The Paragon Antaris - a secret World of magic #2

Chapter 2

As I paced back and forth in my room, waiting for Vaell, who had promised to pick me up when it was time to go to the witcher, I felt nervous. I didn't expect much from the witcher because he once went to school with Noran and didn't have much experience.

But desperate situations sometimes require desperate solutions.

Jade was the only witch who could read minds without any aids, but even she couldn't see into my head. When I was little, she tried once and the only thing she got was a strand of ash blonde hair that still covers her head to this day. She was unable to see my thoughts and after days of attempts, it was never tried again. When Vaell found his soulmate, he was stubborn and, with his persuasive skills, found a sorcerer who wanted to try. I think since he got Miriel, he feels compassion for me, who doesn't even know where his mate is.

Elaria and Nova have already dreamed of their mates and at least know that they are somewhere and will probably meet each other soon. Deona is still 19, and she will soon have her dream, but after the conversation with Aldaron I had recently, I know that she will be very surprised when she finds out who her soulmate is. Even my father had to search for my mother for years, but those were different circumstances. Or Devas, who didn't even know what a mate was for decades and then found Evelyn. You can't escape fate, that's what my father always said... but I don't know whether I have a mate, so what kind of fate are we talking about here?

As I stood at the window, nervously waiting for Vaell, there was a knock on my door. My mother poked her head into my room and smiled at me.

"Aidan said you did really well in training today," she said proudly as she entered the room.

"I'm still not as good as I could be if I had complete control of my powers," I replied sadly.

"Your father is worried about you... He and Devas have been trying to figure out what could be going on for ages," she reassured me.

"I know. Maybe I'm just meant to be like this," I said sadly.

"Evelyn is sure there must be something behind it. She has a lot of suspicions that she doesn't even voice. But whatever it is, we will solve it... I promise," she assured me.

She hugged me, and I could clearly feel her concern for me. She had to spend years controlling her strength and learning about herself, even after the great war. The loss of her amicus was painful, and the union with him took time and getting used to. Because once they were two beings that have now melded into one, only she knows what it is like. But she had Alatus in her, whereas I was the only one without an amicus. Seeing my friends ride or fly with their amicus was heartwarming and heartbreaking at the same time.

"I'll let you rest now. Tomorrow, your father will train you again," she said as she left the room.

I knew that my parents loved me and only wanted the best for me. Their concern was overwhelming, and I just hoped that I would never disappoint them. That's why the idea of the witcher was also justified - maybe he could tell me what I was missing, or the meeting with my mate could improve this process. Because after we find our mate, our powers are strengthened by love, and our purpose is complete.

Just as my mother left the room, Vaell was standing on my balcony.

"Did you get your goodnight kiss from mommy?" he asked cheekily.

I rolled my eyes and followed him down the pillar, whether we wanted to or not. Even as adults, we couldn't defy the king. And going to the witcher was definitely defiant.

"Your sister and Nova will stay in the mansion to make sure we don't get caught. Noran, you and I are going to the witcher. Deona and Aldoron are already waiting for us there. Miriel will help him prepare with Alya," Vaell explained to me as we walked towards Noran.

We hurried to the witcher's house, and when we arrived, he was already waiting impatiently at the door. He sat me down in an armchair and briefly explained to me how he wanted to read my thoughts. Using witchcraft, he would make my thoughts visible to him in a mirror. As I said, I didn't have much hope because Jade couldn't see anything, but it was worth a try. The whole procedure of the witch spell required his full concentration, and when he looked in the mirror, he didn't move.

No noise... no movement... nothing.

Just as I was about to get up to leave, the witcher fell, and his once black hair turned white.

"What did you do to him?" asked Vaell, shocked.

"I didn't do anything," I assured him as I got down on my knees to check on him.

The witcher was talking nonsensically and seemed to be possessed. He jumped up and looked at me with wide-open eyes. The girls seemed shocked by the witcher's behavior and stood behind Vaell and Noran.

"We will all die!" he shouted before fainting again.

"What the hell did he see?" Noran asked in surprise.

I picked up the mirror and wanted to see what scared him so much and looked in the mirror. Whatever the sorcerer saw was not the same as what was shown to me.

I saw the most beautiful woman my eyes have ever seen. She was sitting on the floor and crying. When she raised her gaze, it seemed as if she knew I was looking at her, and she looked me straight in the eyes.

"Help me!" she said quietly.

She summoned me and asked for help.

"Are you crazy?" Vaell asked as he slapped the mirror out of my hand.

The mirror fell to the floor and broke, becoming the only connection to the unknown woman.

"What did you do!" I asked angrily as I looked at the broken pieces on the floor.

And before we could talk any further, my father and his guards stormed into the house.

"What's going on here?" he asked.

When he saw the sorcerer, he immediately sent for healers and looked at me questioningly.

"How did you know I was here?" I asked my father.

"My son... the energy that was radiated... are you okay?" he asked worriedly.

I was fine, even though I now had more questions than answers. So I decided to do the only right thing and told my father everything.

My father sent for Devas and Evelyn and had to wake up my mother when he called for a crisis meeting. Father sent everyone else home, and only Vaell and I sat with our parents at the meeting table in the grand court. After I told them everything, they sat there and talked among themselves.

"My father will tear my head off later," Vaell said quietly to me as we all sat together in the meeting room in the mansion.

"My king... the sorcerer is awake," one of the guards said as he interrupted us.

We immediately went to the healer's station and were relieved to find him in excellent health. Jade and Noah were already with him and were expecting us with Aidan.

The healers helped him, and he was able to talk normally again, but he still seemed shocked by what he had seen.

"My king, I'm sorry, I didn't mean anything bad," said the sorcerer, ashamed.

"Leilal... don't worry, my child. Tell me, what did you see?" my father asked.

"Abbadon! He's been preparing for over 20 years. He's done terrible things... he's built an army with inhumans. He's found a way to find us... again. I don't know more... But she knows!" Leilal said as he looked at me.

"Who knows it?" my mother asked, confused.

"His soulmate!" the witcher replied as he looked at me, and I realized who the woman in the mirror was.

My parents turned to me and looked at me questioningly.

"I saw her in the mirror," I replied.

"Which mirror?" Jade asked Leilal.

"The mirror I used for my witchcraft spell to enter into his dream world," the witcher replied, annoyed.

Dream world? What is he talking about? Jade seemed to understand what this was about and looked at the young sorcerer in surprise.

"How come I never thought of that!" Jade said, laughing.

And when Jade explained that this spell was supposed to show my dream world, in which I apparently saw my mate... I still didn't realize what Abbadon had to do with it.

"She's in danger, Father!" I said in a serious tone.

My parents looked at each other, and then my mother looked at Devas and Evelyn.

"A rescue operation into the unknown... like in the old days," said Devas, laughing.

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