The Perfect Fit

: Chapter 48

I thank the server for my coffee before turning my attention back to the man across from me.

“Thanks for agreeing to meet with me, Lily,” Julian says, smiling.

I eye him suspiciously. Was he the one who lied about my article? I have no idea who I can trust any more. I mean he did ask to meet me for coffee to discuss whatever it is he has in mind rather than inviting me to his office, which I appreciate. I don’t think I could handle walking past all those people who witnessed my public humiliation. “Can I ask you about something?”

He takes a quick sip of his coffee and then nods. “Sure.”

“Did West Archer, or anyone, ask you about my puppy farm article?”

He frowns. “He did come to see me, actually.”


“I told him to go to hell. He might own the magazine, but as long as I’m the editor, he can read the exclusive scoops along with everyone else.”

I’m filled with relief knowing that my instinct to trust him was spot-on.

“But he wasn’t the only one interested in that article,” he adds.

I lean forward. “No? Who else?”

“Andy asked about it, which isn’t that unusual given that he’s the PR manager. Or at least he was.”


“He left yesterday. No explanation. No notice and no job to go to as far as I’m aware. I told him he won’t be getting this month’s salary if he didn’t work his notice, but he quit anyway. I thought I’d never get Handsy Andy out of there, considering his mom is on the board.”

I stare at him, open-mouthed. “You knew we called him that?”

He grins at me. “It’s my magazine, Lily. I know everything.”

“And was there anyone else interested?”

“Yeah.” His frown deepens. “Bree Reid cornered me in the coffee shop by our building one morning. You know her, right? She owns the PR company we sometimes use.”

I swallow hard. “Yeah, I know her. Why was she interested in my article? What did she say?”

“She just said she knew you from college. She’d heard you were writing something for me and asked what it was. I told her it was an exclusive and nobody but you or I would know the content until it went to print.”

I know she doesn’t like me, but why the hell would she care what I write about?

“You know she used to date West Archer too, right?”

No, I did not freaking know that. “She’s the ex?” I mutter. The fact that she’s the person they believed over me stings even more.


“Nothing.” I gesture toward the menu, desperate for a subject change. “The waffles are delicious if you want some food.”

“I already had breakfast, but …” He licks his lips. “You want to split some?”

I wrinkle my nose. “I already had breakfast too.”

“Come on,” he urges.

I roll my eyes like it’s a hardship to eat half a plate of delicious waffles. “Fine.”

Julian goes to the counter and orders, then settles back in his chair. “So, I didn’t just ask you here to talk about your jackass ex-boyfriend and eat waffles.”

“That jackass is your boss,” I remind him.

He shrugs. “He’s still a jackass for the way he treated you.”

My heart warms. There are good men in this world. A few, at least. “Thank you.”

“And I hope that him owning the magazine won’t affect your decision to take a job there. As features writer?”

Happy tears fill my eyes. This has been my dream for so long. “What?”

“I always knew you were a great writer, Lily, but your last article really proved it. You know how much feedback we’ve had about it? It’s been huge. And did you hear that all the puppy farms you featured in your piece have been closed down?”

“What? No!” This is the best news. It makes me prouder than I ever dreamed possible to know that an article I wrote had that kind of impact.

“So. You want to start Monday?”

I swallow down a knot of emotion. Damn those three assholes for ruining my life. I worked hard for this chance, and they shit all over it. “You know I can’t, Julian.”

He grimaces but doesn’t look surprised. “You’ll have nothing to do with him. He has no say in the running of Genevieve. I hate the prick for what he did to you, but he’s actually been reasonable where the magazine is concerned. He won’t interfere.”

“It doesn’t matter.” I shake my head. “I can’t work for Hellsgate Media. Ever.”

“They own three-quarters of the market, Lily. You’re cutting yourself out of a hell of a lot of opportunities.”

I blink back tears. I know he’s right.

He places his hand over mine, squeezing gently. “This is your dream.”

He’s right about that too, but … “I can’t, Julian. Nobody will ever let me forget what happened.”

He scoffs. “Fuck ’em.”

“Nobody will ever believe that I got the job on my own merit.”

“You’re wrong.” He shakes his head. “Everyone at that magazine knows what a good writer you are, and that has fuck all to do with West Archer. You hold your head high and you rock that job like you were born for it. Because you were. And I know you are strong enough to not give a damn what anybody else thinks.”

“Thank you for the amazing opportunity, Julian, but I can’t.”

The hope in his eyes disappears, and he sits back with a sigh. “I knew you were going to say that.”

Before he can try and persuade me further, our waffles arrive, distracting him with their sugary goodness.

I trudge down the hallway toward Jen’s apartment, my heart heavy at having to turn down my dream job. But I will never work for any of those men. I can’t believe how a three-month relationship managed to fuck up my life so royally.

I’m too busy plotting extravagant ways to get my revenge, plans I will never put into action, to notice the man standing outside the apartment until I’m practically on top of him. It’s the wriggling black and tan ball he’s cradling in his arms that steals most of my attention though. Despite my crappy morning, I smile. Who can resist a puppy? Especially one as cute as this one, with its nubby tail wagging and tongue hanging out.

“Well, aren’t you adorable?” I coo, giving the pup a scratch on the head.

“Lily Sloane?”

I tilt my head. “Yeah?”

“Thank god,” he huffs, then dumps the puppy in my arms. “This is for you.”

The bundle of fur licks my face. “What?”

“Need you to sign here.” He holds out a pen and clipboard, like my hands aren’t full of baby Rottweiler.

“No. There’s been some mistake. I didn’t order a puppy.” I hold the squirming dog away from my body, trying to hand it back.

“No mistake. I definitely have the right name and address.” He shakes the pen and clipboard at me.

“I am not signing that. You need to take him back.” The puppy licks my face again, and I sputter.

The delivery guy groans. “You folks make my job so fucking difficult.” With that, he turns and walks away.

“Hey!” I shout after him. “I’m a delivery person too.” Why I feel the need to explain myself to a complete stranger, I have no idea. “But you can’t leave me with this dog.”

Ignoring me, he leaves me alone with the incredibly inconvenient, if utterly adorable, animal.

I fumble in my pocket for my keys. Why doesn’t he have a collar and a leash? At least then I could put him on the floor without fear of him bolting.

“Where the hell did you even come from?” Finally getting the door open, I stumble into the apartment and put the dog on the floor. He scampers off in the direction of Jen’s bedroom, and I curse under my breath. Pacing up and down the tiny apartment, I go on muttering every curse word I can think of while rubbing my sweaty palms on my jeans. What the heck am I going to do? Pets aren’t allowed in the building, but even if they were, I can barely take care of myself right now. Who would be stupid enough to send me a pup—

I am going to kill him.

Xander goddamn King is the only person who knows that I’ve always wanted a Rottweiler. Is this his idea of a fucking joke? I stomp my foot on the floor and scream at the top of my lungs.

The pup comes running out of Jen’s room, tripping over his too-big feet. Righting himself from his tumble, he cocks his head and stares at me like I’ve lost my mind. Maybe I have.

I drop to my knees, and he prances over and burrows his giant puppy head into my neck. “I’m sorry, boy.” I quickly lift his paws and check his parts, confirming that he is indeed a boy. “You’re so adorable, and if I had a house with a yard and the money to feed and care for you, I would keep you in a heartbeat.”

His little nub wiggles back and forth, and he stares up at me with his bottomless brown eyes. How can anyone ever be cruel to such amazing animals? I really do wish I could keep him. Way to break my heart all over again, Xander.


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