The Pharmacist

: Part 3 – Chapter 42

Jack and Sarah were enjoying a quiet Saturday morning at home. Earlier in the week, a successful visit to the garden centre resulted in several trays of new plants waiting for their garden. But before the task, they were indulging in a leisurely breakfast. It was the first day Jack hadn’t been into the station since Rachel Roberts disappeared, which was almost two weeks earlier.

The investigation had slowed considerably and was simply a waiting game. Jack’s best guess was that Rachel was laid low somewhere, making plans and waiting for the right moment to execute them. She would have to break cover sometime, possibly in an attempt to leave the country, but it was pure speculation, as was Tom Roberts’ fate. There was a slim possibility that the man could still be alive and that his daughter could be holding him somewhere, but then what was her long-term objective?

‘It’s nice to have a weekend together, but I get the feeling that you’re not really with me.’ Sarah teased her husband.

Jack smiled; Sarah could always read his thoughts but he knew she was as anxious as he was for this case to be resolved. ‘You’re right, love, sorry. It’s just that I’m not much good at waiting. Another cup of coffee and we’ll get out in the garden, eh?’

But before Jack got the chance to drink his second coffee, the phone interrupted them. He answered and his expression told Sarah that she’d probably be gardening alone. Jack put his phone away and hugged his wife.

‘Sorry, love, but I’m going to Matlock. The Derbyshire police have arrested Rachel Roberts!’

‘Matlock, why would she be there? Are they sure it’s the right woman?’

‘Absolutely. They received a tip-off and found her in the cemetery held by a couple who claimed she murdered their son. I need to get down there.’ Jack was already tapping in the number for DS Owen Hardy, knowing this news would interrupt his weekend too, yet certainly not spoil it.

‘Who’s she supposed to have murdered? I’m lost here, Jack.’

‘It’s just a hunch, but I wouldn’t be surprised if the couple is Brenda Chapman and her husband.’

Within five minutes, Jack was out of the house and on his way to pick up his sergeant, leaving Sarah with her mouth open in astonishment.

Owen jumped into the car, eager for news. ‘So, what’s happening, boss, what’s this new development?’

‘It seems that Matlock police have found Rachel Roberts. She was recognised in a cemetery. A couple rang them and they arrived to find a bloke almost sitting on top of her, holding her down. They were insistent that she’d murdered their son too. I haven’t quite figured it all out, but I suspect the couple is Brenda Chapman and her husband.’

‘Did you know their son was murdered?’

‘No. Alice told Sarah that their friendship was formed after Brenda’s son died in an accident at school. It wasn’t investigated as a suspicious death, but it seems there’s cause to wonder.’

‘Bloody hell! What’s happened to make them think Roberts killed him?’

Jack entered the motorway and put his foot down on the accelerator. ‘That’s what we’re on our way to find out.’

* * *

After nearly three hours of driving, they pulled up at the police station in Bank Road. It was approaching 1pm. Their suspect’s arrest must have happened very early in the morning, for which Jack was grateful.

In the heart of Matlock, the station looked to be of the same era as their own in Penrith, and the two men entered with hungry anticipation and a degree of excitement as to what they might learn now that they were finally going to meet Rachel Roberts.

The detectives refused the offer of sandwiches from the sergeant on duty, settling for coffee and a brief update on the morning’s events. The couple who reported Roberts’ whereabouts were indeed Brenda and Ian Chapman, who were still at the station, refusing to leave until they’d spoken to Jack. The decision was easy, they would interview the Chapmans first, and their suspect would have to wait.

Brenda was still in a state of distress, even though several hours had passed since their initial encounter with Rachel. Introductions were made and Ian, protective of his wife, related what had occurred.

‘Brenda always visits the cemetery in the early morning during the summer months, it’s more peaceful and she can be alone with our boy. She’d only been gone twenty minutes when I got a call to say Rachel was there and for me to ring the police. I told her to wait for them, but she’s so impatient, she approached the wo–’

‘Only because she was touching Harry’s grave!’ Brenda interrupted.

‘You still should have waited. It was reckless to approach her, you could have been seriously hurt. Anyway, I rang the police and dashed off to the cemetery. Rachel had assaulted her by then and was getting away, so I tackled her and sat on her until the police arrived.’

Owen suppressed a smile.

Ian looked at his wife to continue the story and took hold of her hand. ‘You’d better tell them what she told you, love.’

‘I told Rachel that she’d no right to be at Harry’s grave, but she said she did… because it was her who’d put him there!’ Brenda was overcome with emotion and the tears started to fall. This revelation had been a considerable shock to the couple.

‘Can you remember her exact words, Brenda?’ Jack asked quietly.

Brenda wiped her face. ‘Yes, I’ll never forget them. First, Rachel told me she had every right to be there because she put him in his grave. Then, she said that she’d pushed Harry down the stairs at school, that he was a bully – he’d hurt Jenny and had to pay for it. Then she said that she’d only been waiting for the right time.’ The tears continued to flow as Ian Chapman held his wife to his chest.

‘You’ve done well, Brenda, and you too, Mr Chapman, thank you, both. It must be such a shock and I’m sorry you’ve had to go through this. At some time soon, we’ll need to take a formal statement. DS Hardy has been taking notes, but now I think you need to go home, have something to eat, and rest. Please don’t get in touch with Mrs Roberts. I want to interview her daughter before I let her know we’ve got her in custody. Perhaps we might discover news of her husband.’

‘Yes, I understand.’ Brenda sniffed. ‘And thank you for coming. It’s such a relief to see you.’ She clasped Jack’s hand and squeezed it.

The couple left. Owen and Jack decided to have that sandwich before interviewing Rachel Roberts.

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