The Perfect Touchdown

Chapter Thirteen

**WARNING. This chapter contains sexual content not suitable for readers under 18. Readers' discretion is advised.**


It was incredibly awkward going back inside the bowling alley to tell everyone that we were ready to go home. Avery was still pissed off from losing so many games in a row he hardly paid attention, so we rushed to get a cab before he clued in or before anyone else decided to leave with us.

Isabelle gave me a secret thumbs up as I grabbed my jacket and walked casually out of the building with Aiden. It wasn’t until we were out of view by his truck that he swept me into his arms and kissed me.

“You have no idea how long I’ve wanted to do that,” he whispered against my lips.

“What took you so long?”

He smirked. “Your brother.”

Oh, yes. That was still a factor we needed to consider, but I was too drunk on his touch and kisses to care at the moment. The cab showed up quickly and we hopped in, our lips locked until we got back to the frat house.

We stumbled into the house and tripped over our feet trying to kick off our shoes. Thankfully no one was home, or it would be obvious what we were up to with all the noise we made just going up the stairs.

Articles of clothing were discarded on the staircase and hallway until we stood in nothing but our underwear in his bedroom.

“We need to clean up our clothes…before they get back,” I said between kisses.

“Later,” he mumbled and attacked me again.

I giggled at his impatience, my nerves getting the best of me when I realized this was really happening. I was really about to give my first time to Aiden Reed, the boy I fantasized about this very moment with, but never thought it would come true. I was almost afraid to pinch myself in case this was a dream, and I woke up.

Aiden hovered above me on the bed. “Are you sure you want this, Ry? There is no going back after this, I won’t be able to stop,” he asked.

I hooked my legs around him and dragged him closer, feeling his swollen member against my clit. I bit back a moan and nodded my head, unable to form words out of my lips.

I heard him let out a sound similar to a growl.

“I warned you,” he said, then slid himself inside of me.

I gasped as I felt him squeeze me open and stretch my walls, his cock barely fit. I gripped his arms and bit my lip to keep from crying out in pain and hoped it would go away soon. Once it did, I felt the pure warmth of pleasure spread through my stomach and I tossed my head back with a loud moan.

“Christ, Aiden,” I muttered through clenched teeth.

He buried his face in my neck and nibbled on the skin.

“Fuck, Ry, you feel amazing.” He started to thrust deeper and faster, the pleasure doubling and almost sending me over the edge.

“I-I’m close,” I said and felt the tension build in the pit of my stomach.

He growled into my neck and bit down harder. “I can feel it, baby. It feels too good.”

“Ah, shit,” I moaned louder. My legs tightened and clenched around his waist as pleasure burst through me, my body felt like it was dipped in scalding hot water as sweat drenched me.

I felt Aiden’s cock become thicker inside of me and he started to thrust harder into me until he suddenly pulled back and finished off on my stomach. I gasped when the warm liquid hit my stomach and felt another odd sense of pleasure.

He reached over to his bedside table where a box of tissues sat and helped clean me up before he collapsed next to me and curled himself into my body. I ran a hand through his tussled hair and wondered where we went from here.

“So, what happens next?” I asked.

He lifted his head to look at me. “What do you mean?”

“Well, what does this make us? Are we dating now, or are we just fuck buddies?”

He drew his brows together, almost looking offended.

“Fuck buddies implies that we might sleep with other people,” he muttered.

“Yeah, I guess so.”

He snorted. “Like hell, I’m letting anyone else touch you, especially after that.”

I blushed at his comment, but it still left me confused. “So, we are dating?”

“What would your brother say to that?”

“It doesn’t matter what he thinks, it only matters what we think.”

He shook his head. “You don’t get it, Ry. Your brother has made me swear that I would never lay a finger on you since we were still eating sand on the playground. He would kill me if he ever found out about this, not to mention us dating.”

“But what do you want?” I asked.

He sighed. “I want to never let you go, but I also love your brother too much to ever hurt him or go back on my word. I don’t want to lose either of you.”

But we both knew we couldn't continue a relationship without giving up his friendship with my brother, and I don’t think I can go back to the way we were knowing how he felt deep down. Either way, he has to sacrifice one to keep the other.

“What if we kept it a secret? At least until after graduation, then we can tell my brother and show him that we can maintain a relationship and he can maintain a friendship without any issues,” I suggested.

Aiden thought it over. “That isn’t a terrible idea, it’s worth a shot. But if he finds out?”

“Then, he finds out. He was going to find out one way or another.”

I slapped him in the chest. “I don’t want him to find out this way, come on.”

I pulled on an oversized shirt of Aiden’s while he pulled on sweat pants and we rushed back down the stairs and toward the front door to collect our clothes. I blushed hard when I saw how scattered they were, my shirt literally hung off the front door table lamp.

Just as we finished cleaning, the front door opened, and rowdy voices burst into the house as the boys returned. Aiden pushed me toward his bedroom door and closed it before any had the chance to see me and rushed down to greet them. I pressed my ear against the door to eavesdrop.

“Where the hell did you go, and is Rylee with you?” Avery asked him.

“She’s sleeping upstairs, I brought her back because she wasn’t feeling well.”

There was a brief silence. “Where is she sleeping?”

“In my room, where else? I wasn’t going to make her sleep on the couch.”

I heard footsteps coming up the stairs. “She can stay in my room; I don’t like the idea of you two sharing a bed.”

Aiden rushed after him and got to the door before he could. I jumped into the bed and pretended to be asleep, making sure my clothes were tucked away so it looked like I was still fully clothed.

I heard the door open, and light poured into the room.

“Look, man. She’s already fast asleep, just leave her there. It’s not like we haven’t shared a bed before, what’s the difference now?” Aiden said.

“The difference now is you’ve been acting crazy ever since she started showing interest in other guys. You knew she wasn’t going to be hooked up on you forever, and now your true colours are showing, and I don’t like it. You know how I feel about you getting familiar with my sister, it’s not going to happen as long as I breathe.”

My heart sank when I heard this. Did this mean no matter what, my brother would never accept the idea of Aiden and me being together?

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