The Paragon Antaris - a secret World of magic #2

Chapter 5

I listened as Innia talked about her terrible life. The emotions that she hid so much were clearly noticeable to me. I found it difficult to keep my emotions under control, and when it became too difficult for me, I let my tears fall. My brave Innia.

Mother was very shocked by what my mate told us about the bad things she was going through. And even the strong Devas had to swallow his emotions.

"My are safe here. No one will ever harm you, I promise you. Elyon will take care of you now. He is your...well, he will show you Antaris," my father said to Innia and looked at me.

I knew what he wanted to say but since Innia was trapped with Abbadon for so long, I'm sure she doesn't know anything about soulmates. So I had to explain everything to her.

"Come to me later, we need to talk about something important," my father said to me before he went out of the room to discuss what he had just learned with Evelyn and Devas.

Innia stood there and looked at me. I felt fear in her. What is she afraid of? I would never do her any harm.

"Innia...I know that this is all very new for you. And believe me, I know the feeling when you arrive in this world for the first time. Give yourself time to get used to everything and if you need anything just let me know," Mother said sensitively.

Innia thanked us quietly and looked at the floor. She felt ashamed and grateful towards us. When everyone else left the room, I stood there and just watched her.

"If you don't want to have anything to do with me after everything you've heard about me...then I understand. I don't need pity and you don't have to put up with me just because your parents said so," I heard her say quietly.

Oh my heart, I would die for you without batting an eyelid.

"Innia...look at me," I asked her, which she did, her cheeks flushed and full of shame. "I'm here because I want to. There's no other place I wanted to be more than here...with you," I answered her.

She bowed to me like she did to my parents and it pained me a lot to see her like that.

"Don't do that please. I'm your...friend. Don't bow down to me," I said and she looked at me hopefully. I took her by the hand and brought her to her sister.

Nyllis sat in Deona's lap while Vaell and Miriel put a smile on her face with the skills they showed her. Noran and Alya laughed at the two because they were obviously trying too hard and exaggerating a bit. Aldaron just sat there watching Deona hold the little girl, I knew what he was thinking about. Just a little longer, my friend, hold on.

Elaria and Nova came up to us and greeted Innia warmly.

"I'm Elaria, Elyon's sister. And these are our friends," Elaria said with a smile as she introduced everyone by name.

My friends knew who Innia was to me and were happy about her, but when I shook my head, Vaell understood that Innia obviously didn't know anything.

"How about you show her Antaris and talk to her a bit. And we'll take care of Nyllis. I'm sure she's hungry just like me," Vaell said as he looked at me.

Vaell knows me too well and sometimes words are superfluous with the bond we had. I was grateful to him and Innia accepted his suggestion. Nyllis was carried like a little princess and her laughter rang out in the garden as they happily walked towards the house. My father stood at the window of his study and watched us...I knew that he wanted to talk to me about Abbadon's child but that would have to wait. Innia is more important to me now and I want to take care of her now.

"Are you ready?" I asked with a smile as I held out my hand to Innia. She nodded and shyly took my hand as I led her towards the exit.

When the door to the mansion was opened for us by the guard, it was nothing new to me, but Innia seemed impressed.

Her eyes lit up when she saw Antaris and all the residents who were unusual for her. I told her about Antaris and about us, the good people who found their home here. I told her about mother and father and the fight against evil so that everything could connect and Innia knew everything.

She was impressed by all the different creatures and their friendly nature. She said she had never seen so much color and beauty.

And I didn't see it before she came into my life. But I couldn't tell her that she is now my colour and all the beauty in my life.

She also noticed the many lovers in Antaris and I took the opportunity to enlighten her about soulmates.

"So you have a soulmate too?" she asked sadly.

"Yes, I have a mate" I replied, somewhat amused by her ignorance that it was her.

"Yes, of course you have one," she said annoyed.

"Yes, I have one. You know, when soulmates meet, they feel a connection. It's stronger than any feeling that can be described. Your life only revolves around them. You have a meaning in your life. You would be everything they need: a friend, a protector, a lover. She is THE most important thing in my life," I explained to her.

"Every touch is like fireworks," I said as I squeezed her hand lightly and let her feel these fireworks.

Her eyes darted from our hands to my eyes, and she looked at me with her mouth slightly open.

"You are my soulmate, Innia," I explained with a smile when she realized that I was talking about her when I described my mate.

"I know that this is all happening very quickly for you, and you don't understand it yet. I won't force you to do anything, and I'll give you all the time you need," I said as I kissed her hand.

She looked at my lips and then again at my eyes, and her feelings were palpable to me. I knew what she felt but also what she had been through, and I didn't want to put her under pressure. She tried to say something and opened her mouth a few times without making a sound.

"You don't have to tell me anything. Just give it time. You'll accept me when you're ready," I explained to her to calm her down.

She just nodded and continued to look at me with those eyes that made my heart race. I continued to show her around Antaris, but after I told her she was my mate, nothing seemed to be of interest to her anymore except me. So, I let her stare at me and smiled at the interest my mate showed.

Before dinner, I took her to one of the guest rooms where her little sister was already waiting for her with the girls, and I left her there in her company. I still had to talk to my father, and I didn't know whether I would like this conversation or not.

When I came to my father, he and my mother were sitting on the balcony, waiting for me. Even before he could say anything, I felt the need to speak from my soul.

"Father... mother... I know what Abbadon did to you. I am aware that he caused you suffering and pain. Not only you, but all of Antaris. But the child is not to blame for his evil nature. If you send her away, then I will go with Innia too," I said quickly before they could interrupt me.

My parents looked at each other, and father laughed.

"Elyon. We don't want to send them away. Father also did not send away Devas, who was a child of darkness. A good being is born like this, it is good and cannot become evil," said mother in surprise.

I was relieved and surprised at the same time, so what did they want?

"The child is not evil, Jade read her mind. She has nothing of her father. And although we despise Abbadon... she is not his daughter. Not in her heart. That's why we wanted to take care of the child, with the consent from your mate," said father.

Even though Abbadon caused them so much pain, they were willing to accept a child that was his.

"We just want to teach her what we taught you. We don't want to replace her parents or separate her from her sister. We thought about sending her to school with Ava so that she can learn. And that Devas and Evelin will work with her to find and strengthen her powers if she has them. She needs the right teaching tools now at this age. Since she is your sister mate, it is our duty to help the good child... she doesn't even know who her father is," said mother.

"We are good beings, Elyon. In our hearts, there is no place for hatred towards the innocent. And the child deserves a life full of love. Her soul is good, and her heart is pure. She is not to blame for anything that happened," added father.

I understood what my parents meant and promised to talk to Innia about it as soon as I could. My gratitude was enormous, and once again my parents showed what it meant to have a good nature and to be guided by charity and compassion.

Dinner with everyone was normal for me. But Innia seemed shy and hesitant to eat. She looked at the cutlery and then watched everyone sit as she shifted uncomfortably in her chair.

While my mother was looking after little Nyllis, I wanted to look after my mate. I excused myself briefly and took her by the hand to leave the dining room. The servants prepared food in her room as I had asked before we left, and I took her there. When she saw what I had prepared, she just stood there and looked at the floor.

"I'm sorry if I offended you, Innia. I just thought you would feel better once you could eat alone," I explained my actions.

How stupid I am, she will think I'm disgusted or embarrassed by her.

And when she turned around and looked at me, her cheeks were wet with tears. I felt terrible, but instead of telling me anything, she hugged me. She hugged me and thanked me quietly. Oh, my heart, what you must have suffered for such a gesture to make you emotional. I took her in my arms and stayed like that. Every second that I was able to spend near her meant more to me than my own life.

When she calmed down, we sat on the floor where she felt comfortable. She had been eating like this for years and didn't know anything that was normal here. With every bite she took, she looked at me, but I didn't react, and so after a while, she relaxed and trusted me. I wanted to break the silence, and so I started to tell her about my conversation with my father and mother. She listened carefully as I told everything, and I noticed how she was thinking about my words. Whatever she was thinking, I wanted her to know that we were conceived as good beings for love and compassion. I hope she will understand.

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