The Perfect Fit

: Chapter 16

Zeke takes a seat in my office, his biceps straining at the fabric of his T-shirt and a thin film of sweat coating what little skin he has on display. I prefer him shirtless for his post-workout routine, when he comes into my office with his protein shake to talk through our plans for the day.

He chugs half his shake in one go before placing the cup on my desk. “So, how was last night?”

His question alone makes my cock twitch. “It was good. Better than good, actually. We fucked her bare.” His brow furrows in a scowl, making his deep brown eyes seem even darker. “She’s clean and she’s on birth control, so why the fuck would I bother with a condom? I couldn’t wait to feel her, Zeke. And fuck me.” I drag my bottom lip through my teeth because remembering her snug, wet cunt is making me hard.

“That was reckless, West. She could have been lying about her birth control.”

It was reckless, which is unlike me. But for some reason, Lily makes me want to take risks. “She had an implant in her arm. I felt it. I didn’t let my dick completely take over.”

His only response is a grunt. I look up at the ceiling and blow out a breath. The sooner he gets out of his head about the whole Lily situation, the better for all of us. “You should have joined us.”

He shakes his head. “Not yet.”

I narrow my eyes. “Why? I know you like her.”

He shifts in his seat and picks an invisible piece of lint from his sweatpants. “I do, huh?”

“Correct me if I’m wrong, but wasn’t it you who invited her to our booth the other night?”

He grunts, refusing to make eye contact with me. “So?”

“When was the last time you did that, Zeke? I can’t remember. Can you?”

“So, I think she’s hot. I’m not avoiding her, West. I’m just …” He sighs, and I wait for him to continue. “I’ve been looking into her.”

“Okay.” Zeke does background checks on all the women we allow into our lives, so I’m not surprised. “And?”

“She checks out. Graduated from Columbia eighteen months ago. Came third in her class.”

Impressed, I whistle through my teeth.

Zeke nods, running a hand through his hair. “On a full academic scholarship. Like she told us, she now works in the mail room at Grayson.”

“So she got a full scholarship and graduated third in her class. So why the fuck is she a bike messenger?”

He shrugs. “Everyone I spoke to at Grayson says she loves her job there. And she’s had a couple of articles published. I guess she’s trying to break into publishing but hasn’t made it yet.”

“Anything else?”

“She lives with her friend, Jen Broughton, whose father is managing partner at a law firm here in Manhattan. And you might be interested to hear that Lily had a clear STD screening three weeks ago,” he says with a frown of disapproval. I know what he’s thinking—I should have checked that for myself before I fucked her without protection. And he’s right, but I was too damn pussy drunk. “Nothing else of note.”

“So we have nothing to worry about.”

He runs his tongue over his teeth but doesn’t say anything.


He clicks his tongue as though he’s thinking. “She does have a connection to one of our previous house guests.”


“Bree Reid.”

“Bree?” I groan. She came highly recommended from a friend who owns an exclusive sex club. He told us she was into multiple partners, and she worked out okay for a few weeks. Until she became obsessed with Xander and would get crazy pissed if Zeke or I so much as touched him. It wasn’t the smoothest of endings. Of all the people connected to Lily, it had to be her. “Really?”

He nods.

“Isn’t Bree way older than Lily though?”

“Four years older, but she took a few years off between high school and college, remember?”

“Oh, yeah. To travel.” I roll my eyes, recalling how she spun that particular line. She had no idea that Zeke would do a background check and find out she was in and out of rehab for eighteen months, treating her raging coke addiction. But we didn’t hold that against her. “Were they friends?”

“Not as far as I can tell. They were in the same sorority, but from all accounts, they didn’t really get along.”

I scrub my hand over my face. “So, it’s not an issue then?”

He shrugs. “Probably not.”

A knock on my office door stops the conversation from going any further. We both know it’s Lily because Xander doesn’t knock. Zeke takes his protein shake and stands. “I’ll leave you to it.”

“You really don’t have to.”

“Maybe later.” He opens the door to Lily’s smiling face, offers her a curt good morning, then maneuvers around her and disappears down the hallway.

She glances over her shoulder. “Is he okay?”

“He’ll be fine.”

She wanders into the room, Xander’s T-shirt skimming the middle of her thighs. “He seems so different from how he was at the club the other night. Are you sure he’s okay with me being here?”

“Yes, I’m sure.” I watch her with curiosity, expecting her to take a seat on the edge of my desk or on the chair opposite, but she does neither. Instead she walks to me and looks down at my lap.

“You want to sit?”

She bites the inside of her cheek, the way I’ve discovered she does when she’s trying to hide her nerves. “Yeah.”

“So sit, princess.”

She perches herself on me, her sweet round ass nestled against my cock. “Thank you.”

“You’re welcome. You’re also aware there’s a perfectly good chair over there?”

She sighs. “I know, but I figured you’d be way comfier than an old chair.”

I nip at her shoulder through the T-shirt. “That chair is a priceless antique.”

She giggles. “That’s what I said. Old.”

I glance at the papers on my desk. They can wait. But my cock is growing harder by the second, and he hates to be kept waiting. I brush her hair back, exposing her slender throat and trailing my teeth from her ear to her collarbone. She shivers. “For future reference, Lily, you should know that coming into my office barely dressed is only going to end one way.”

She flutters her eyelashes at me and wraps her arms around my neck, acting coy when we both know she’s anything but. “Oh. And what way is that, West?”

“You bent over my desk with a part of me inside you.”

She clenches her thighs together, and I can fucking smell her wet pussy. I press my nose against her throat and inhale. “You smell like sex, princess.”

Her skin blooms with heat. “I haven’t showered yet. I was on my way to take one, but I don’t know how to work the fancy shower in my room. And Xander went for a run.”

“That’s why you came in here?”

Sinking her teeth into her bottom lip, she nods.

“Then why did you sit on my lap?”

She giggles again. “Well, that was purely because you look really sexy in your suit and tie.” She glances around the room. “Is this where you make your billions?”

I trail my fingertips up the inside of her thigh. “One of the places, yeah.”

“Hmm.” She traps that sexy bottom lip between her teeth now, and I want to pull it out with my own. “Where you make all your big business deals happen?”

I brush a fingertip over her bare pussy, and a growl rumbles in my chest as my cock strains uncomfortably against my zipper. “You know what else I make in here?”

She dusts her lips over my jaw, teasing me. “What?”

“Bratty little girls come. Especially ones who walk around with no panties.”

I pick her up and bend her over my desk before she can take another breath. Pulling up her T-shirt, I expose her bare ass to me and give it a light spank that makes her squeal. Unable to resist the creamy expanse of soft flesh, I dip my head and sink my teeth into her backside, then give her another quick smack.

I place one hand between her shoulder blades and free my aching dick with the other. Nudging at her entrance, I grin as she squirms and whimpers. “Already a slut for my cock, huh, princess?”

Not giving her a chance to answer, I drive inside, grabbing onto her hips so I can hold her in place while I fuck her as hard as I want. I’ve gone weeks without any kind of release, and since I met her, it’s all I can fucking think about. She’s unlocked something in me.

She pants out my name, and I lean over her, sucking on the sweet skin of her neck and marking her for my own.

I growl against her ear. “Your pussy is addictive, princess. You’re fucking addictive. I think I’m gonna keep you.”

I thrust hard and hit that sweet spot, the one that makes her mewl like a feral kitten, and then I roll my hips, rubbing my crown over it.

“Oh, fuck. West!”

“I know, princess. You like that, don’t you?”

“Hell. Yes,” she gasps.

Her pussy walls ripple around me, and I know she’s close to losing herself. I slide my hand between her thighs and strum her clit with my thumb, sending her hurtling over the edge. She comes hard, her body shaking as she moans out my name. A few more thrusts inside her tight cunt has me falling over that cliff right alongside her.

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