The Perfect Fit

: Chapter 57

I feel his presence in the room without needing to turn around and see him. My skin bristles with anger and nervous anticipation. I’ve spent the last two minutes throwing my things into my bag and telling myself I never should have come back here. But that’s not entirely true. I needed closure. Without it, I have zero hope of moving on with my life.

I laugh even though I feel like crying. Seems I’m still lying to myself. Because that’s not why I came back here at all. I swallow down a sob and spin around to face my personal demon, my lip curled in a sneer. “You come to make sure I don’t steal anything on my way out?”

He kicks the door closed and stalks toward the bed. “No, because you’re not going anywhere, princess.”

“Excuse me?”

“You heard me.” He steps closer, and now we’re only inches apart. Heat from his body warms my skin, and my knees tremble. My head spins. I haven’t been this close to him since … I can’t think about that now.

“You think you can stop me from leaving?”

He tucks my hair behind my ear, then slowly trails his fingertips down my neck, and my mind is overwhelmed with memories of his hands on me. Heat coils in my center. “Oh, I know I can,” he replies with an arrogant smirk.

I jerk away from his touch, but that only makes him step even closer than before. “You’re a conceited douchebag.” I blush at the tremor in my voice.

He shrugs. He is such an asshole. “Maybe I am, princess. But I let you go once, and it will never happen again.”

I snatch my bag from the bed and hoist it over my shoulder. “Pity you don’t get a choice, jackass.”

He dips his nose to my neck and inhales deeply. Like an animal savoring his prey before he devours it. A shiver runs the length of my spine. “I will cuff you to my fucking bed if I have to, Lily, and there’s not a thing anyone can do to stop me.”

Holy fucknuggets. I need to get out of this room. “You’re insane.” Scoffing, I try to push past him, but he remains standing in front of me like an immovable wall of muscle and arrogance.

He grabs my wrist and yanks me forward until our bodies are flush. “Yeah, I am, but only because I almost ruined the best thing that ever happened to me.”

I roll my eyes and shake my head. “If you’re talking about us, there’s no almost about it. You did ruin it, numbnuts.”

Those sinfully dangerous lips inch closer, and my traitorous body trembles for him. “So why did you come back here tonight?”

I suck in a shaky breath. “B-because Zeke … he made me.”

“No.” He stares into my eyes—into my goddamn soul—and shakes his head.


His hand slides to the nape of my neck. “You came back here because you know that what we have is worth saving.”

I open my mouth, but no words come out. I need to get out of here. Away from his hypnotic eyes and far away from the tantalizing erection currently pressed against my abdomen. That thing makes me lose at least a hundred IQ points.

“I could drop to my knees right now and tell you how sorry I am, princess …”

He damn well should. It’s the least he could do. “But?”

He grins wickedly. “I’ve already told you many, many times how sorry I am, so now I’m going to show you.”

What an arrogant jerkwad. “The hell you are.”

“Yeah, the hell I am. But don’t worry, I’ll still be on my knees.”

Is he suggesting … I shake my head. “N-no, West.” My legs tremble harder than my voice.

He takes my bag from me and tosses it into the corner of the room. “Oh yes, Lily.” Grabbing hold of my hips, he drags me against his rock-hard length and presses his lips against my ear. “And afterward he’ll show you just how much he’s missed you.”

Then he drops to his knees, and I gasp at the sudden turn of events. What’s about to happen was one of the many scenarios that ran through my head on the way over here, and it was also pretty high on my list of most anticipated outcomes, but he can’t—

His fingers slide beneath my dress, lightly dusting across the backs of my knees. Oh, fucknuggets. “West, you can’t just—”

“Lily.” His eyes burn into mine. “Stop fucking talking.”

I open my mouth to tell him to go straight to hell, but he picks me up and tosses me onto the bed, rendering me speechless. Grabbing my hips with a bruising grip, he pushes himself between my thighs and pulls me to him until my knees are wedged against his waist. I suck in a stuttered breath, and before I can let it out, his mouth crashes down, his tongue sliding against mine as he takes what he wants. I try to wrench away but he’s too strong. I bite his lip, but he only growls and kisses me harder, his weight pinning me to the bed. I’m powerless to stop him, but not because of his superior strength. No, I’m powerless because I realize how much I want this too. Maybe this is the closure we need.

I melt into his kiss, my hands fisting in his thick hair and pulling him closer, giving him unspoken permission to claim me. He breaks the kiss and hovers his lips barely an inch from mine, palming the back of my head and holding me still. A wave of regret washes over me. If only it was this easy. We both know it’s not, and if he’s forgotten that … “But you don’t know who I really am.”

“I love you, Lily. You’re my fucking girl, and that’s all I care about right now.”

His lips find mine again. Closing my eyes, I revel in the sensation of his hands on me, loving the way his kiss devours me whole. His hands roam over my body with fervor, grabbing at my dress and grunting in what I can only imagine is frustration before his hands slip beneath the soft fabric. He tugs my bra down and squeezes one of my breasts, flicking the turgid peak of my nipple with the pad of his thumb. My pulse races. Wetness slicks between my thighs.

“Fuck, princess,” he groans, breaking our kiss. His tongue darts out, licking his lower lip. I bite mine. Excitement and nervous energy fight for dominance. Our eyes lock for a fraction of a second, and whatever he sees in mine sends him into a frenzy. Before I can take another breath, he’s yanking my panties down my legs so roughly that I’m pretty sure I’ll have friction burn, but I help him by kicking off my sneakers so he can drag my underwear all the way off. He drapes my legs over his broad shoulders and pushes up my dress, exposing my bare pussy to him.

He breathes out my name as he trails rough bites and kisses up my inner thighs. “I missed you so fucking much.” I curl my fingers in his thick hair, pulling him closer to where I need him. “I know, princess,” he groans. “Just let me taste all of you.” His tongue snakes up my thigh, and I buck my hips, desperate for a little friction to sate the growing ache in my core.

He runs his pointer finger up my center, making me squirm and moan. “Damn, princess. So fucking wet for me already, aren’t you?”

“Jackass,” I groan, my fingers curling tighter in his hair as I try to tug his mouth closer.

He laughs softly, and his warm breath dusting over my wet folds makes me shiver. “Not the worst thing you’ve ever called me.” Then he trails his hot tongue from my slick opening to my clit, and I yell his name.

That has him laughing harder. “I love how fucking desperate you get for me when my mouth is on you.”

“It’s not on me right now,” I snap.

“You want me?”

Fucking hell yes, I want him. I never stopped.

“Lily?” My name leaves his lips on a plea.

If I had any restraint at all regarding this man, the very last thread of it just snapped. “Yes, West. I want you. Now.”

“That’s my fucking girl.” He sucks my clit into his wickedly talented mouth and swirls his tongue over the sensitive bud. My back arches off the bed, but he wraps his forearms around my thighs and holds me in place so he can maintain full control as I come apart and scream his name.

“Can you believe these two started without us?”

Still trembling from my orgasm, I look up to find Xander pulling off his clothes. Zeke is close behind him. He shakes his head and glares at West’s back like he’s mad, but there’s a wicked smirk on his face.

West rocks back onto his heels and wipes his face with a single sweep of his hand. “You okay with a little company, princess?”

My eyes dart between the three of them. We were supposed to talk, but West and I already put that plan on pause. Might as well enjoy the rest of the night. “Hell yes.”

Xander lies on the bed and pats the empty space beside him. “Get your ass up here, shorty.”

I scoot back on my elbows until my head is resting on the pillow beside him. He brushes his knuckles over my cheek. “It’s so fucking good to have you home.”

I swallow a knot of emotion, still unsure whether I am home. But I don’t have a chance to voice that before he seals his mouth over mine and licks a path along the seam of my lips. I open for him, and he slips his tongue inside, swirling it against mine and swallowing my ardent whimpers.

“Did you get her nice and wet for us?” Zeke asks, and West hums his agreement. Without warning, two thick fingers slide through my wet center, and my back arches off the bed.

Xander places a hand between my breasts and pushes me flat to the mattress, then finally lets me up for air. “Steady, shorty.” He grins wickedly. “You’re gonna want to pace yourself if you’re taking all three of us tonight.”

I glance down to see that it’s Zeke with his hand between my thighs. His dark eyes flash with desire while he toys with my clit. “All three of you?” I whisper, the thought alone making wetness rush between my thighs.

Xander hums and trails his lips lower as he squeezes my nipple between his thumb and forefinger. When Zeke slips two fingers inside me, my cries fill the room.

Zeke growls. “Oh, you made our girl so fucking wet, West.”

Then his fingers are gone, but his mouth is on me before I can protest, covering me with kisses and tiny bites as his tongue swirls over my sensitive flesh. “Best pussy I’ve ever eaten.”

“Zeke!” Another orgasm threatens to wash over me.

“Only pussy I’ll ever eat again. You got that, buttercup?” He nips the top of my thigh, and hot pleasure sears my core. Xander kisses me again, his hand sliding down my body to flick my clit while Zeke devours me like he’s a starving man eating his first meal in months.

Starbursts of intense pleasure explode inside of me. And when I think I can’t take anymore, West joins in, adding another set of hands and lips to the mix. They’re everywhere, and I can no longer tell who is doing what to me. All I can focus on is their sinfully delicious mouths kissing and eating me and six different hands grabbing and grasping and rubbing and kneading.

My orgasm slams into me like a tsunami, and a scream bursts out of me, my back nearly bowing in half. And even as I shake and plead with them to stop, they keep going, kissing and sucking and biting and touching. The three of them swap places until I’ve tasted myself on all their lips. When I come again a few moments later, I almost pass out with the force of the climax they wring from my body.

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