The Passion of Darius

: Chapter 4

“M r. Rourke to see Miss George,” Darius told the housemaid.

Too many minutes later, Mr. George stumbled into the room, announcing that Marianne was not at home.

“And where has she gone?”

“Walking along the shore, most likely.”

“Alone? She goes alone?” Darius frowned.

Mr. George snorted. “That girl has a mind of her own. I have never been able to break her stubbornness,” he said, chuckling. “You’re sure to have your hands very full with her, Mr. Rourke. She’ll be all yours to worry over soon enough, eh?”

What a stupid man you are, and not much of a father either. No wonder Marianne is as she is.

Darius abruptly took his leave, heading for the sea path. The thought of her alone, exposed to possible harm, terrified him.

At the rise, he scanned the sandy beach down below. There she was, looking out over the ocean. He’d seen her like this before, the wind rippling her clothes and hair forward. It looked as if the ocean worked in tandem with the wind, calling to her, pulling her in. She wore the shawl. Relief washed over him, and Darius embraced it as wonderfully welcome.

He approached, keeping his eyes trained upon her lovely neck. She must have heard his footsteps because she turned. Her eyes widened in recognition, and then they lit in a look that could only be described as happy to see him. The feelings of relief gave way to ones of sheer joy.

“Darius.” She held out her hand in greeting.

He brought it to his lips first. Then he had to touch her. His thumb rubbed back and forth over her knuckles as he inhaled, thinking how her scent calmed his agitation. “I called, but you were not there.” He hoped the disapproval in his tone rang clear, though. He needed Marianne to understand.

“Yes. I wanted to walk, and think.”

“What occupied your thoughts?”

“You. Marrying you.”

That made him smile. “Good thoughts, I hope? Tell me you were thinking good thoughts of me.”

“I was, Darius.” She blushed and then looked up. “I was thinking good thoughts of you.”

He brushed the side of his finger up her cheek. “Marianne, I don’t care for you walking out alone here. There are too many dangers, and I would see you kept safe. So, no more solitary walks along the jetty. Agreed?” She regarded him solemnly. “Say, ‘I’ll not walk alone again, Darius.’ Say those words to me, Marianne.”

“I’ll not walk alone again, Darius.”

That’s my girl.

He rewarded her with another smile. “You are very dear to me. If you wish to walk, send a note to the house. I will be happy to escort you.”

“As you wish.” She inclined her head. “Will you walk with me now?”

“Of course.” He pulled her arm over his, enveloping her hand in his much larger one. “Your new dress is lovely on you.”

He looked her over appreciatively, proud to have her on his arm, and feeling irrationally possessive. He didn’t like her out here alone, where anyone could approach her. Kilve had a steady tourist crowd, especially in the summer months. No telling who could be out on the beach. This idea alone, regardless of the natural dangers, made his blood boil. She was his woman. His. And in a matter of days, she’d truly belong to him. Visions flashed through his mind. Scenes of her naked, hair down, splayed underneath him, her body wrapped around his cock—

“Thank you, the clothes are very fine and beautiful.” Her sincere words of gratitude dragged him reluctantly out of the erotic reverie he’d dreamed. Shaking his head slightly, he strove to clear his head by focusing on what she was saying. “And, Darius, I love this shawl that you picked for me. It’s very special, so unique, and the most gorgeous gift I have ever received. It reminds me of the sea.”

“Knowing you are enjoying it thrills me.” He stared at her, unable to look away. “In this moment, you look so beautiful, Marianne, with that shawl wrapped around you and the wind making your hair dance. The color matches your eyes. When I saw it, I knew it was meant for you.”

“Thank you for the compliment, and for such lovely gifts, Darius.”

“Do you wear your new garments next to your skin?”

She breathed in sharply at his question. “I do.”

“Why do you wear them?” he whispered, anticipating her answer.

“Because… you told me to.”

A shot of pure lust burned through to his groin, and he felt an erection punch out, instantly hard. Marianne didn’t realize how her gentle surrender enflamed him. And she gave it so freely, and with such ease, that Darius was utterly entrammeled by her charms. Where he was hard, she was soft. He took, she gave. He commanded, she acquiesced. Darius wondered if she knew he was really like a fly, tangled in her web, stuck fast, going nowhere. Marianne was an addiction, and yet, seemed to have no idea of the potency of her allure.

Stopping her on the path, he leaned down toward her sweet lips. Heat boiled up the instant their mouths connected. This time he would know more of her…

“Kiss me back,” he commanded.

He needed to get inside her somehow. So he pushed his tongue along her lips, entreating her to open to him. Slowly, but with firm control, he pressed inside, feeling the returned brush of her soft tongue dueling with his. Tasting. Seeking. Filling. Their tongues mated. The feel of her sent his cock into a desperate state. Having any part of him inside her body was nirvana.

Finally dragging away from her mouth for long enough to form words, he asked, “I can taste strawberries. Did you eat some?”

“I did. At luncheon I had a few.” She blushed at him again.

“So sweet you taste. Sweet like a strawberry. I want to feed strawberries to you. I’ll put it right into your mouth.” He imagined holding a ripe, red strawberry to her lips and her biting into it.

The lovely image gave Darius inspiration of how to get into her in another way. Using his thumb, he brushed over her lips in a circle before pressing against her teeth. She opened against the pressure, accepting his thumb into her mouth, her tongue wrapping around it, sucking lightly. Darius moved his thumb in and out, slowly, her lips stretching outward when he pulled out, and retreating inward when he pushed in.

God help me.

Marianne pulled up close to him, her berry flavored lips holding onto his thumb, was a sight so erotic, he knew they were in trouble if they stayed here. He would do something he shouldn’t, and maybe frighten her. Imagining those sweet lips of hers wrapped around his cock instead of his thumb was too much to visualize and maintain decorum. He was on the edge already, hard and hungry for her. Darius had to suggest they return, before he lost his mind and took her right here on the sand.

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