close around my nipple while he rolls the other between his forefingers.

His hands and mouth linger in the roped-in areas of my body until I tremble. He falls to his knees in front of me and slides his warm hands up the back of my legs before he pulls down my panties. I clench my fists as he wraps his fingers just underneath my buttocks and shudder at the first stroke of his tongue between my folds.

When he draws on my clit, my legs shake.


“I need more,” he growls. He hooks my knee over his shoulder while his hands on my buttocks hold me against his open mouth. And he devours me.

I’m dizzy, teetering on the brink of a violent orgasm. “Gabe … please…”

Gabe carries me to the bed and sets me on my knees on the firm mattress while he undresses quickly. He’s hard everywhere, and my mouth waters as he stalks toward me.

He sits, his back against the headboard, and I nearly orgasm at the possessive heat in his eyes.

“Come here, beautiful.”

He grabs me by the waist, and I part my folded legs as he sets me across his lap, facing him. I wriggle, shifting against the knotted ties that slide against the sheen of my fevered skin while Gabe slides a condom on.

Panting, I push up on my knees while Gabe positions himself against my core. He wraps his hands around my waist, lifts me and glides me slowly down his length. Again and again. So slow. So good.God.

“Keep your eyes on me, baby.”

The strain in his voice and the intensity of his gaze on me push me over the edge and I fall into my orgasm seconds before he smashes his mouth on mine, slams me on him, and growls my name.

When the tremors of my body subside and our breathing evens out, he unties me and massages my wrists before holding me tight. “Aelin, my Aelin.”


We wake up famished and reheat the meatloaf and caramelized carrots Michelle left in the fridge along with vanilla crèmes brûlées.

After dinner, I fall asleep on the couch in the middle of a pretentious movie and wake up alone in Gabe’s bed to a note on his pillow.

‘At work. See your pretty smile tonight. Gabe.’

After a shower, wrapped in a towel, I sit on the bed to I check my messages. I frown at the and jump on my feet at Gertie’s voice. She had a fall. I toss my cell on the bed and hop into my clothes. Once ready, I hurry through the front door and stop.

Shoot.How am I going to get home?I readjust my bag across my chest and grab my cell, but as the app opens, Jason appears before me.

“Ms Aelin, where would you like to go?”

I blink fast. “Can you please take me home?”

He nods and I follow him to the car. Once settled in the comfortable cabin, I text Gabe.

Went to visit my friend Gertie. See you tonight. AX

An hour later, I release a breath as Gertie opens her door. After a quick scan, I breathe out, relieved at no apparent bruise on her arms or face.

She clutches my hand in hers. “Sweet dove, did you rush here? There was no need—”

I kiss her cheek as I enter her home. “There is, Gertie. Let’s get you comfortable.”

She hooks her trembling hand in the crook of my elbow as we make our way inside her welcoming home.

Once she rests in her bedroom, I go home and call Gabe who picks up on the first ring.

“Baby, what’s wrong?”

I plop down on my bed. “My friend had a fall and I’m taking care of her.”

After a short silence, Gabe says, “So, you’re not coming back here tonight?”

Pushing the cell against my ear, I let out a sigh. “No, she has no one here, and she took care of me after I lost—”

“It’s all right, baby. Take care of your friend. I’m leaving for Dubai tomorrow and will be back on Wednesday.”

A knot tightens my chest, but I smother the pinch of hurt and curl my legs under me.I guess we won’t talk about the baby.I’m less sad at losing it because the surgery gave me back what Dick Lockwoods took from me, but Gabe acts like I was never carrying a bit of both of us inside me.

“Okay. I’ll see you then.”

“Next time, I’ll tie you up to my bed until I come back home.”

His low grumble makes me shiver. I loved being tied up. Love it, so I lean into my cell and whisper, “Promise?”

When he swears low, I giggle before we disconnect.


A few days later, I’ve come to a decision but like everything important in my life, I need to speak to my sister and selfishly, I’m happy she’s not at Mitch’s today.

Following the symphony of pots and pans, I walk in her test kitchen just as she closes one of the ovens’ door.

I push my shoulder against the doorjamb. “My Cara, do you have a minute?”

She slides a dish into the second oven. “Of course, angel.”

As she bends over the counter next to the sink to write something on her cooking journal and drinks a mouthful from her mug, I step to the white island and speak to her back.

“Did you fall in love with the first guy you had an orgasms with?”

She coughs out her coffee. I run to her while she wipes her mouth off with the back of her hand.

“Cara! Are you okay?” I rub the middle of her back while she rips a sheet of paper towel.

After blinking the water off her eyes, she nods with a smile and clears her throat. “Yes … yes. I am. So, what was your question?”

So many emotions race through me. I talk fast. “I have so many orgasms with Gabe, and I read somewhere that it could lead me to feel like I’m in love with him when really, I’m in love with the orgasms.”

Cara chuckles. “What do you think?”

“I think my orgasms come from my feelings for him.” I sigh. “But it’s confusing.”

My sister shakes her head, sets the timer on the ovens, and tugs on my hand. “Come with me.”

We sit in the living room where I cross my legs on the couch while she settles beside me.

She tucks my hair behind my ear. “No, I didn’t fall in love with my first orgasm. Are you in love with Gabe?”

My heart races.. “I think… “I take a deep breath. “I am, yes.”

She holds my hand. “What do you love about him?”

I don’t even need to think. “Everything. The way he laughs. He has dimples, he’s funny, like, really goofy funny and he’s super smart—”

She kisses the back of my hand “Aelin, you’ve trusted yourself with Gabe even when no one else did, or I didn’t, anyway. Trust yourself again. You know how you feel. Have you told him?”

I shake my head and put my head in the crook of her shoulder.

She hugs me tight. “I’m happy for you, angel.”

I straighten up to look at her. “What if he doesn’t love me?”

“We go back to killing him and make his body disappear,” Cara says, and I’m not entirely sure she’s joking.

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