The Perfect Fit

: Chapter 4

Xander squeezes my thigh. “Relax, big guy. Tonight will be fun.”

Grunting, I continue to stare out the car window as we pull up outside our club. The queue is already around the block, a fact that will please West. Marché de Viande was his idea, and it’s one of our most profitable ventures.

“Will you two lighten the fuck up?” Xander demands. “Or I’m going home with some stray tonight and leaving you two the fuck to it.”

Quick as lightning, I take hold of his jaw and turn his head, forcing him to fix all his attention on me. He is such a fucking brat. But I’m grateful that his petulance pulls me out of my bad mood a little. “You find a stray, you bring them to our place. You don’t go anywhere with her. You got me?”

He grins wickedly and runs his sinful tongue over his bottom lip. “I know the rules.”

I squeeze his jaw tighter and slide my other hand up his thigh until my fingertips brush his semihard cock. “Don’t fuck with me, Fitch.”

“Oh, I am gonna fuck with you two all night long.” Laughing, he sinks back against the seat and wrenches out of my grip.

West catches my eyes and rolls his. He needs to cut loose for a few hours even more than I do. He always gets this way when we’re close to closing a huge deal, and it puts me on edge whenever he acts like a grumpy asshole. I have no idea how Xander puts up with the two of us. He’s a sucker for torture. I guess all three of us are gluttons for punishment in our own way.

Xander whistles and cranes his neck to look out the window next to me. “Would you look at all that pussy. Please tell me you’re both planning on getting laid tonight.”

West rocks his head from side to side. “Fuck yeah.”


Probably not. But I don’t reply because I don’t need to. They both know me well enough to know my answer. And my reason why.

Xander squeezes my shoulder. “Will you at least get drunk and chill out a little then?”

“I’ll get drunk if West does.”

West’s eyes narrow. “Now, why do you want me drunk, Zeke?” His deep voice is an octave lower than usual.

My cock twitches at the memory of the last time we both got drunk together. We were in his office with a bottle of fifty-year-old Macallan, celebrating a deal. And fuck, did we celebrate. “So I have someone to talk to while Fitch is knee-deep in pussy.”

Smirking, Xander jerks his chin at me. “Balls-deep.”

The car rolls to a stop and Xander jumps out, smoothing his hands down his dress shirt and over those hard-as-fuck abs of his. The women standing in line actually fucking scream when they see him, like he’s some kind of celebrity. Which I guess he is around here. He’s the face of our business for a reason. Charming as hell with a sunny disposition that could make Darth Vader crack a smile. It doesn’t hurt that he looks like the love child of Chris Hemsworth and Scarlett Johansson either.

I step out behind him and fasten my jacket, followed closely by West.

“Sirs.” One of the bouncers nods a greeting before moving the thick velvet rope and gesturing for us to enter the club. “Your usual table is ready.”

Hundreds of women, most of them hot and barely clothed, are packed in the club. Ours for the taking. None of us have ever had a problem getting laid, it’s finding a woman who will stick around that we have an issue with. Not a single one of them grabs my attention tonight. I’m not like Xander and West, who could probably fuck any woman anywhere if the circumstances were right. I need some kind of connection first, and that’s why I rarely screw around with anyone.

“You see anyone interesting?” Xander asks as he takes a seat beside me, discreetly nudging my thigh under the table. I resist the base urge to force him to his knees and make him suck my cock at this booth.

I shake my head. “You?”

“At least a dozen,” he says, and I can’t help but laugh. “Looks like West has his eye on someone.” He nods to the dance floor, and I scan the sea of faces until I see him talking to a guy. Rage bubbles in my chest, and I’m surprised I don’t shatter the glass I’m holding with my bare hand.

Xander laughs and strokes my thigh beneath the table. “Not him, big guy. You know he’d never fuck around with other guys. He was just talking to the girl behind him a second ago.”

I grunt before downing my Scotch in one gulp.

He cocks his head, watching me with curiosity. “It’s so fucking funny how you two get this jealous about other guys.”

“It’s funny how you don’t,” I snap.

“Nothing to be jealous about. Girls or guys, all the same to me. Just because you fuck other people doesn’t diminish what we have.”

I slam my glass onto the table. “So you wouldn’t care if I fucked some random guy tonight?”

He presses his lips together, and after a few seconds he finally shakes his head.

“Well, that’s easy to say when you know I’d never do that.” I’m not into men. I’m into West and Xander.

He leans closer until his lips are pressed against my ear and his hot breath dusts over my neck. “And you know I’d never do that either, don’t you?”

I groan. I’m a man on the fucking edge, and right now he’s the only one who can offer me any kind of relief.

“Not tonight, big guy,” he says with a soft laugh that rolls through me. “I need to fuck someone, and as you would never let that happen, I guess I should go find me some sweet, sweet pussy instead.”

I sigh. “Then go.”

Wrinkling his nose, he sits back and takes a sip of his Scotch. “I’m still deciding. You could at least help me, even if you’re not indulging yourself.”

I shake my head and refill my glass before scanning the crowd again. West is talking to one of our bouncers now, and they appear deep in conversation. He needs to switch the fuck off from work and get himself some sweet pussy too. Maybe that’s what we all need. My eyes drift to the bar and linger on a perfect ass showcased by a skin-tight red dress. Her long dark hair falls in soft curls all the way down her back, stopping directly above the aforementioned fine ass. Red Dress turns her head toward the woman standing next to her and laughs. A wide smile spreads across my face. Well, she certainly looks different without her bike helmet and her giant padded coat, although I can’t say which look I preferred. Cute as fuck, either way.

Xander nudges me. “You see someone you like?”


With another laugh, he crosses his legs and rests his ankle on his thigh. “Well, point her out then.”

“What if it’s a guy?” I can’t help teasing him, but he just stares at me, refusing to take the bait.

I look back at where she’s still laughing with her friend. “At the bar. Red dress. Ass you could sink your teeth into.”

“Holy fuck. Lily.”

What the fuck? I glance at him. He’s staring at her with his mouth hanging open. “You know her?”

“Yeah.” He shakes his head. “I mean no. I met her today. She delivered a package to West. We thought she was cute.”

“We?” My eyebrows go up. “He met her too?”

His eyes still on the vixen in the red dress—Lily—Xander grins. “Yeah. She was a firecracker. Such a smart fucking mouth.” The sound that comes out of him sounds like he’s imagining that smart mouth on him right now.

I frown. She didn’t come across like that to me at all. “She was talking to her bike when I met her.”

“You met her too?” he asks, his excitement palpable.

“Yeah. She ran right into me. Literally.”

“Fuck,” he mutters, then turns his attention back to the bar, a dopey ass grin on his face. I watch her too. Tossing her hair over her shoulder as she chats animatedly to the woman next to her. A friend? Or maybe her girlfriend.

Not that it matters. If West and Fitch think she’s hot too, it’s probably best if all three of us stay the fuck away.

I sip my Scotch, about to suggest that Xander look elsewhere for his hookup, but I’m distracted by the guy walking up behind Lily. He puts his hand on her beautiful ass and squeezes, and I wonder if she’s with him.

Until she turns around and punches him square in the jaw.

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