The Photograph

Chapter : Chapter Ten


“She just left with him.”

Wiping off the sweat from my chest, I sling the damp towel in the laundry basket by the door of the bathroom and tighten my grip on my cell. “How did she look?”

The investigator clears his throat. “They seem …very friendly. Do you want me to follow them?”

“No. Send what you found to my office.”

A few hours later, seated behind my desk, I peer through pictures of the ‘more than a friend’ man Aelin left with. Christopher Wend, lawyer. In the picture taken from behind the car, she’s looking at him the same way she does me, all soft. And the sucker’s probably lapping it up.Like I did.

Like Michael did before she showed her true colors. The cunning little gold digger is better than I gave her credit for. But I’ve met women like her. I nearly married one. The problem is they’re never completely rotten to the core, and this is how they get smart, successful men to lay their self-respect at their feet.

I punch the desk phone to call Ann. She walks in and her smile turns into a frown as she lifts her frowning gaze to mine.

“Everything okay?”

“Get Delia Jones for me.”

After a short silence, her heels shuffle on the thick carpet as she approaches my desk.

“For Aelin? Are you sure?”

In the time I’ve known her, Ann has never questioned my relationships. “What do you mean?”

My long-term right hand and friend frowns. “Aelin doesn’t strike me as … She’s different and I think it would be a mistake to treat her like the … others.”

Ann loves Mike, and I wonder what she’d say if I tell her that Aelin is the woman who turned him into the aimless rolling stone he has become. Unable to form meaningful attachment with anyone since she destroyed him. I clench my jaw. My baby brother, one of the only people in this world with a true good heart, got hurt, broken down to his bones. When our parents died, I promised myself to protect him, protect my only family. And I did. Until she happened.

“Just get Delia Jones.”

Ann pinches her lips. “I like Aelin, and I thought you did, too. That’s all.”

“I don’t. Anything else?”

Ann shakes her head. “I’m sorry to hear that.”

My assistant exits the office, and I feel like breaking something.

Truth is, I enjoy spoiling the women I date, and setting them up with a designer clothing account keeps things clear in our relationship. They know and agree to it from the start, so there’s no tears, no drama, and no media gossips. But Ann’s right, Aelin’s different, she’s the parabolic wolf in sheep clothing.


On Monday evening, parked across Aelin’s house, I keep my eyes on the car of the asshole she left with and her front door. When Drummond called me an hour ago to tell me she just got home with Christopher Wend, I told him to go home and jumped in my car. They’ve been inside for nearly an hour.

Does she say his name like she does mine? Does she moan the half cry, half purr in his mouth just before she comes?

I lean back in the leather seat. I wanted to tell her. I was going to take her on a beach somewhere and get her side of the story with Michael. When I saw her with her goddaughter, all soft and loving, I thought…Fuck.She got me all wrapped up around her greedy little fingers, and like a moron, I almost told her the truth.Fucking idiot.

The black door opens on the lawyer, and I clamp my hands on the steering wheel as Aelin follows behind him. He hugs her. I can’t see her face, but she stays in his arms for a long time. The guy kisses her and, as he heads to his car, she waves him off before going back inside.

More than a friend. Is that what she says about me?About all the men she fucks?

Forcing my fingers to uncurl around the leather-covered steering wheel, I breathe deeply and unclench my teeth. I peek at the dashboard. 8:43 PM.What the fuck am I doing?

I reach for the ignition key when from the corner of my eye, I catch a flicker of light. She turned off the light of the front room.

Where did that guy take her?I would have taken you anywhere in the world. You just had to say the word, and I…

Within seconds, I’m at her door. After ringing the bell, I lift my fist to knock when Aelin opens the door. Her damp hair is smoothed back, she’s barefoot with only her kimono robe on. And she looks like she’s been well-fucked.

Her eyes wide, she beams at me. “Gabe, hi.”

‘Gabe, hi?’ That’s it?There’s no guilt in her expression, nothing that would alert me I’m being played like a fool. She tugs on my hand, loops her arms around my neck and rolls on her toes.

Her supple body is warm and as I inhale the scent of whatever she uses on her skin, I get hard while anger throbs in my temples.

She touches my jaw. Like she just did with that other sucker. “What’s wrong?”

You, turning me into a fucking schmuck gagging for you even after you just fucked someone else.Her frown deepens while her hands slide down my chest. I grab her hips to pull her back to me.

“I want you.”

The beautiful manipulator’s smile returns as she wraps her arms around my waist. “I’ve missed you.”

The lawyer didn’t make you come?

When she takes my hand and steps further into the house, I haul her back to me and kiss her. Hard. Long and deep.

A little flushed, she pulls from the kiss, and her brows knit as she cups my face.

“Gabe, what’s wrong?

I need to fuck you, and I hate you for it.

I look into her questioning eyes while my heart races. “Baby, I just need you.”

She exhales slowly and murmurs, “I need you, too.”

My stupid cock gets harder, and I look at the woman who broke my brother. That’s how she does it. She looks at you like you’re the only thing that matters. And damn her, but it’s working. My whole body strains toward hers.

Her mouth is soft under mine. I yank the belt of her bathrobe and grunt at the feel of her smooth, naked skin.

Catching the back of her legs, I lift her against the wall. When she moans in my mouth, I raise her higher to nuzzle her breast before sucking on her nipples.Why does she taste so damn good?I lick at her skin like a starving idiot while her noises make me crazed.

When she pulls at my clothes, and kisses me back with the same need, I lock my eyes onto hers. She’s flushed and her pants bathe my face.

She fists my hair, and her golden eyes burn into mine. “Gabe, take me … please.”

And I lose it. I smash my mouth on hers. When she whimpers, I yank my jeans open freeing my painfully hard cock.

Breathing hard, I shut my eyes as I rub my cock on her pussy. She’s hot, sleek. I hook her knees over my forearms and open her legs wider. I press her into the wall while her nails dig into the back of my neck.


I thrust inside her and shut my eyes while pleasure burns through me as I plant myself deep.

She moans my name, and it tears through my chest. I take her, fuck her hard and fast. Again, and again until she pulsates around me.

“Look at me.”

Her eyes closed, she exhales a trembling breath. “Gabe.”

“Dammit, Aelin, look at me.”

When she opens her eyes and whispers my name against my mouth, my climax rushes up my spine, and I bury myself to the hilt while a yell erupts from my throat.

Breathing hard in her neck, I suck on her fast pulse while her panting breaths fan through my hair. I lean back and dread tightens my chest.Fuck.That’s why if felt so good.I didn’t use a rubber.


She opens glazed eyes. “What?”

“No rubber. I forgot the goddamn rubber.”

Still caged against the wall, she frames my face and leans forward for another kiss, but I shift back before carrying her to the bathroom and set her on her feet.

She bites on her smile, removes her bathrobe before she steps toward the small stall. “Join me?”

One mistake tonight is more than I can afford with you. I school my expression as I button myself up and step back. “I’ll make myself a drink. Want one?”

She blinks a couple of time and frowns. “I’ll just have tea.” She enters the cubicle. “I’ll be quick.”

In the kitchen, I slap my palms on the cool counter and drop my head low.Fuck.I pour myself a shot of whisky I swallow fast.I need to get out of here.

As I make my way to the front door, several pings coming from the living room, stop me. I follow the sound to her laptop set on the desk in the smaller living room at the back of the house. More pings break through the dark room lit by the screen of her computer.What the fuck?

I edge closer and without thinking, I glance over the screen. Fuck.My name’s in there.

My palm hits the small secretary, as I edge closer to the screen There’s a table with a list of names. All men. Mort Gaylor’s name is there, as well as most of my acquaintances and business associates. I sweep my gaze to the adjacent column which contains dollar amounts and dates.

Anger makes my hands shake as I scroll down the table where more wealthy individuals’ names are listed. The name of the file is ‘Rainbow account for Cara and Aelin.’I clench my fists while my blood runs cold.She’s doing this with her fucking sister.

There’s a question mark next to my name.How much was she going to fleece me for?Jerking back, I stare at the screen while my temples throb.

I’ve got to get out of here before I do something stupid again. Like demanding an explanation and believe her well-rehearsed lies.

Shaking with anger, I reach the hallway just as the bathroom door opens. I stop dead in my tracks as Aelin steps out of the steaming room wrapped in a towel.

When she smiles and wraps her arms around my waist, I lock my body into place.

There’re shadows under her eyes.

She touches my chest in a way that makes me want to take care of her. “I’m so happy you’re here, can we—?”

I lower her arms and clench my back teeth at the plaintive sound she makes.

“I have to go.”

She grips my forearm. “Gabe, can you stay with me tonight? Please. Just for tonight, please. I have—”

Fuck you, Aelin Thorne.I stride to the front door I slam behind me.

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