The Pharmacist

: Part 2 – Chapter 31

The wait for Jack Priestly seemed interminable. Alice grew increasingly agitated, picking up the telephone several times to ring her daughter but being persuaded by her friends to wait until Jack came. She paced the room, wringing her hands, first worrying about Tom and then about Millie. Two questions vied for their unavailable answers in her mind: why and how. Why had Rachel done this, and then how?

Alice hardly dared to hope that Tom could still be alive. She was only just getting used to the idea of his death. But if Tom was alive, where was he and why hadn’t he moved heaven and earth to see her? Part of her didn’t dare to hope to see her husband again, yet hope was all Alice had left. She clung to it as an anchor to ground her, to strengthen her for whatever the truth might be. Some of the strange happenings of the last few weeks suddenly began to fall into place in Alice’s mind.

‘Sarah, do you think Rachel could have been the one sending all those parcels?’

‘Sadly, yes, I think that’s quite likely. Rachel would have access to your debit card so it wouldn’t have taken much effort. I did wonder about some of the other weird happenings, like your handbag and shoes in the bin? That happened just after Rachel’s visit, didn’t it? It seems your daughter’s been on a mission to make you think that you were losing your mind. I’m so sorry; this must be very difficult for you to take in.’

Alice simply nodded, her mind spinning with questions.

Brenda, clearly horrified at the cruelties her friend had suffered at Rachel’s hand asked, ‘But where’s Tom? I think I’m missing something here; do you think he could be in a hospital somewhere and for some reason Rachel’s keeping that from you? It’s all so confusing.’

‘I think that’s another of her lies; a story invented to keep you away.’

There was no time to discuss the possibility as they heard a car pull up outside and a measure of relief lifted the mood as Jack Priestly rang the bell. Sarah let him in, pausing in the hallway to briefly outline more of the situation before introducing him to both women. Jack shook hands with them, Alice’s hand trembling in his.

Jack asked several questions designed to grasp the complete picture of what had been happening. Sarah sat, holding Alice’s hand as the frightened woman recalled some harrowing incidents.

‘What I want to know is if all these lies Rachel has told constitute a crime?’ Brenda interrupted, angry and frustrated with the appalling facts she’d so recently learned.

‘Yes, there are certainly several things we can charge her with: conspiring to have her mother held against her will, even harassment if we can prove she sent the parcels. But some of her actions are not specific crimes, like maintaining she didn’t have a daughter and that her mother was never a teacher. However, my primary concern, for now, is the welfare of the child. I want to check up on Millie if you could give me an address, Alice, and we’ll look into the whereabouts of your husband too. Mrs Chapman has confirmed that he was alive and well when you left Matlock, for which we’ll need a formal statement sometime soon.’ Jack looked at Brenda, who nodded vigorously, clearly eager to help.

‘And as far as you’re aware, Alice, Tom was living here with you when you moved?’ Alice nodded too and Jack continued.

‘Rachel is the key to this whole mystery. I need to speak to her as soon as possible. So, if you’re happy to report your husband as a missing person, I can get a warrant and visit Rachel’s home in the next few hours.’

‘Yes, please… Do you think Tom might be there?’

‘It’s too early to say as yet, but if I can question Rachel, she might tell us exactly what’s going on. I’m going to make a few calls to arrange a warrant and then leave you here. I’m sure Sarah will stay as long as you want her to.’ His wife smiled her agreement.

‘I would ask, though, that you don’t try to contact Rachel. The element of surprise will give us the advantage and it’s best if she doesn’t know that we’re coming.’

‘Oh, no!’ Brenda gasped. ‘I think I’ve probably ruined your chances of that. I rang Rachel when I was on my way here and left a rather angry message to say I was visiting Alice at home.’ Brenda clearly regretted her earlier phone call, but it couldn’t be undone. She’d unwittingly warned Rachel that her lies were about to be discovered.

‘Don’t worry about it, Mrs Chapman. If we find the property empty, we’ll have good cause to enter it and search for signs of Tom and Millie. It may even be that I don’t need that warrant after all.’

Jack made the calls and left. It was early evening and Brenda insisted on making something for them all to eat, even if it was only a sandwich. The three women could be in for a long night and being faint from hunger would help no one.

* * *

Alice made a half-hearted effort to eat, constantly listening for the telephone in case DI Priestly rang to update them.

‘It won’t happen quickly,’ Sarah explained. ‘But he’ll ring as soon as there’s anything to report.’

‘I know and I’m sorry to have dragged your family into all this…’

‘Don’t be. It’s Jack’s job and I’m only too happy to help. But sadly, I believed Rachel’s lies too, Alice when I should have accepted that you were right, and I’m sorry for that.’

‘Why wouldn’t you believe her? She even convinced me in the end. My daughter seems to be a very accomplished liar. But Tom, and that fake order of service, how could she be so cruel? Does she hate me so much?’ Alice spoke with sadness more than anger and then lapsed into silence, offering a prayer for the best outcome there could be.

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