The People v. Eleanor Warwick

Chapter Containment

The ornate double doors swing open, letting light flood the dark foyer.

Cassandra walks across the pristine marble floors and in between twin curved staircases that lead up to a wide balcony. Following close behind, Henderson glances around, ready to pull and fire at the slightest provocation. Looking down, the agent notices the large insignia adorning the floor.

A book lies open with an owl standing over it, the bird’s wings unfurled. A ring surrounds the image engraved with the Latin passage Scientia sit potentia. Potentia est vita.

“Knowledge is power. Power is life,” Cassandra says without being asked.

“Cute,” Henderson mutters sardonically.

The lights of the large chandelier spring to life. The foyer illuminates as Joseph walks into the lobby to meet them.

“Welcome to Arkshire Academy.” Joseph’s friendly greeting declines slightly when he takes note of the unfamiliar agent’s presence. “Who’s this?”

“Henderson,” he answers curtly.

“He’s here to assist.” Cassandra explains. “But that is not our most pressing concern.”

“Of course. This way.” Joseph leads the trio down a hallway off to the side of the foyer. “The students are off on a retreat. They won’t be back for a few days.”

“So this is Arkshire,” Henderson says.

“You’ve heard of us?”

“Yeah. Some kind of magic school. We came across the name a lot, but never nailed down a location.”

“Well, magic school is a tad glib.” Joseph huffs, slightly offended. “We teach young wizards of significant potential.”

Entering a large library, Joseph steps up to a tall bookcase. Holding both palms out toward the wall. He focuses his energies and slowly pulls them apart. The shelves separate, swinging open to reveal a dim corridor beyond.

The passage leads down in a spiral. Modern architecture vanishes as they descend. Soon, limestone surrounds them. Stalagmites and stalactites jut from the floor and hang from the ceiling respectively. The steady sound of dripping water echoes through the tunnel.

A strange light welcomes them to the bottom of the spiral. Joseph steps aside and allows Cassandra to enter the massive cavern that lies below the school.

Awe takes her face as the wizard approaches the swirling rainbow of arcane power. The torrent whirls in a wide spiral, rising from the ground. As she steps toward the spinning magic, she can feel the power washing over her. “Joseph, it’s beautiful.”

“Thank you,” he responded with a beaming smile. “I’m still a little worried about containment, but- .”

“Will you shut up about the damn containment?” Cassandra suddenly shouts, whipping around to face him, her eyes ablaze. Joseph flinches at the vile anger in her voice. Calming as quickly as she erupted, Cassandra rubs her temple. “I’m sorry, Joseph.”

Without awaiting a reply, she lifts the Stone from her pocket. The engraving on its surface blazes with azure light. Slowly, she holds the Stone out toward the torrent. Snake-like tendrils lash out at the rock. One at first, then several coils attempt to reach the beckoning artifact.

“Please be careful, Cass,” Joseph meekly warns. “If you come in contact with that thing, it can tear you to pieces.”

If Cassandra heard him, she doesn’t show it. Her eyes remain transfixed on the glowing Stone. Releasing her grip, she allows the rock to hang in the air. When one of the tendrils finally contacts the arcane battery, the energy flows into the circular engraving like water running a drain.

Several more coils attach themselves and the insatiable artifact begins to consume them. The swirling colors of the torrent give way to a deep blue that trails up the tendrils and spreads throughout the collected power. Cassandra reaches out for the Stone that has been like a lifeline for her but pulls back before touching it.

A thundering tsunami of energies overrun the individual tendrils, rushing into the Tempus like a stampede. As the torrent decreases in size, it grows unstable. Energy lashes out in random directions, cutting deep gashes into the rocky walls of the cavern.

Joseph retreats, both hands up around his face. A slash of blue power flies toward Henderson, but the agent calmly sidesteps the bolt.

With a deep breath, Cassandra reaches out. Again, she hesitates before wrapping her fingers around the rock. Steeling herself, she clutches the Stone tightly.

The burst of power that swells through her is alarming at first. A gasp escapes her that puts her allies on edge. She quickly gathers her wits and allows the energy to course through her body. Cassandra gently pulls the rock away from the swirling magic.

The tendrils recede back into the torrent. The Stone shines brightly, coating the cavern in an azure glaze. Cassandra stares wide-eyed. She can feel the raw power surging within the tiny egg.

The powers collected from the torrent expand her perception. She can hear every single drop of water and accurately ascertain exactly where it drips. Swift flashes of the near future and the immediate past appears before her. She can sense the fear and trepidation oozing off Joseph juxtaposed with the calm, steady demeanor of Agent Henderson. Dark clouds gather in the air outside. How she knows that she isn’t certain. She just knows.

Cassandra is, at her best, a slightly above average wizard. She wonders if this is what it feels like to be a truly powerful wizard.

She feels Joseph’s hand on her shoulder before it touches her. “Cassandra? Are you alright?”

“Yes.” She lifts the Stone near her face. She watches the energy dance around it as she feels its warmth on her skin. “In fact, I’ve never felt better.”

“What happens now?” Henderson asks.

“We must prepare the ritual.”

“We’re going to have to take our time.” Joseph points out. “The runes must be perfect. Any mistake could be disastrous.”

“Correct, Joseph.” Cassandra turns to face him. She stares with a look in her eyes that makes the hairs on the back of his neck stand up. “We also need blood.”

Joseph seems confused for a moment, but then swallows nervously as he notices Henderson circling behind him. “ much?”

Cassandra’s voice is pitiless, her eyes frozen. “Too much.”

Shaking his head in disbelief, Joseph’s wide eyes begin to water. “Cass. Please. I...I’ve done everything you’ve asked.”

Cassandra reaches out and places a tender hand on his cheek. “Not yet.”

Joseph can barely manage another protest before Cassandra buries her hand, Stone leading, into his midsection. A guttural gasp wheezes out in equal parts shock and pain. Joseph falls forward, throwing his flailing arms around his killer. Cassandra’s boosted magic easily fends off his desperate attempts to heal himself.

From behind, Henderson grimaces at the blue light that emerges from beneath the headmaster’s expensive sport coat.

Blood runs out of Joseph’s mouth and onto the shoulder on Cassandra’s coat as he moans in horror.

“Shh,” she whispers into his ear as she strokes his hair. “It’s alright, Joseph. If I’m successful, this will never happen. If I’m not, you would have died anyway.”

The words provide Joseph with no comfort as his life ebbs away. Cassandra gently lowers his body to the ground. Kneeling beside him, she bends down and kisses him on the forehead. The wizard rises, pulling the Stone from Joseph’s stomach. Blood and gore drip from her hand. The magic within the artifact flares, burning away the viscera.

Henderson sneered at the foul aroma. “You’re not going to need him for the ritual?”

“Only what he’s already done. I’ll have time to set up the runes while the rest of the torrent is absorbed.”

“How long?”

“A few hours.”

“My absence has been noticed by now. They’ll figure out the Stone’s missing too. Warwick gets the blame, I bet.”

Cassandra nods. “And she’ll know I have it. She’ll come here.”

Summoning the azure powers, she thrusts the Stone upward. A thick, pulsing beam of energy shoots into the roof of the cavern, burning through the limestone with ease. Marble, oak, and cement provide no more resistance as the pillar of magic plows up through the academy above. Shingles burst when the beam blasts out of the roof and high into the darkening sky.

Reaching its desired height, the stream splits into four separate beams, firing off in different directions. The individual beams curve downward and plummet to the ground, surrounding the school. Earth and rock scatter as the blue power strikes down. The four posts planted, walls of energy close the gaps between them. In a matter of moments, a massive dome surrounds Arkshire.

Cassandra lowers the Stone as its beam dissipates. “That likely won’t stop her.”

Returning her focus to the torrent, she releases the Stone, pushing it into the center of the spiral with unseen hands. The torrent thunders and shifts as its absorption resumes at a much faster rate.

“But it doesn’t need to.” Cassandra stares into the swirl, azure lights dancing in her eyes. “She can’t stop it now.”

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