The Perfect Touchdown

Chapter Eleven

I didn’t hear from Jake after that and blocked his number the second I remembered to make sure he never had the chance. If he was smart, he wouldn’t attempt to try and reach out to me or ever show his face before me at future games. I knew there was one more game before the winter break between San Marco and Jacksonville State, maybe that would be the one game I was ‘sick’ for.

I had never missed a single day in high school before, whether it was classes or after-school activities, but I was more than willing to say to hell with all of that to avoid this man.

Even though he didn’t go to our school, the past couple of weeks that led up to the next game I was practically guarded at all corners of campus. Everywhere I went, I spotted one or more of the guys, whereas before I had barely seen them in the halls or anywhere near my other classes.

Aiden was also spending a lot more time with me, and I wasn’t sure if it was genuine, or out of guilt and protection. It was confusing me even more than before and messed with my head pretty badly, but I wasn’t about to come out and ask if he suddenly developed feelings for me.

Today, however, there was an away game for the Tigers, and it was the make-or-break game for them. If they won this game, it would move them one point above Jacksonville State, and they would finally achieve the win they have always wanted. Avery and Aiden have always wanted to beat Jacksonville State on the field but passing them in the roster was more than enough for the team.

I told the rest of the cheer team to make sure we did our best for the game and give the team as much hype as we had ever given. Leah seemed more than excited and said she would cheer extra hard for our captain, Aiden. That had reminded me that it seemed Leah and Aiden were dating, or at least seeing each other, the last time I checked.

‘I wonder what’s going on with that, and how she would feel knowing we shared a bed.’

Just the thought of him and Leah together boiled my blood and made it hard to focus. I had to wipe my head clear of jealousy and focus on our cheer routine. The score was neck and neck, they just needed 2 more points to beat the other team and if someone could score the perfect touchdown, it would win the game indefinitely.

We all held our breath as the ball was tossed to Avery and he got into position to huck it over the defence line to Aiden who rushed to the other side of the field with blinding speed. It was a perfect pass made by Avery that he caught with ease and went to make a break for it instantly.

“Yes, go, Aiden!” I screamed across the field.

He was almost at the touchdown line, but a linebacker plowed across the field and tackled him to the ground with just a few feet to go. The crowd erupted in boos and groans of disappointment, and I watched as Aiden ripped off his helmet and threw it on the ground before he fell to his knees and punched the ground a couple of times.

I went to rush toward him, but Leah blurred past me and got there before I could. She kneeled down with him and looked like she was trying to comfort him before she helped him up and off the field. I could do nothing but watch as he walked away with another girl and didn’t seem to care that it wasn’t me who first ran to him in his moment of despair.

I tried to brush it off and turned to walk off the field with the cheer team, all of them slumped over in depression as well.

“Well, that really ruined the mood for tonight,” Kendra said.

“What do you mean?” I asked.

“We assumed they were going to win, so we heard there was going to be a big party at the Alpha Sigma Phi house. We were so excited to go, but there probably isn’t going to be one now,” Kinsley pouted.

“Why did you never say anything? I go to their parties every weekend; my brother is the house President.”

They gaped at me. “Can you get us in?” they asked together.

“I can see if they’re having one tonight, but worst case you guys are still welcome to come over. They’re always drinking and doing something at that house, even when they lose a game.”

They both started clapping and jumped up and down. My mind drifted back to Aiden and I wondered if he would be inviting Leah over tonight for comfort.


As expected, when I showed up with the twins and Isabelle that night, none of the guys were in the mood to party and they all sat around the living room drinking in depression.

“Is this really how you guys want to spend your night?” I asked.

Avery waved me off. “We’re sad, Ryles. Leave us be.”

I rolled my eyes. “You guys are pathetic, so you lost one game and didn’t beat Jacksonville State in the roster, but the season isn’t over. You guys still have a few more games before the end of the semester, you still have a chance.”

“We appreciate the pep talk, but it’s useless. We’re never going to beat them,” Carter whined.

“Come on, guys. At least get off your asses and do something, this is insanely depressing,” Isabelle chimed in.

“What do you expect us to do?” Noah asked.

An idea popped into my head, something Avery, Aiden and I used to do as kids.

“How about we get shit-faced drunk, and go play glow-in-the-dark bowling?”

They all perked up from the couches and floor, their eyes lit up.

“Now that sounds like a kick-ass idea, I’m in!” Carter said and hopped up off the couch.

The others hooted and hollered, then rushed around to get ready just as Aiden was coming down the stairs. “What’s going on?”

“We’re gonna get drunk and go bowling, you in?” Avery asked.

Aiden looked at me with a small smile. “Your idea, I assume?”

“Of course, you know how awesome of a bowler I am.”

“Yeah, I still need to beat you for the last time,” he winked. My heart fluttered in my chest, and I had to turn away before my face flared up.

Once everyone was ready, we all piled into Noah’s van as Ryan drove, being the only sober person out of the group, Ryan was never a drinker apparently.

“Everyone has to act normal until we at least get onto the bowling lanes, okay?” I said. The last thing we wanted to start this shitty night, was to be kicked out of the bowling alley for rowdy, drunk antics.

Thankfully, there was no one at the bowling alley, so we had the whole place to ourselves. The group split off into smaller groups with me, Aiden and Avery, then Isabelle, Ryan and Kendra, and last but not least Carter, Noah and Kinsley.

Before we started though, Noah called out.

“Wait, why do they get Rylee? Just because she is your sister, you shouldn’t get the best player!” he complained.

“Seriously? Screw you, we called her first,” Avery joked back.

“Man, you, and Aiden always have the upper hand on us. Give us the good player this time.” Noah looked at Kendra. “How good are you?”

“I’m not too bad, no expert though.”

He nodded. “That’s better than this guy,” he said and pointed at Carter, who just rolled his eyes but didn’t deny it.

“Alright, fine. I’ll join their team for the first game,” I said. “Carter can take my place and that should make it fair, right?” I asked Noah.

He nodded with a grin.

We started the first round of games, and everyone seemed to be having a great time, forgetting all about their earlier depression. I wanted this first round to finish so I could go back and join Aiden’s team, it was one of the main reasons I had suggested we went.

But that fun had quickly come to an end when I heard the cheerful cry of Leah Palmer and watched as she ran up to Aiden and threw her arms around him.

‘What is she doing here?’ I wondered and looked over to Kendra and Kinsley. But they both shook their heads as if to say it wasn’t them who invited her.

‘Did…Aiden invite her?’

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