The Pharmacist

: Part 3 – Chapter 48

Jack asked Owen Hardy to drop him at home and tasked his DS with going to Hunter’s Lane and relating the day’s events to the rest of the team, who would be keen to hear the details. The day stirred mixed emotions for Jack, and he had no heart for the celebration which the wrapping up of a case generally brought, no matter how subdued they would be. Was it too soon to celebrate? No, Jack thought not and knew that the team needed to acknowledge the successful conclusion of their investigation to maintain their sanity.

There was still so much evidence to gather in order to build a case against Rachel Roberts, and even though she might be evasive and enjoy playing her little games, she would be convicted. Jack did not doubt that.

Sarah was at home waiting to greet him, enveloping his stiff aching body and drawing him into her embrace.

‘Come and sit down.’ She released him from her arms and they sank gratefully into the sofa. ‘Do you want to talk about it?’

‘Not just now, perhaps later.’ Jack would share his thoughts when he’d processed them and was ready, not before.

‘Will you come with me to see Alice?’

Sarah nodded, she was ready to go… Jack went upstairs to freshen up and then rang Hunter’s Lane to ask Claire Swift to meet him at Melkinthorpe. The presence of both women would hopefully make things easier for Alice.

* * *

Jack filled Sarah in on some of the day’s events as they drove the few miles to impart their news. Sparing the unsavoury details, he related what he felt was appropriate, the excellent help from the Derbyshire personnel and the efficiency of the operation, but they were both aware of the devastation their news would bring to Alice.

‘I suppose they’re used to accidents on that road; it’s quite notorious,’ Sarah remarked. She was distressed to learn that they’d also recovered the body of the Roberts’ pet dog, further proof of what a despicably cold, unfeeling woman Rachel Roberts was.

Claire was waiting for her boss. ‘Good work today, sir,’ She greeted him..

Jack smiled briefly.

Claire continued. ‘Owen’s given us all a full update and, by all accounts, the super’s cock- a-hoop.’

‘Yes, well, let’s get this done now, shall we? It’s been a long day.’

Alice opened the door to the little delegation on her step. Although they were not unexpected, her face registered fear as she allowed her visitors inside.

‘Is Millie around? Shall I go and occupy her for a few minutes while Jack has a word?’ Sarah asked.

‘She’s upstairs in her bedroom.’ Alice’s face was grim, resigned, and devoid of all hope as she led the others to the lounge.

* * *

Sarah went upstairs, calling the little girl’s name.

‘Auntie Sarah, come and see my new princess dress!’ Millie was delighted to see her new friend and was soon showing off her latest treasures, a full tulle dress and all the accessories to turn her into a ‘real princess’.

Sarah found it difficult to give the excited little girl her full attention when a huge part of her mind wondered how Alice was coping with the news. She longed to hug her friend, to tell her that it would all be all right in the end. But could she make that promise when Alice had lost her beloved husband and at the hands of their daughter too? How can anyone come to terms with such an atrocity?

‘Do you like my tiara?’ Millie was asking.

‘Yes, sweetheart, it’s beautiful!’

At least Millie seemed to be recovering well, and she would be Alice’s saviour. The bond between the two was strong. Healing would come in time, but there was so much grief to grapple with before then.

* * *

Downstairs, Alice dabbed at her eyes with a tissue and blew her nose. She sobbed quietly when Jack told her the news and then pulled herself together to ask some questions.

‘Are you sure it’s Tom?’

‘A positive ID won’t be possible until after the autopsy, but I wouldn’t be telling you this much if I didn’t think it was likely to be Tom.’

‘Did Rachel tell you where to find him?’

‘Not in so many words, but she did drop hints which led us to the site of the accident.’ Jack loathed these moments. Dealing with other people’s grief was always difficult, and over the years, he’d found the best way forward was to be as honest and open as possible. As much as he longed to go home, he would stay as long as Alice needed him to.

‘Can I make you a cup of tea, Mrs Roberts?’ Claire offered.

‘That would be nice, thank you.’

Claire went off to familiarise herself with the kitchen.

‘I think I knew all along that Tom was dead. We were never going to find him alive, were we? Where did I go wrong, Jack?’ she asked wearily.

‘You didn’t go wrong. None of this is your fault, Alice. You and Tom did all you could for Rachel. She was given every possible advantage. I’m sorry you have to go through this, but you do have Millie to consider. From what I’ve seen, she’s a delightful little girl and she’ll be a great comfort to you.’

‘Yes, you’re right. There’s always a silver lining, and Millie is mine. Thank you for coming this evening, Jack. I know it’s been a long and trying day for you.’

‘You’re very welcome and you know that if Sarah or I can do anything for you, you only have to ask.’

‘I do and I’m grateful for such good friends. Now, let’s call Sarah and Millie down, shall we, and have that tea.’

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